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The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread


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5 minutes ago, EtoileSportiveDeDerby said:

I must say the naming of the variants kind of passed me by a bit...but if Kent was Alpha from back in January and Delta is Indian now in June, I wonder once we get to Omega (Googled it) what will happen. Greek alphabet has got 24 letters (Google again), and our burning rate is quite high. it doesnt worry me but we might have created a bigger issue then what we were trying to solve. And i dont know what we were trying to solve either (didnt Google it)

those times when we cant travel i feel the variants provided a small dose of escapism, chinese, thai, brasilian, kent, indian, i preferred the old system. 

I think we should name them like hurricanes. Variant Doug.

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8 hours ago, G STAR RAM said:


In what?

We have one of the worst death tolls and have spent the best part of 14 months locked in our houses.

I'm struggling to see what expertise has been shown to date?

Experts in what not to do.

I refer you to the inventor of the light bulb, Thomas Edison. when  asked how come it took a 1000 attempts to invent It?

He replied, i successfully proved what did not work 999 times.

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7 hours ago, Eddie said:

The fact is that every single warning given is ignored by the government until it's too late - usually by around 3 or 4 weeks - and the bodies inevitably begin to pile up. Then they react.

It is a policy of crass, reactionary stupidity. The fact that some people blame the scientists over here echoes precisely the way that Fauci is looked upon by Trumpers in the USA.

I find it quaintly ironic that you, who used to so eagerly take the piss out of me when I used to speak about 'house arrest' when I was being advised to shield, are now claiming that you are now being victimised, complaining about exactly the same thing while I am now going about my business relatively normally, using public transport, visiting friends, even going on holiday and going to the pub.

Did I say 'quaintly ironic'? Sorry, I meant 'utterly pathetic'.

No thats not a fact though is it?

Are you going to give evidence of all of these warnings that they have given please?

The clear difference is that you was staying in your house of your own accord and claiming to be under house arrest. Of course if you provide evidence to the contrary, that you were forced to stay in your house by law, I will gladly apologise.

Myself and my young children are being stopped from living a normal life, despite following the guidance for 14 months, despite having the vaccine (which we were told was our way out of this) so I am sure you can understand my frustration. Actually, I take that back, Im sure you cannot because as has been pointed out on numerous occasions, the only person you've ever thought about throughout this whole thing is yourself, which for the record I have absolutely no problem with. But as a massive virtur signaller dont think that you won't be reminded of this in the future.

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4 minutes ago, MrPlinkett said:

I think we should name them like hurricanes. Variant Doug.

I hate it when we name our "hurricanes". Makes sense in Americas where their hurricanes are actually "sensational" and cause huge damage and loss of life over a number of days.

Our media sensationalise Hurricane Maureen which batters the South West on a Tuesday night with some bad wind and waves. No sensational names for our real weather problems: days of continual drizzle on the hills that lead to bad flooding.

Similar media rubbish with temperatures, when we see the mercury plummeting to minus 10. On a Scottish mountain. Where no one lives.

There is a weather station at Benson in Oxfordshire which has some weird microclimate that often gives really low temperatures. Better sensational news than giving the warmer temperature in Oxford where people actually live in large numbers.


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29 minutes ago, ariotofmyown said:

I hate it when we name our "hurricanes". Makes sense in Americas where their hurricanes are actually "sensational" and cause huge damage and loss of life over a number of days.

Our media sensationalise Hurricane Maureen which batters the South West on a Tuesday night with some bad wind and waves. No sensational names for our real weather problems: days of continual drizzle on the hills that lead to bad flooding.

Similar media rubbish with temperatures, when we see the mercury plummeting to minus 10. On a Scottish mountain. Where no one lives.

There is a weather station at Benson in Oxfordshire which has some weird microclimate that often gives really low temperatures. Better sensational news than giving the warmer temperature in Oxford where people actually live in large numbers.


The media like to sensationalise though. I mean years ago 'Breaking News' was breaking news, the challenger, or diana or something like that. Now we have dozens of 'Breaking News' items a day, sorry but 'cat stuck up a tree' doesnt cut it for me with breaking news.

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8 hours ago, Eddie said:

The fact is that every single warning given is ignored by the government until it's too late - usually by around 3 or 4 weeks - and the bodies inevitably begin to pile up. Then they react.

This time the bodies have mostly been vaccinated!

They are gambling against another Variant of Concern arising - what happened to the Nepal mutant, has it even become a Variant of Interest?!

There's almost no 'vulnerable' people left in this country, certainly none that haven't had the opportunity to have the vaccine.

Edited by RoyMac5
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1 hour ago, MrPlinkett said:

I love table service at pubs but don't see it being maintained in most places as it no doubt requires more staff. Some might do it, i hope they do.

I think working flexibly is a good one. Where i currently work, working from home was always something that you could do but only if absolutely necessary, but now its going to be maintained, at least partially. I will work from home 3 or 4 days a week even when we start back so thats a good thing me, for my work life balance certainly as i wont have to spend 2 hours a day in the car every day.

I think its forced many businesses to trust their staff, before they perhaps didnt, or felt they couldnt be managed. But now they have seen it can and does work, and productivity has been excellent.

Obviously can only comment on personal experiences but the productivity and efficiency of some of the companies that I deal with has dropped off a cliff.

Example 1 - a Gambling Commission operators licence application usually takes 20 weeks to obtain. We submitted an application in mid December and still not had a response. 

Example 2 - a routine planning query submitted to Kings Lynn & West Norfolk Borough Council in October has still not been responded to and nobody ever answers the phone when calling to chase it up, as well as e-mailing a reminder on a near weekly basis. 

Neither process would require face to face contact so there is no excuse for the delays so it must come down to productivity.


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31 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

Obviously can only comment on personal experiences but the productivity and efficiency of some of the companies that I deal with has dropped off a cliff.

Example 1 - a Gambling Commission operators licence application usually takes 20 weeks to obtain. We submitted an application in mid December and still not had a response. 

Example 2 - a routine planning query submitted to Kings Lynn & West Norfolk Borough Council in October has still not been responded to and nobody ever answers the phone when calling to chase it up, as well as e-mailing a reminder on a near weekly basis. 

Neither process would require face to face contact so there is no excuse for the delays so it must come down to productivity.


Of course yes. I guess its personal experience.

I do wonder if lockdown gave some an excuse to 'down tools' as it were, i am positive thats one of the reasons our EFL situation has taken so long.

I see that more as a culture thing within a business or organisation than individuals.

Of course you are going to get some that abuse the position too, but i am confident those within my immediate team at work have not, and i dont think in general people have where i work.

My main concern with home working is the more inexperienced staff who i feel do need more face to face guidance, and i fully expect that will be reflected in the amount of time they have to spend in the office environment, of course that will mean their managers also doing similar.

There are just some things that are harder remote than in the office, for example as part of my job i sometimes have to 'shadow' staff, that means observing them, watching how they work and what they do, not to catch them out or anything but to identify process improvements, and thats hard remotely, i have been using teams for it but you dont see everything else that goes on like the note making, and manual excercises which arent evident on a screen sharing session. So ill be using my time back in the office to do that too.


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31 minutes ago, maxjam said:


Its time to open up. 

If you've been jabbed, live your life.  If you haven't, either have it when its your turn or manage your risk if you've opted not to have it - but live your life.

It really is shameful that we have to rely on Tory rebels to provide any sort of resistance to Government policy.

We've literally been a one party state throughout the pandemic.

The only thing I can remember Starmer doing over the last 15 months is 'taking the knee' in his office and his wallpaper jibe at Boris.

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7 hours ago, MrPlinkett said:

One thing I am looking forward to is no longer having day by day analysis of numbers and deaths. We dont do with with other illnesses, such as the flu.

Im sure in some years if daily reports on flu were published they could be quite shocking and make us want to shut out doors to prevent catching it.

I dont see we will be an a covid free zone anytime soon, its going to be something we have to live with. Keep jabbing us each year, or at least the elderly and vulnerable and it will keep it under control and be another bug that sadly some each year will succumb to, just like the flu.

I know some countries are almost covid free, but even the likes of Australia and NZ have to open their borders at some point, they cant keep locking down if a handful of people are reported positive. I think even those countries will have to accept some fatalities each year from it.

Be interesting to see if they put the same pressures on the public to have flu jabs too going forward ( they been pushing them big style for a while and in kids too) after all flu kills 40k in a bad year 

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3 minutes ago, Archied said:

Be interesting to see if they put the same pressures on the public to have flu jabs too going forward ( they been pushing them big style for a while and in kids too) after all flu kills 40k in a bad year 

Certainly more people were offered the flu jab last winter.  All over 50s and anyone living with vulnerable people. That sort of approach will probably be the way forward with covid jabs in years to come. 

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26 minutes ago, MrPlinkett said:

Certainly more people were offered the flu jab last winter.  All over 50s and anyone living with vulnerable people. That sort of approach will probably be the way forward with covid jabs in years to come. 

Covid jabs will be unofficially mandated ,policed by the scared witless of dying or law suits or lack of business, people have in the main lost all grasp of sense and logic , I’m watching people walking around wide open spaces on a beautiful day wearing masks ffs ,

just listened ( on radio) to people arguing weather we need to pour covid vaccine programmes into poor African countries , the median age in Africa is aprox 20 and the death toll from covid for the whole of African continent is I believe 85,000 whilst malaria ( treatable) kills 400000 per year there ,hiv kills 300000 per year there , tb kills many ,

covid is kaiser soshay 

people have lost the plot , suspended logical thinking and allowed themselves to be scared out of their lives ??‍♂️And those not too badly affected by the rules as they are now , or even preferring life now within those rules just smugly shrug their shoulders and say why not let’s just keep thing s going for another two weeks ,perhaps a month , perhaps longer if needed 

all in this together ??????? , society is going down the pan and we are going to see more and more people at each other’s throats going forward ,,, personally don’t think that’s by accident,

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8 hours ago, G STAR RAM said:

No thats not a fact though is it?

Are you going to give evidence of all of these warnings that they have given please?

The clear difference is that you was staying in your house of your own accord and claiming to be under house arrest. Of course if you provide evidence to the contrary, that you were forced to stay in your house by law, I will gladly apologise.

Myself and my young children are being stopped from living a normal life, despite following the guidance for 14 months, despite having the vaccine (which we were told was our way out of this) so I am sure you can understand my frustration. Actually, I take that back, Im sure you cannot because as has been pointed out on numerous occasions, the only person you've ever thought about throughout this whole thing is yourself, which for the record I have absolutely no problem with. But as a massive virtur signaller dont think that you won't be reminded of this in the future.

??? could you imagine if they put a ban on beer , might put a whole different complexion on things

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1 hour ago, Archied said:

??? could you imagine if they put a ban on beer , might put a whole different complexion on things

No point in banning it though, all the people that were importing his beer were fine.

Its just the other people that were still travelling that were selfish Covidiots if I remember correctly.

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31 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

No point in banning it though, all the people that were importing his beer were fine.

Its just the other people that were still travelling that were selfish Covidiots if I remember correctly.

Yea the work from home forever supporters that want us locked out of our lives in the name of staying feeling nice and safe while the working classes deliver their orders , look after their kids , fix their roofs , build their extensions and the multitude of other wants ?????

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