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The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread


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8 minutes ago, GboroRam said:

He was saying it's not proven in April last year. BMJ article from February this year:


"US researchers recently looked at the impact of state-wide mask requirements on new cases per 100 000 population per day from 1 January 2020 to 24 October 2020.10 They reported that, after adjusting for interstate differences, states that adopted mask requirements early saw the strongest effects on numbers of new cases when compared with those that did not adopt such measures. The effect was smaller but still “clearly protective” when comparing early adopter states to late adopters. “These analyses advance the scientific evidence showing positive impacts of state-wide mask requirements in the US,” the researchers concluded."

Much of what he said is still true though - especially the bits about fiddling with your mask and trapping germs etc, in which case wearing a mask can do more harm than good.

The article you linked also recommends using medical masks, not cloth ones - stating that some countries have banned cloth masks in public, which was what Dr Hilary was talking about.  Cloth masks aren't very effective at all, which I guess is most of the masks I see people wearing.  I personally bought a snood from Amazon and have been wearing that when necessary and I'm sick of it rubbing on my stubble - very much looking forwards to consigning it to the bin in a couple of weeks.

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1 hour ago, TuffLuff said:

To be honest though…is everything that bad at the minute from a consumer point of view? I can get a beer when I want, have a chat at the local coffee shop, go to shops no fuss, have a bite to eat…and all we need to do is put a bit of sanitiser on and wear a mask where needed to. I mean, I can happily do these things for quite a bit longer.

Maybe I’m not getting unnecessarily annoyed at stuff enough, but what’s the problem? I mean we’ve got to leave to live with it as we all like to keep saying. 

I'd like to think that I'm one of the people who'll use their common sense after the 19th.  I'll keep a mask or two in the car and wear one if I think it's prudent to.  For example, small independent shops with not a lot of floor space I'll stick one on if it's busy, but I'll leave it off if I'm in a Tesco Extra.

I've had both my jabs, as have most of my family & friends but I don't see anything wrong with being cautious still.  Giving folk a chance to pass by me in a tight walk way, or briefly vacating a pavement when someone's coming the other way isn't inconveniencing me, or curtailing my freedoms.

Of course, this is because (i'd like to think) that I'm a considerate person, but there's plenty that aren't.  But that was the case before all this kicked off, and it'll be so long after we come regard it the same we do with the flu...

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If as various posters have claimed the human immune system is the best way to keep us healthy, should we not bother with vaccinating people. Not just for the the current coronavirus but also for smallpox, polio and flu. As for a virus like HIV, should we not bother with wearing protection to avoid catching it. No of cause not.

I'm in agreement with the old adage 'that a bit of muck won't hurt'. So yes coming into contact with a someone with a cough and a sniffle may not harm most of us. Hell I can remember my wife sending our kids to a friend's house to come into contact with their child who had German Measles. 

I've got no problem with the country getting back to normality, like places of work being fully reopened, full pubs, crowds at sports events. But can't understand why until all the nation is vaccinated, some people aren't prepared to use common sense in wearing a mask when required. 


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I’m intrigued to understand where this “common sense” line is with wearing a mask? Where would one be needed if there is no longer deemed a requirement for one. And once this common sense criteria is clarified how long should one need to keep wearing a mask (a couple more weeks after the 19th, a few months, a few years, forever) ?  

We seemed to do pretty much ok pre-2020 without masks, most of the those needing protection from Covid now have it in the form of vaccination. So why all of a sudden the clamour to continue to wear one? 

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5 minutes ago, TexasRam said:

I’m intrigued to understand where this “common sense” line is with wearing a mask? Where would one be needed if there is no longer deemed a requirement for one. And once this common sense criteria is clarified how long should one need to keep wearing a mask (a couple more weeks after the 19th, a few months, a few years, forever) ?  

We seemed to do pretty much ok pre-2020 without masks, most of the those needing protection from Covid now have it in the form of vaccination. So why all of a sudden the clamour to continue to wear one? 

To prevent anyone having to point out the obvious answer to this, why don't we try something new?

Imagine you were on the other side of this "debate" and see if you can come up with a couple of answers to the question you pose.

If you do this, I'll try and respond as if I was on your side. 

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1 hour ago, maxjam said:

Much of what he said is still true though - especially the bits about fiddling with your mask and trapping germs etc, in which case wearing a mask can do more harm than good.

The article you linked also recommends using medical masks, not cloth ones - stating that some countries have banned cloth masks in public, which was what Dr Hilary was talking about.  Cloth masks aren't very effective at all, which I guess is most of the masks I see people wearing.  I personally bought a snood from Amazon and have been wearing that when necessary and I'm sick of it rubbing on my stubble - very much looking forwards to consigning it to the bin in a couple of weeks.

Same with the snood. My stubble comes through it, and I look like one of those playdoh toys you can make its hair grow, then cut it.

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24 minutes ago, 1of4 said:

If as various posters have claimed the human immune system is the best way to keep us healthy, should we not bother with vaccinating people. Not just for the the current coronavirus but also for smallpox, polio and flu. As for a virus like HIV, should we not bother with wearing protection to avoid catching it. No of cause not.


Precisely. Vaccines will always be required for totally new threats, where herd immunity comes with too big a price and those which our immune system can't be "trained" to provide adequate protection.

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5 minutes ago, ariotofmyown said:

To prevent anyone having to point out the obvious answer to this, why don't we try something new?

Imagine you were on the other side of this "debate" and see if you can come up with a couple of answers to the question you pose.

If you do this, I'll try and respond as if I was on your side. 

There is no obvious answer though, otherwise you’d have answered it instead of trying to coach me to your way of thinking. 

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I forget, is this Dominic Cummings' week to be truthful or a liar?.....

From BBC live feed:

"In an online Q&A session, Boris Johnson's former aide Dominic Cummings has been critical of his former boss's likely decision to scrap almost all remaining restrictions on 19 July.

Asked if it was right to lift remaining restrictions in England, Cummings replied, "obviously not" and claimed that scientific advisers had told the government not to do so"

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23 minutes ago, TexasRam said:

I’m intrigued to understand where this “common sense” line is with wearing a mask? Where would one be needed if there is no longer deemed a requirement for one. And once this common sense criteria is clarified how long should one need to keep wearing a mask (a couple more weeks after the 19th, a few months, a few years, forever) ?  

Also from BBC Live news....

Prof Paul Hunter, an expert in health protection at the University of East Anglia, says he is fine with lifting the restriction - although he adds there are times when people may wish to take extra care.

"What I would say is that if you are in a vulnerable group and are going into a crowded indoor environment then it is sensible to still wear one, at least whilst infection rates are high.

"Also, if you are visiting a very vulnerable individual indoors when Covid is common in the community, then I would wear one for their protection, even though I have been fully vaccinated."


Personal Choice. Seems reasonable to me.

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2 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

Also from BBC Live news....

Prof Paul Hunter, an expert in health protection at the University of East Anglia, says he is fine with lifting the restriction - although he adds there are times when people may wish to take extra care.

"What I would say is that if you are in a vulnerable group and are going into a crowded indoor environment then it is sensible to still wear one, at least whilst infection rates are high.

"Also, if you are visiting a very vulnerable individual indoors when Covid is common in the community, then I would wear one for their protection, even though I have been fully vaccinated."


Personal Choice. Seems reasonable to me.

And me, fair enough. 

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34 minutes ago, TexasRam said:

I’m intrigued to understand where this “common sense” line is with wearing a mask? Where would one be needed if there is no longer deemed a requirement for one. And once this common sense criteria is clarified how long should one need to keep wearing a mask (a couple more weeks after the 19th, a few months, a few years, forever) ?  

We seemed to do pretty much ok pre-2020 without masks, most of the those needing protection from Covid now have it in the form of vaccination. So why all of a sudden the clamour to continue to wear one? 

On aeroplanes according to Ryanair.




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20 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

Precisely. Vaccines will always be required for totally new threats, where herd immunity comes with too big a price and those which our immune system can't be "trained" to provide adequate protection.

So you agree until all of the nation gets adequate protection, we as individuals still need to take precautions in stopping the spread of the virus.

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2 hours ago, TuffLuff said:

Im not asking what your preference is, im asking whats the problem carrying on with precautions at this moment and leading into the summer holidays?

Why not just carry them on forever then on that basis?

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2 hours ago, maxjam said:

Much of what he said is still true though - especially the bits about fiddling with your mask and trapping germs etc, in which case wearing a mask can do more harm than good.

The article you linked also recommends using medical masks, not cloth ones - stating that some countries have banned cloth masks in public, which was what Dr Hilary was talking about.  Cloth masks aren't very effective at all, which I guess is most of the masks I see people wearing.  I personally bought a snood from Amazon and have been wearing that when necessary and I'm sick of it rubbing on my stubble - very much looking forwards to consigning it to the bin in a couple of weeks.

If ever there was a case of having skin in the game Hillary Jones is it ,,, how much you reckon his bank balance has been swelled by covid ???????, he will be off to the Caribbean with piers Morgan next whilst sitting trying to scare the granny out of people and be the bastions of wonderful selfless morals ,erm not

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1 hour ago, ketteringram said:

Simply on a personal level, there are no restrictions that might get lifted or not lifted on the 19th, that would have any impact on my life. 

I can see this mask issue causing friction between people though. Expect to see loads of videos of arguments on FB , Twitter etc

Yep it’s heaven sent for those people who love nothing better than to get busy ,,, if you feel you want to wear a mask then crack on ,we apparently have a virus that’s mutatated to the point it’s so spreadable you can catch it if you get too close to your telly but a paper face mask will save us all ?,,,yet the ones with all the data at hand have not the slightest fear of it ??‍♂️?

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31 minutes ago, 1of4 said:

So you agree until all of the nation gets adequate protection, we as individuals still need to take precautions in stopping the spread of the virus.

I was responding to your question about whether vaccines are required at all.

I believe that the nation probably is adequately protected now, so except for maybe sanitising my hands more frequently than I used to, I'm comfortable with going back to normal life.

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The vaccination rate is extremely high and all clinically vulnerable groups have had the chance to be vaccinated by now. I've seen a lot of comments saying if they're in a crowd they'll wear a mask but really it should be viewed as a binary decision unless the environment (outdoors, indoors, tight spaces) changes. As I understand, the masks only really stop you from spreading the virus if you have it so unless everyone is masking up it's not really doing anything unless you may have it. 

If people want to be wearing a mask after the mandatory period then they can but personally I'm not. I find the masks uncomfortable and as someone who is asthmatic they're not fantastically comfortable and it can make it feel quite difficult to breathe especially in muggy weather. The mask regulations have been poorly enforced anyway since even the beginning of last year on things such as transport with rules inconsistently applied. 

Edited by Leeds Ram
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