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The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread


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1 hour ago, Bob The Badger said:

I think the areas not worth debating are when people like @TexasRamsay things like anybody can catch it regardless of measures so are susceptible to it’s risks which is kinda, almost, true..technically, but misses out the blindingly obvious and critical point that they are less likely to by far if they follow guidelines.

Has any scientist ever said it would be 100% effective? Even Fauci IIRC said they were aiming for 90% and they've beaten that.

It's like asking somebody to answer the question 'have you stopped molesting hamsters, yes or no?" It's just a gotcha question that has no value in a sensible debate

In my defence people were debating how deadly Covid was, I just started it effects everyone so it’s a simple calculation population vs deaths. If folk aren’t catching it then it’s not that deadly is it. It does seem if people don’t like the facts then the “it’s not worth debating” line is thrown out. Anyway I want to thank you agreeing I was telling the truth. 

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2 hours ago, TexasRam said:

In my defence people were debating how deadly Covid was, I just started it effects everyone so it’s a simple calculation population vs deaths. If folk aren’t catching it then it’s not that deadly is it. It does seem if people don’t like the facts then the “it’s not worth debating” line is thrown out. Anyway I want to thank you agreeing I was telling the truth. 

The boffins say that Ebola kills 90% of people it infects, but how can that be true when I don't know one person in this country who has caught it?

Are you and @observerworking in tandem to post stuff that is so ridiculously easily refutable, or flat out makes no sense?


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6 minutes ago, Bob The Badger said:

The boffins say that Ebola kills 90% of people it infects, but how can that be true when I don't know one person in this country who has caught it?

Are you and @observerworking in tandem to post stuff that is so ridiculously easily refutable, or flat out makes no sense?


I’ll be honest we’ve never been seen in the same room together!

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3 hours ago, observer said:

Im still yet to see a fit and healthly person under the age of 60 thats died, sorry but its true.


Covid isnt anywhere close to as bad as the whole world would have you believe, and if its not as bad as they are making out you want to ask yourself who is winning in all of this misery!!




That’s the thing , I don’t know anyone who has been seriously I’ll with it let alone died , none of my circle of friends , work colleagues have had anybody close seriously I’ll or died , now that’s not saying that it’s not a dangerous virus for some but two years in it’s pretty bizarre if this virus is all it’s been portrayed as in terms of the fear and engendered in people and the policies carried out , let alone the money that’s been made by many many and the money and freedom lost by many many more ??‍♂️


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42 minutes ago, Bob The Badger said:


Did you not think to even look it up before making such a statement of fact?

It took me literally 30 seconds to find evidence that it's not true.


I read it as he personally didn’t know anyone , not that it’s never happened, or have I got that wrong 

when the figures , stats and modelling have been so all over the place and reporting in the media so sensational I don’t think it’s a bad thing to put some store in what you experiencing around you ??‍♂️, I still remember the videos of people dropping in the streets in China at the very beginning of this , the absolutely huge majority of people catching covid (even before vaccines ) survive and most with little more than flu symptoms or no symptoms at all , believe it or not I think this has hindered finding why some are so affected by it ,,, total scattergun approach and many have exploited covid

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8 hours ago, Archied said:

Getting people to fear covid to the level they do was genius, getting people to fear those that don’t feel that level of fear is a master stroke 

This gets a laugh imogi when I’ve witnessed someone driving a car with the roof down wearing a mask amongst loads of other ludicrous stuff ,,, no way the fear message has been overdone , so much so that I’m not sure people will ever feel safe again ??‍♂️

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4 hours ago, Bob The Badger said:

And then others like @G STAR RAM say (the) Vaccine isnt very good then because like every other vaccine in human history and every branch of medicine it isn't 100% effective.

I doubt there is any medical expert in this field that wouldn't agree the vaccine has saved countless lives, so ya know, not sure how you measure not very good.

If it was sarcasm, then it certainly wasn't very good sarcasm.

Just for context, I was referring to a post that said if you are over 60 your chances of dying if you catch it are over 2%.

Not certain, but isnt that roughly the same as it was before we had the vaccine?

I was under the impression that the vaccine stopped people from developing serious illness but that would appear to be wrong?

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34 minutes ago, Archied said:

I don’t think it’s a bad thing to put some store in what you experiencing around you ??‍♂️

I do.

I think it's as ridiculous to say that it's not dangerous because you don't know anybody who has died from it (I do btw) as it is to says it's going to kill us all because you lost 3 family members.



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11 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

I was under the impression that the vaccine stopped people from developing serious illness but that would appear to be wrong?

Yes it is wrong.

You clearly know this.

You just MUST know this.

How can you not know this?

Have you been under nailed into a QAnon forum?

Experts have said from the start and they keep saying it.

It makes it less likely and less likely to progress beyond serious illness to death.

Who said you cannot catch it if you were vaccinated?

This is utterly ludicrous.


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16 minutes ago, Bob The Badger said:

I do.

I think it's as ridiculous to say that it's not dangerous because you don't know anybody who has died from it (I do btw) as it is to says it's going to kill us all because you lost 3 family members.



Now this is exactly the problem,,, I have NOT said it’s not dangerous, in fact I have clearly stated I believe it is dangerous to some ( very small percentage) why this constant need to ignore what people are actually saying?
I clearly don’t believe it fits the response to it from governments and media alike ,,,, very different thing ??‍♂️

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19 minutes ago, Bob The Badger said:

Yes it is wrong.

You clearly know this.

You just MUST know this.

How can you not know this?

Have you been under nailed into a QAnon forum?

Experts have said from the start and they keep saying it.

It makes it less likely and less likely to progress beyond serious illness to death.

Who said you cannot catch it if you were vaccinated?

This is utterly ludicrous.

So in summary:-

It doesn't stop you from catching it.

It doesn't stop you from spreading it.

You had a 2% chance of dying, if you caught it, before the vaccine. 

The poster is saying you still have a 2% chance of dying if you catch it having had the vaccine. 

I'm sure you may undertand my confusion.

I'm not saying the vaccine has not saved lives here by the way.

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12 hours ago, GboroRam said:

Absolutely correct. The figures are based on a flawed assumption that everyone who has it, has been tested. So the figure will be reduced by some degree. If you go back to last summer it would be reduced a lot. Now we're throwing LFT tests at anyone with a sniffle or feeling a bit warm. Or sat near anyone with a sniffle or feeling a bit warm. The number of people who have it but weren't tested is going to be pretty low. 

But I agree, the 1.8% or whatever is going to be an approximation. But we can use it to gauge trends. Improve our response and we see the stats change, as fundamentally we aren't changing our testing methodology. 

But I posted the ONS figures that show their estimates that there are more people with Covid and untested, than with it and have had a positive test in the week of the 6th to the 12th of this month. 

The 1.8 percent isn't just an approximation. It's just wrong. By a lot. 

So much mockery going on of people's maths skills, calculator skills and of being a far right-wing conspiracy theorist and the same people are using flawed calculations themselves. 

The irony is, @TexasRamis probably as close as those using the 1.8% figure. 

Edited by Norman
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2 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

So in summary:-

It doesn't stop you from catching it.

It doesn't stop you from spreading it.

You had a 2% chance of dying, if you caught it, before the vaccine. 

The poster is saying you still have a 2% chance of dying if you catch it having had the vaccine. 

I'm sure you may undertand my confusion.

I'm not saying the vaccine has not saved lives here by the way.

I'm guessing that poster is wrong.

It sounds very high to me, but I can't be arsed to research it because it's irrelevant to our conversation, so I dunno.

Plus, I would then need to go and research the stats from the first wave to compare the,.

Then I'd have to present them to you for you to ignore.

But this is how low the conversation has stooped where one poster will quote another just because it supports his view.

So in summary.

The vaccine makes you less likely to catch it.

And it makes you far less likely to end up in hospital, or the morgue, if you do catch it.

I definitely understand your confusion though because that is incredibly hard to wrap your head around.



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7 minutes ago, Bob The Badger said:

I'm guessing that poster is wrong.

It sounds very high to me, but I can't be arsed to research it because it's irrelevant to our conversation, so I dunno.

Plus, I would then need to go and research the stats from the first wave to compare the,.

Then I'd have to present them to you for you to ignore.

But this is how low the conversation has stooped where one poster will quote another just because it supports his view.

So in summary.

The vaccine makes you less likely to catch it.

And it makes you far less likely to end up in hospital, or the morgue, if you do catch it.

I definitely understand your confusion though because that is incredibly hard to wrap your head around.

Well its not really irrelevant as that is the post that I was challenging.

Any reason why you did not challenge that poster on their figure but seem very keen to challenge @TexasRamon theirs?

Dont worry, you don't need to answer that, because we know you would not want to quote another poster to support your view...

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