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Managers shaming players


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Its not totally new but there is a trend amongst some managers to publicly shame named individuals. Paul Jewel did some, Nigel Clough often did it and now Rooney is making a regular thing of it. I think it is totally wrong both from a man management perspective and ethically very unbalanced.

Rooney can criticise Sibley, Holmes, Waghorn in public, but they have no way to respond. Imagine if Waggy came back and said "training is a joke, how can I take it seriously?" or Sibbo says" He wants me to shoot but how can I do that if the ball goes 10ft over my head?"

It seems a sign of desperation and blame deflection. Also a lack of authority.  Top managers may berate a whole team but only name players they want out! Training stuff should stay private.

What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. 


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1 minute ago, Sheikh n Bake said:

There's nothing worse than seeing an abysmal performance and the manager sweeping it under the carpet. I much prefer a manager who says it like it is. 

Look at Jose - arguably one of the most current successful managers around.

You can criticise the team but not individual players, there is a difference...

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3 minutes ago, Sheikh n Bake said:

Look at Jose - arguably one of the most current successful managers around

He will rightly say the team were bad (as he did Thursday) but not any named individual.

Although if the bookies are right he may be available sooner rather than later, with Klopp as his assistant.

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10 minutes ago, FindernRam said:

Rooney can criticise Sibley, Holmes, Waghorn in public, but they have no way to respond.


They have a very very easy way to respond and that's to get out there and give it 100%, run and run, be brave and committed. It's quite simple.

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1 minute ago, Jimbo Ram said:

You can criticise the team but not individual players, there is a difference...

You tell Jose that. He's done rather well for himself.

Aslong as the criticism is within the individuals control, such as attitude etc, it's fair game. Waghorn has been a passenger all season. 

My only surprise is that Rooney has given him so many chances.

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5 minutes ago, FindernRam said:

Its not totally new but there is a trend amongst some managers to publicly shame named individuals. Paul Jewel did some, Nigel Clough often did it and now Rooney is making a regular thing of it. I think it is totally wrong both from a man management perspective and ethically very unbalanced.

Rooney can criticise Sibley, Holmes, Waghorn in public, but they have no way to respond. Imagine if Waggy came back and said "training is a joke, how can I take it seriously?" or Sibbo says" He wants me to shoot but how can I do that if the ball goes 10ft over my head?"

It seems a sign of desperation and blame deflection. Also a lack of authority.  Top managers may berate a whole team but only name players they want out! Training stuff should stay private.

What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. 


Agree. I don't like it. It seems really bad, especially given he's a novice, played badly himself this season, the team is dire. It's really looking like the bad workman who blames his tools.

It's dull, but, the classic "i thought the team i selected was the best chance of winning. if there are individuals i'm not happy with they'll know that but it's my team" line is often used because it's usually the professional answer to the question.

Perhaps he hasn't realised yet the reason fergie could bomb players out the squad for whatever reason was because man u had other players and Derby, er, don't.

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3 minutes ago, Sheikh n Bake said:

You tell Jose that. He's done rather well for himself.

Aslong as the criticism is within the individuals control, such as attitude etc, it's fair game. Waghorn has been a passenger all season. 

My only surprise is that Rooney has given him so many chances.

Think it worked ok for Fergie and Wenger don’t you think ? Jose not been so consistently successful, especially at present.....

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1 minute ago, RadioactiveWaste said:

Long as a manager tells it like it is to his players and staff, the media side i expect to be spin anyway. Even your "old school tell it like is manager" types are spinning, they're just good at making it sound like they tell it as it is.

It is all a game with the media, Wazza needs to learn how to start playing...

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I’m not a fan of this but it does depend on the individual as well.  Some will rise to the challenge, others it could put the fear of God into and they regress further.

Part of the issue I have with Rooney doing it is he was hardly pulling up any trees when he was playing.  His performances were below par but his attitude and leadership on the pitch was lacking and I called it at the time.  We’re couldn’t buy a goal, never mind a win and a young team was looking to their captain for leadership and it wasn’t there.  I wonder if some of them have that in mind.

It also seems be a regular tactic.  He’s called out Holmes, Sibley and Waghorn during his short tenure.  And it’s not just about those 3 individuals as others may be thinking “am I next”.  You mention Jose @Sheikh n Bake but he has credit in the bank and natural respect that years in management and multiple titles and cups brings.  Same with Fergie, etc.  Rooney has the sum total of 4 months management experience including his interim spell.  His record as a player counts for nothing.

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22 minutes ago, ShoreRam said:

They have a very very easy way to respond and that's to get out there and give it 100%, run and run, be brave and committed. It's quite simple.

It’s not always as simple as that. As @FindernRam says, what if Sibley for example feels he is giving 100% but can’t shoot if he doesn’t get the ball in decent enough positions?  Sibley can’t respond. Even if the personal criticism is justified, I’m not sure it should be shared with the general public. He could quite easily say certain players need to be braver and shoot more often without actually naming names. We’d probably know who he means. He should then have a private conversation with those players and coach them to do what he’s asking. If he’s tried that and they’re still not doing it then they probably shouldn’t be picked. If Rooney thinks working harder and being braver is called for then that’s the conversation he should be having with the player(s).

Although no longer, I have managed teams for more years than I care to remember and there is no way I would have discussed the performance of my staff with my customers (let’s not get into the customers v supporters debate. It’s not relevant here).

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Domestically, I find shaming others works really well.

If I feel like crap in the morning, blame the wife for forcing me to have an extra beer the night before.

If I haven't tidied something up, blame the wife for not telling me to do it.

If the room stinks, blame the cat.

Etc. Sooner or later, I don't have responsibility for anything.

See also 'performing a task so badly that you are never asked to do it again'.

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1 hour ago, FindernRam said:

Its not totally new but there is a trend amongst some managers to publicly shame named individuals. Paul Jewel did some, Nigel Clough often did it and now Rooney is making a regular thing of it. I think it is totally wrong both from a man management perspective and ethically very unbalanced.

It's not a trend at all. Clough and Jewell both did it in isolation, the PFA intervened with Cloughs criticism of Cywka if you recall.

Social media and ourselves are partly to blame with the incessant demand for knowledge regards every in and out at any football club. 

Rooney clearly needs support and guidance regards this, seeing as he's a novice manager then whom is giving him this support at the club? Morris, Steve Mac? If a person doesn't think that there's anything wrong with their actions then they'll carry on in the same vein. 


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10 minutes ago, AndyinLiverpool said:

Domestically, I find shaming others works really well.

If I feel like crap in the morning, blame the wife for forcing me to have an extra beer the night before.

If I haven't tidied something up, blame the wife for not telling me to do it.

If the room stinks, blame the cat.

Etc. Sooner or later, I don't have responsibility for anything.

See also 'performing a task so badly that you are never asked to do it again'.

My sister has used the last point in terms of cooking a family meal, cheeky mare.....

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