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DCFC Collection BBG Pictures


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I’m sharing this on behalf of the DCFC Collection

Next month marks the 125th anniversary of Derby County moving permanently to the Baseball Ground.

As part of the celebration of the stadium that many of us grew up with, a new book history of the stadium and surrounding area, from Dairy House Farm to the modern housing estate is chartered as well as looking at the alternative plans that came and went in the 1920s, 1940s and multiple times in the 90s.

Whilst I have a few fan-related pictures already, we could always do with more from a broader selection of fans, with themselves, family or friends – inside or outside the ground.

I’m not really interested in pictures with players on – the book isn’t about the players on this occasion.

It is a long shot as we were in the days of pre-mobile phone cameras, but if anyone has any they want to see in print, please send with details to dcfchistorian@gmail.com before 20th August.

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I doubt very much that there will be many photos knocking about taken from the Popside etc. I'm pretty sure that taking cameras into the ground was prohibited, and it would have been pretty risky in the crush that the camera survived at all. The only time I ever took a camera was for the very last game played there.

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Not sure of the year but the club used to offer 2 stadium tours in one.

We visited Pride Park and then the Baseball Ground. There was one more game to play on the old ground a few days later, a local final if I remember correctly, and the it was closed for good. Maybe about 18 years ago?

It was quite sad to see it's demise as it was always a special place for me having followed the Rams for over 50 years.

We took many pictures and we were able to visit the old offices and changing rooms plus we could go on the pitch.

The amount of weeds growing on the stands and the run down state of the ground reinforced my thoughts that we did the right thing moving to Pride Park. I have seen better park changing facilities and the corridors were so small going down the tunnel.

I was at the game when it was announced we were moving and it was absolutely the right move but I do feel sorry for the Rams fans who never got to watch a game at the old BBG, especially a match under floodlights.


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6 minutes ago, SIXTEEN AGAIN said:

As my mate said back in the 70's back of the Popside was a heady aroma of Leys, stale ale, farts and meat pies.

They were unusual beer farts in the days of standing. Would travel a good 10 foot before anyone noticed then you would see the luck of disgust 20 seconds after it's arrival further along.

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On 07/08/2020 at 18:23, richinspain said:

I doubt very much that there will be many photos knocking about taken from the Popside etc. I'm pretty sure that taking cameras into the ground was prohibited, and it would have been pretty risky in the crush that the camera survived at all. The only time I ever took a camera was for the very last game played there.

I used to take my Pentax SV plus telephoto in the early 70s. I never hid it, was never challenged, and never got it damaged or lost (still got it,in fact).  Film cost a fortune so I didn't take masses of photos!

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On 06/08/2020 at 18:19, David said:

I’m sharing this on behalf of the DCFC Collection

Next month marks the 125th anniversary of Derby County moving permanently to the Baseball Ground.

As part of the celebration of the stadium that many of us grew up with, a new book history of the stadium and surrounding area, from Dairy House Farm to the modern housing estate is chartered as well as looking at the alternative plans that came and went in the 1920s, 1940s and multiple times in the 90s.

Whilst I have a few fan-related pictures already, we could always do with more from a broader selection of fans, with themselves, family or friends – inside or outside the ground.

I’m not really interested in pictures with players on – the book isn’t about the players on this occasion.

It is a long shot as we were in the days of pre-mobile phone cameras, but if anyone has any they want to see in print, please send with details to dcfchistorian@gmail.com before 20th August.



i don't know if you have ever seen the attached You tube link before.


I have posted it on the forum before but it is a British Pathe news reel circa 1971. Highlighting the crowds at the BBG over a couple of games versus Man U,

As a piece of social football history it quite valuable, being an interesting reflection of the fans at the BBG 50 years ago.

Apologies if you know about this already.



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On 07/08/2020 at 19:48, Gaspode said:

I’ve not been back (not even the roads nearby) since 11th May 1997 - I want to keep the memories as they were when I walked away from the ground after that final game, not spoil it by seeing what it’s become.....

Dont. I popped down last year as I was in the vicinity and curiosity got the better of me. Made me quite sad.

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