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Starship and a Human city on Mars

Carl Sagan

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46 minutes ago, TigerTedd said:

He’s not even American. Why would he be a us agent?

I would advise to ignore the politically motivated anti Musk brigade. 
Just concentrate on the technical achievements of SpaceX over the years which is more enjoyable and interesting. 

Edited by cstand
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1 hour ago, cstand said:

I would advise to ignore the politically motivated anti Musk brigade. 
Just concentrate on the technical achievements of SpaceX over the years which is more enjoyable and interesting. 

Yup, its not worth engaging the obvious trolls, they have got the twitter thread to poke needles in their Elon Musk doll.

The next 10 years are going to be really interesting what with NASA and SpaceX both seemingly having the Moon and Mars in their sights.  I had only just been born the last time we went to the moon, seeing people walk on the Moon and potentially Mars is something I've been waiting for my whole life.


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55 minutes ago, maxjam said:

Yup, its not worth engaging the obvious trolls, they have got the twitter thread to poke needles in their Elon Musk doll.

The next 10 years are going to be really interesting what with NASA and SpaceX both seemingly having the Moon and Mars in their sights.  I had only just been born the last time we went to the moon, seeing people walk on the Moon and potentially Mars is something I've been waiting for my whole life.

I totally agree -there is nothing I would like more than to see a man on the moon in my lifetime, and given that we did it before over 50 years it feels like a definite possibility that it could happen again. Mars though I am deeply deeply sceptical about. My prediction would be that the best we could hope for is a single manned mission where those who set foot on Mars die as martyrs to the cause (even Space Karen has admitted that this is an inevitability)

There will never be a human colony on Mars. No matter how much we all like to dream about it, Just my opinion. obviously as a realist who understands science and not some weird cult-member deifying Elon Musk as our "saviour". It's all so obviously smoke and mirrors that I feel very sorry for those who have fallen for him. Completely laughable and embarrassing behaviour for a grown-up. That's all. 

OK - let's just stick to the watching rockets explode

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6 hours ago, Stive Pesley said:

I totally agree -there is nothing I would like more than to see a man on the moon in my lifetime, and given that we did it before over 50 years it feels like a definite possibility that it could happen again. Mars though I am deeply deeply sceptical about. My prediction would be that the best we could hope for is a single manned mission where those who set foot on Mars die as martyrs to the cause (even Space Karen has admitted that this is an inevitability)

There will never be a human colony on Mars. No matter how much we all like to dream about it, Just my opinion. obviously as a realist who understands science and not some weird cult-member deifying Elon Musk as our "saviour". It's all so obviously smoke and mirrors that I feel very sorry for those who have fallen for him. Completely laughable and embarrassing behaviour for a grown-up. That's all. 

OK - let's just stick to the watching rockets explode

An oxymoron followed by a a childish comment followed by a claim of anyone following the amazing achievements of Space X is some sort of Elon fan boi/cult member/doesn't understand science/gullible.

Completely laughable and embarrassing. Let's stick to posting in other threads so you don't ruin this one?

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5 hours ago, Stive Pesley said:

OK - let's just stick to the watching rockets explode

Mr Musk's rockets don't actually explode, they 'experience rapid unplanned disassembly'. Only a doll-impaling, X-dwelling, wokerati, cultist loon would even consider that huge feck off fireball an 'explosion'. 

And no, smartarse, we've not lost another feckin rocketship either.

It was a great day at the office. We had cake.

Now feck off! 




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15 minutes ago, Norman said:

An oxymoron followed by a a childish comment followed by a claim of anyone following the amazing achievements of Space X is some sort of Elon fan boi/cult member/doesn't understand science/gullible.

Completely laughable and embarrassing. Let's stick to posting in other threads so you don't ruin this one?

Thanks for your input Brains 😘

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We talk of the planets in our solar system as unclaimed property for us to plant a flag on.  That may not be so, even our moon may be another's property, if indication of it being an artificial satellite prove correct.  We can only guess at how life began on Earth, but there I would certainly draw a line and claim humanity has at least squatters rights on that turf, but that's about it. 

We really are an egocentric species and may be in for a rude awakening.

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40 minutes ago, Norman said:

An oxymoron followed by a a childish comment followed by a claim of anyone following the amazing achievements of Space X is some sort of Elon fan boi/cult member/doesn't understand science/gullible.

Completely laughable and embarrassing. Let's stick to posting in other threads so you don't ruin this one?

Exactly. As it happens I've just signed up an author who is undoubtedly the world's leading expert on Martian colonies, for a book to publish next year. I might trust his expertise a little more than the sad haters on here. What SpaceX has achieved is extraordinary - it would be, even without Starship, but to have the entire ethos of your company built around colonizing Mars rather than on making money (hence it remains the world's most valuable private company rather than risk shareholders derail the vision) has allowed them to turn marshland in Texas into the world's most advanced spaceship-yard in the course of only a few years. And to be on course for lowering the cost of flying a person to Mars from around $50 billion per astronaut, to about $500,000 per astronaut. That's reducing it by a factor of 100,000. And once Humanity has one bridgehead elsewhere in the solar system, the move elsewhere becomes much easier.

For instance, because of Earth's much deeper gravitational well, asteroid mining will be driven from Mars, so in time there will be a virtuous economic triangle between Earth, Mars and the asteroid belt. It's wonderful to see this future begin to unfold before our eyes. I loved this image from the SpaceX tracking cameras that already shows how far we've come:


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On 18/11/2023 at 16:00, The Last Post said:

An explanation please.

I've read the reason for SpaceX was/is to reduce cost and eventually take man/woman to Mars...is this correct, Also I understand the reason for 1,2, 3 or more test flights, Is there anyone out there that would put their lives at risk knowing that you're dicing with death 🤷‍♂️

I would pay good money to place anti Musk people in the next rocket, with a live beam back of their little faces enjoying the ride. 😀

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8 hours ago, cstand said:

I would pay good money to place anti Musk people in the next rocket, with a live beam back of their little faces enjoying the ride. 😀

My internet connection is bad here. Can someone check if "sadistically wishing to witness the brutal death of people I disagree with" is allowed within the forum rules?


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17 hours ago, Comrade 86 said:

Mr Musk's rockets don't actually explode, they 'experience rapid unplanned disassembly'. 

In the same way that certain Musk fanbois on this thread experience the rapid unplanned disassembly of their testicles whenever Space Karen do make big wocket go in sky!

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Because of the damage to the launchpad after the first test flight, and the snail's pace of the regulators unable to keep up with SpaceX's improvements, it took 7 months between flight 1 and 2. Elon confirms that the flight hardware (basically another Starship mated with another SuperHeavy booster) can be ready in 3-4 weeks, for the third test flight.

However, they obviously want to know what caused the issue with the booster return (likely too much fuel sloshing due to the deceleration caused by Starship igniting its engines above it) and what caused the triggering of the self-destruct of Starship very near the end of its engine burn - and to implement changes to stop either happening again. So I'm thinking late January/early February for flight 3. 


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They may not be catching the attention of the media now-a-days but SpaceX continues to launch rockets into space on a regular basis - this was from a little earlier today;

And I still think these are CGI as I'm still not sure how you can land a cylinder upright!!! 

Despite the laughs and giggles from those that hope Musk fails at everything he touches, SpaceX are actually doing a damn good job right now.  This year they launched approx 80% of all material into space.  Next year it will launch approx 90% of the worlds payload into space.  Not bad for a company for a company that came from nowhere to dominate the industry in a short period of time after suffering numerous rapid unscheduled disassemblies before finally 'learning to fly'. 


Personally, I think you'd be foolish to back against SpaceX making the rocket that gets human to both the Moon and Mars.  NASA seem to think they are capable, they are scheduled to use the final version of the Starship and have awarded SpaceX the $3bn moon lander contract. 


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