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Steven Davies on Undr The Cosh Podcast


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I've just watched the full podcast. It's good to know that we haven't just turned into a train wreck, we've been a perennial train wreck even during the 'boring' days. Podcast with these types of players always seems to come up with a bit of gold! 

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3 hours ago, GeneralRam said:

During the Nigel Clough days when the team used to go Marbella all the time, Steven Davis got good friends with a friend of mine who was a barman there so I heard all sorts of stories back then. Some of the stuff was mental.

Well come on then - start your post with ‘allegedly’ and let’s hear some gossip

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Discovered this podcast today through this thread, listened to both the Steve Davies and Liam Dickinson one.

Had me in stitches some of the stories, but dear me they are so wrong as well.

Losing 5 on the trot to be handed beers and a game of cricket, can almost get my head around the thinking but Davies seemed genuinely baffled by it all as he should.

Also throwing cricket balls at players in the corridors, Clough sounds like a madman.

Liam Dickinson came across as someone you would love to have a pint with, seemed genuinely grateful for the career he had without holding any grudges. 

Scrolled back to the start of them after that, listened to the Dean Windass one and David Dunn. Will work my way through them all over the summer, entertaining listens.

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I'm looking forward to the Ronaldo one when it comes out.

-Got up, did 3000 sit-ups and then had an orange juice for breakfast 

-Went to the training ground an hour before it opened to prepare myself 

-Did the training session with the lads. Looking forward to when they're worthy of my company

-Stayed behind after training to do gym work

-Went home and 2000 sit-ups before lunch 

-Had half a chicken breast for lunch, then did 3000 sit-ups to burn it off

-Went to my private gym for a couple of hours 

-Had dinner (the other half of the chicken breast) and did an hour of sit-ups.

-Went to bed.

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1 hour ago, David said:

Discovered this podcast today through this thread, listened to both the Steve Davies and Liam Dickinson one.

Had me in stitches some of the stories, but dear me they are so wrong as well.

Losing 5 on the trot to be handed beers and a game of cricket, can almost get my head around the thinking but Davies seemed genuinely baffled by it all as he should.

Also throwing cricket balls at players in the corridors, Clough sounds like a madman.

Liam Dickinson came across as someone you would love to have a pint with, seemed genuinely grateful for the career he had without holding any grudges. 

Scrolled back to the start of them after that, listened to the Dean Windass one and David Dunn. Will work my way through them all over the summer, entertaining listens.

The Si Ferry ones good, touches on 90kg centre forward Chris Martin's time on loan at Swindon.

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Big fan of the pod and have watched/listened to them all.

I’d highly recommend signing up to their Patreon too, which is a only a few quid a month which gets you the weekly episode a day earlier and a bonus episode every Thursday or so.

Theres loads in the archives that you can go back and watch on Patreon that aren’t available on YouTube/iTunes.


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5 hours ago, David said:

Discovered this podcast today through this thread, listened to both the Steve Davies and Liam Dickinson one.

Had me in stitches some of the stories, but dear me they are so wrong as well.

Losing 5 on the trot to be handed beers and a game of cricket, can almost get my head around the thinking but Davies seemed genuinely baffled by it all as he should.

Also throwing cricket balls at players in the corridors, Clough sounds like a madman.

Liam Dickinson came across as someone you would love to have a pint with, seemed genuinely grateful for the career he had without holding any grudges. 

Scrolled back to the start of them after that, listened to the Dean Windass one and David Dunn. Will work my way through them all over the summer, entertaining listens.

They’ve got some other good ones. Ben Marshall and Kevin Campbell are both funny.

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Listened to the Leon Knight podcasts last night, dear me, he's a character but I couldn't decide if he was telling the truth or embellishing stories for the podcast. 

Talking of taking signing on bonuses out of black bin bags under the table, then moving house and arming himself up with weapons sounded like the script for a Netflix movie.

Felt like I was watching a counselling session, trying to pin the release from Chelsea on all his troubles.

Half way through the Ben Marshall one as well, wasn't aware he's pretty much given up on the game now and had alcohol troubles, wasn't we linked with him at one point?

Hands down though the most entertaining podcasts I've listened to, it's not the sanitised Premier League podcasts/autobiographies, but the raw Football League madness. 

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