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Morning all, 

My brother has said he read something about the new owners saying the number 1 target is currently in management atm.. Has anyone read/seen an interview of some sort where this has been said? 

Not found anything so starting to believe my brother is reading twitter talk... ?

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5 minutes ago, MackworthRamIsGod said:

The fact that Steve Nicholson hasnt yet said "Derby are reportedly interested in Rafa Benitez and he is the bookies favourite, but reports he is of interest are wide of the mark, as we understand" is a huge indicator that Rafa could at least be on our list?

Or that no one's telling him nuffink

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7 minutes ago, MackworthRamIsGod said:

The fact that Steve Nicholson hasnt yet said "Derby are reportedly interested in Rafa Benitez and he is the bookies favourite, but reports he is of interest are wide of the mark, as we understand" is a huge indicator that Rafa could at least be on our list?

Owners feet aren’t even under the table yet... I don’t think anybody has the slightest idea who is on their wish list. 

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13 minutes ago, MackworthRamIsGod said:

The fact that Steve Nicholson hasnt yet said "Derby are reportedly interested in Rafa Benitez and he is the bookies favourite, but reports he is of interest are wide of the mark, as we understand" is a huge indicator that Rafa could at least be on our list?

He's saying the opposite isn't he? There are reports we're interested in Rafa but actually we're not so the reports are wide of the mark.

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15 minutes ago, MackworthRamIsGod said:

The fact that Steve Nicholson hasnt yet said "Derby are reportedly interested in Rafa Benitez and he is the bookies favourite, but reports he is of interest are wide of the mark, as we understand" is a huge indicator that Rafa could at least be on our list?

Does that the fact that I can't prove to you that there isn't a God therefore mean that there is one?

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2 minutes ago, Ambitious said:

How can anyone believe the Rafa nonsense? It's so far beyond irrational that it'll only lead to disappointment when we announce a more realistic option, i.e. John Terry or Wayne Rooney. 

I'm sure the few Gump fans that whacked a tenner on Rafa, just so we tire ourselves up in knots, only be let down when we end up with Rooney full time, will consider it money well spent...

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8 minutes ago, Nuwtfly said:

Does that the fact that I can't prove to you that there isn't a God therefore mean that there is one?

If one believes that God exists, until you provide hard proof to the contrary then of course God exists.

No idea why we are discussing religion, must dash as my boss has just caught me on the works laptop and she will crucify me if she knows I'm chatting football.


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2 hours ago, CornwallRam said:

I think the talk of Rafa is pretty unrealistic at this stage.

One of the many issues would, of course, be the finances. Now assuming that the takeover goes through and the new owner is intent on buying promotion, I wonder if there's a way round the FFP side?

Could the new manager be employed directly by the owner as something like a football consultant for (eg) £100k per week? Then hired out to the club for £10k per week, thus shifting 90% of the manager's wage from the club. I know 3rd party ownership of players is forbidden in the UK, bur I wonder if it extends to managers and coaches? 

Interesting take and one I’d agree with.

Rafa is an utterly delusional idea unless you can

a) find a way around FFP 

b) find a way to finance his spending within FFP

c) convince him to join the team bottom of the Champ

Your idea of third party contract ownership is certainly the type of creative accounting we’d have to come up with. We’d then have to find another loophole to fund his signings, he spent £50 million last time he’s was in the championship. Maybe naming rights and other sponsorships. After that I’m struggling for ideas.

That’s before the fact that I think their ownership Model is going to be more Sheff Utd than Man City, much to the disappointment of some of our more emotionally volatile fans

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