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Rate the last film you saw partie deux

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56 minutes ago, BathRam72 said:

I just go into a haze when watching her on film, so didn't notice ??

Spoiler alert



Did you notice there was no explanation of what this monster was? 

So now it ends with everyone living happily ever after in a blind institute with a monster roaming loose out there.

Shouldn't they have at least killed it off for this happily ever after ending?



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46 minutes ago, David said:


Did you notice there was no explanation of what this monster was? 

So now it ends with everyone living happily ever after in a blind institute with a monster roaming loose out there.

Shouldn't they have at least killed it off for this happily ever after ending?



Good job I've heard it's crap and don't want to watch it.

Edited by David
Edited because Fruity boy is spoiling the film for others
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14 minutes ago, David said:

Did you notice there was no explanation of what this monster was? 

So now it ends with everyone living happily ever after in a blind institute with a monster roaming loose out there.

Shouldn't they have at least killed it off for this happily ever after ending?

Actually I have just read that they changed the ending from the original book.

The original ending was when she eventually gets to the "sanctuary" most of the blind are so because they had mutilated themselves in order to survive.

Also the only people who can survive and see would be the insane, which would be a rather scary thought.

I personally don't always like a predictable, 'kill the monster ending' 

It leaves more to the imagination and maybe a sequel. 

Let's face it. If something like this ever happened, we couldn't guarantee we would defeat it.


Edited by BathRam72
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11 minutes ago, BurtonRam7 said:

Good job I've heard it's crap and don't want to watch it.

You can't judge it with out seeing it.

I have heard things that are reportedly crap and found them quite good and the other way round.

At the end of the day, it is personal choice.

If everyone enjoyed the same, life would be quite dull

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9 minutes ago, BathRam72 said:

You can't judge it with out seeing it.

I have heard things that are reportedly crap and found them quite good and the other way round.

At the end of the day, it is personal choice.

If everyone enjoyed the same, life would be quite dull

The point being, even if I did choose to watch it the ending has now been spoiled.

@David, I see some forums and websites have a 'see spoiler' button that has to be clicked to reveal the text. Worth implementing?

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17 minutes ago, BurtonRam7 said:

The point being, even if I did choose to watch it the ending has now been spoiled.

@David, I see some forums and websites have a 'see spoiler' button that has to be clicked to reveal the text. Worth implementing?

I would tell you but wouldn’t want to spoil the surprise

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Green Book

A simple, poignant and ultimately heart-warming tale of a working-class doorman hired to chauffeur black virtuoso pianist, Dr Don Shirley, on a tour of the Deep South in 60s America. Think ‘role-reversed Driving Miss Daisy’ and you won’t be too far off. An absolute gem of a movie.



A Star is Born

Definitely not something I’d have gone out of my way to watch, but what do I know? Directed and starring Bradley Cooper (who also co-wrote the film) it features an absolutely stellar Lady Gaga in the role of Ally. Never been a fan of Lady Gaga's music but she’s an absolute revelation in this, so set aside any preconceptions and give it a whirl. It’s a simply brilliant, if heart-rending film.



The Meg

WTAF. Loved The Stath in films like Lock Stock and Snatch, but this atrocious cinematographic dog turd of a movie is so awful that I actually found myself willing the shark to prevail. Statham and the cast stumble through the film looking utterly bemused, but doubtless not as perplexed as the financiers who stumped up nearly £100 million to make it. Staggeringly, the film somehow generated a modest ROI. Just say no…



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2 minutes ago, rynny said:

I think that is rather generous, I thought the plot was as solid as Clod, with a finish as good as Stern John's. 

Yeah it was a bit crap and can't understand why so many people have watched it. It would have been better if you didn't know what was going to happen because they let on what was going to happen at the start of the film.

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"What do you mean gonna be? I AM one of the faces".

"Take it or leave it my son. TAKE IT or leave it".

"Pill head".

"Do you want some lacquer on that?"

"That ain't rubbish pal, that's Gene Vincent".

Unbelievably quotable and also the end is the start.

Zoot suit, white jacket with side vents 5 inches long/The Who

Iconic film and surely one of the most fun to have taken part in the filming of.


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Silence of the Lambs


Was told this was a classic and with 5 Oscars to it's name and an 8.6 on IMDB I was looking forward to it.

Jodie Foster and of course Tony Hopkins are great in it, particularly Foster, but the plot is stupid and we're being asked to suspend reality beyond belief when Lecter, supposedly the most notorious, most dangerous convict out there is only guarded by 2 guys, who for no reason, other than to advance the plot, deliver his dinner to him by going into the cell he is being held in. They deserve to be killed for that stupidity.  

We're also given no real reason to root for the girl stuck down the well, other than the guy holding her there is a majorly twisted dude. Like, will she go on to cure cancer? No, well then I don't care if she lives or dies. So ultimately I don't care if Jodie Foster finds the sicko holding her, so I don't care if she follows what Hopkins says to track this guy down, which makes the film pointless after about the 45 minute mark.

We're also given no indication as to why a trainee FBI agent is repeatedly pulled out of training and assigned such a potentially dangerous case. Shouldn't they have their top guys on this bar steward, not a twenty-something rookie?

Plus the ending is weak. I think it's meant to be a bit scary when she's in his house and we don't know where he is, but she had the chance to shoot him first and then let him escape so again, would be her fault for getting killed. Then ultimately it's a 90's Hollywood movie, there's no way they'd kill the star of the film so you don't really get any sense of danger from it.

Some good chat at the start of the film though and the music adds something, plus "Having an old friend for dinner" is a great sign off.


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Sorry to Bother You 


Mixture of very good and bits that don't quite work. Very interesting and striking, but probably too many ideas. I think it's the director's first film and it's as if he tried to do everything in one go. 

It could be two very good separate films, but by trying to force the different strands together, I think it loses something. 

But I'd definitely recommend it as something different and interesting. 


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