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The Ukraine War


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8 hours ago, Crewton said:

Are you really that naive? 

Are you really that blinkered?

Surely truth remains same whoever speaks it.

Now that we've gotten the mutual insults out of the way, i propose we agree to disagree and leave it at that.


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10 hours ago, GboroRam said:

Even without the misinformation, some of our illustrious politicians are playing the jingoistic game of drum beating, because some of the electorate look up to that kind of thing. Plenty of Boris' gung-ho was about his image, nothing really to do with Ukraine. 

Wow , we actually agree on something,you can bet your house they would be working all out to find peace if the deal was they would be first in line to pick up a gun and go get shot at or it was they’re sons , the falklands was a thatcher master stroke 

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3 hours ago, Archied said:

Wow , we actually agree on something,you can bet your house they would be working all out to find peace if the deal was they would be first in line to pick up a gun and go get shot at or it was they’re sons , the falklands was a thatcher master stroke 

At the cost of 255 service personnel and 3 female Falkland islanders lives, She was very low in the polls, After that her stock had risen, I hated her and her policies...sorry off topic ? 

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21 hours ago, Crewton said:

Take a close look at the Twitter account you're quoting, and then try to find that interview (which as far as I can gather was from around the end of January this year, then listen to the whole interview and not a 13 second snippet posted by a far right Christian and clearly pro-Moscow account. Then, for reassurance, check in Hansard what Ellwood was saying in the HoC on 26th January. It wasn't "let's declare war on Russia". 

Indeed......Alway's look at source. 

On one hand this account is very amusing, the Ellwood reach is odd. He's a no mark back bencher, who hasn't been in cabinet for almost 5 years and could well lose his seat at the next GE. So I'm not sure why they would pick him specifically for disinformation, maybe it's just the easy "gotcha"

But Ellwood is the tip of the iceberg there, I do like the piece with Met. Morphou claiming the war is all down to Western perversion, witchcraft and satanism. And it's the first time I've seen the, "Moscow- Third Rome" ideology in a while, I'd almost forgotten about it, so it was a good reminder. 

On the other hand, we can laugh, but these types of accounts are concerning due to their propaganda content. But it's good to see them, so we can be aware of them and the current thinking behind them. 

It's becoming more and more obvious that Orthodox Christians are really pushing their agenda as they see feel their influence is waning. The hub is in Russia, but they are starting gain traction with Republicans in the U.S and some area's in Europe, their pull and propaganda is even having some sway in the U.K. 

The current culture wars in the U.S, U.K and Europe are linked to the push to regain status/exert control. It's a continuation of/is closely linked to Putin's mentor Aleksandr Dugin's work in his The Basics of Geopolitics book, whereon the U.S he declares: 

Russia should use its special services within the borders of the United States to fuel instability and separatism, for instance, provoke "Afro-American racists". Russia should "introduce geopolitical disorder into internal American activity, encouraging all kinds of separatism and ethnic, social and racial conflicts, actively supporting all dissident movements – extremist, racist, and sectarian groups, thus destabilizing internal political processes in the U.S. It would also make sense simultaneously to support isolationist tendencies in American politics".

He also declares Ukraine should not be allowed to remain independent and should be "Annexed" (his words from 1997) by Russia. I won't go into what he want's for the U.K, other than it's already come to fruition. 

When you look at the what's going on in the west at the moment, and factor in social media with AI advances and it's ability to send out information of any type, to anyone, rapidly and with no real borders or restrictions. It's pretty obvious what they are up to and it's is certainly concerning. 


Edited by Ramarena
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Interesting development.

Russia has intercepted and collided with a US drone in international airspace with two of its jets. 

According to the U.S the Russian jet came to close quarters with the drone and then deliberately clipped its propeller causing it to crash.

Fortunately the response from the U.S has been diplomatic, all things considered.

Not seen much officially from the Russian side yet.

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59 minutes ago, Ramarena said:

Interesting development.

Russia has intercepted and collided with a US drone in international airspace with two of its jets. 

According to the U.S the Russian jet came to close quarters with the drone and then deliberately clipped its propeller causing it to crash.

Fortunately the response from the U.S has been diplomatic, all things considered.

Not seen much officially from the Russian side yet.

At least there was no-one on board this one. They have a nasty habit of shooting down passenger airplanes and blaming others.

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1 hour ago, Ramarena said:

Interesting development.

Russia has intercepted and collided with a US drone in international airspace with two of its jets. 

According to the U.S the Russian jet came to close quarters with the drone and then deliberately clipped its propeller causing it to crash.

Fortunately the response from the U.S has been diplomatic, all things considered.

Not seen much officially from the Russian side yet.

Another report says the Russian jets dumped excess fuel onto the drone and the operators had to crash it into the sea...still a worrying act in that region.


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16 minutes ago, The Last Post said:

Another report says the Russian jets dumped excess fuel onto the drone and the operators had to crash it into the sea...still a worrying act in that region.


Yep. Multiple reports are now stating the fuel dump. Seems that failed, then either pilot error or deliberate act led to the drone being downed. 

Whichever it was, the objective of bringing the drone down was achieved.

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35 minutes ago, Ramarena said:

The official Russian line seems to be they didn’t use weapons, or hit the drone.

The drone will have footage of the incident, whether the U.S chooses to release that, or not, will probably depend on the sensitivity of its task.

Drone is over International waters we're told, USA supplying Ukraine with military hardware, Why would Russia want to poke a bear like the USA by having an impact of downing their drone.

There'll be hardliners in the States who'll be chomping at the bit for retaliation, I can see an escalation where it's gonna end badly if those in power don't back off from either side

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14 minutes ago, The Last Post said:

Drone is over International waters we're told, USA supplying Ukraine with military hardware, Why would Russia want to poke a bear like the USA by having an impact of downing their drone.

There'll be hardliners in the States who'll be chomping at the bit for retaliation, I can see an escalation where it's gonna end badly if those in power don't back off from either side

I think summoning the Russian ambassador and giving him a dressing down will be the full extent of it. That said this may push them to enhance their military assistance.

The U.S won’t push harder over a drone in the immediate term, with circumstances being as they are. 


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2 hours ago, Crewton said:

At least there was no-one on board this one. They have a nasty habit of shooting down passenger airplanes and blaming others.

Yeah that lovely chap Igor “Im morally responsible for MH17” Girkin is still blogging about the Russian invasion.

He seems to have no qualms cirticising the Russian Army and Putin these days though.

Given his murderous history with the airplane and in Donetsk. I’m surprised he hasn’t found himself falling through a window.

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2 hours ago, The Last Post said:

Drone is over International waters we're told, USA supplying Ukraine with military hardware, Why would Russia want to poke a bear like the USA by having an impact of downing their drone.

There'll be hardliners in the States who'll be chomping at the bit for retaliation, I can see an escalation where it's gonna end badly if those in power don't back off from either side

Do I need to mobilise the Littlehampton Home Guard?

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