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How you holding up ...


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Been sat behind a desk most the day with my stomach in knots with nerves 

god knows what I’m going to be like tomorrow....Mrs knows what a big deal this is for me so is kindly taking herself and the eldest out leaving me with the 2 yo lad

hes Going to have to face the harsh reality of being a Derby fan in Nottingham some day so it may as well start tomorrow 

We’re in this together 


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I'm chilled, looking forward to tomorrow. Actually think we will win.

I won't let it worry me,  Derby will be here for us next season anyway. That said I'll be on here blowing a gasket when waghorn misses a peno to make it 1-1 

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Chin up everyone, what will be, will be! Theres no glory supporters here lol! Whatever league, we will follow and support the rams! 

Having said that id rather us not go down lol! Im nervous! Having a few beers after a long week! I cant see us winning tomorrow but i hope im wrong, i hope we scrape through and can draw a line under the season and just move on! 

Rooney, any players reading this..... sort ya sh#t out and get a win tomorrow!! Then we can regroup and rebuild for next season! Its been a tough year or so for everyone, players included! Altho im sure the money helps ?!! The rest of this year n next should be better ?

Make tango cry tomorrow lads!! Foooooooking come on!!! Up the rams!!!

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Thought if I start drinking now and go straight through, then come tomorrow it won’t matter what happens. Sunday though if it’s all gone pear shaped  ????

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I’m not too bad... I’m normally quite positive but not this time. I accepted relegation after the birmingham game. 

if we stay up then I will obviously be ecstatic but I just don’t see anything from our team to suggest anything but a defeat. 

im 28 years old now... 10 years ago Id be distraught but it’s only football isn’t it? 

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21 minutes ago, NottsRam77 said:

I envy u all... your much calmer and more rational than I am lol 

Also guess u don’t live and work in Nottingham too ?

I feel your pain.

It's kinda weird to have Forest fans soft footing it around you. 

'I won't text you mate, should the worst happen' etc.

All the while trying to keep an ear to ear grin off their faces.

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2 minutes ago, Jimbo Ram said:

Just be glad to get it over with...

This - the whole season not just tomorrow. This has been my least enjoyable season following Derby in 25 years of including the worst team in history season, we knew our fate very early doors that year whereas this ones been stressful, frustrating and depressing for most of the season bar the little run we had. I'm giving the Euro's a miss win lose or draw tomorrow as I need a summer away from football its been too much this year. 

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