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Given that China has apparently recorded two days in a row without a single new case of community spread coronavirus, then I think it would be wise ' for every other country to try and copy the measures the Chinese took as closely as possible.  Easier said than done of course.

Half measures will probably only slow or delay the spread of the virus.  It seems as though the Chinese were able to stop it altogether. 

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2 minutes ago, Highgate said:

Given that China has apparently recorded two days in a row without a single new case of community spread coronavirus, then I think it would be wise ' for every other country to try and copy the measures the Chinese took as closely as possible.  Easier said than done of course.

Half measures will probably only slow or delay the spread of the virus.  It seems as though the Chinese were able to stop it altogether. 

Or they already had the vaccine before they set the virus free.  Their work is done  



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1 hour ago, SchtivePesley said:

That's it then- the pubs are shut.

I never thought I'd say this but - about time ?

I've just shut up the pub I work in. No idea what is going to happen now. I've no idea if I'm going to be paid whilst we are closed, no idea when I'm going to be back at work. 

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1 hour ago, smiths_tavrn said:

"on a level headed note to smiths t , what is the percentage of people worldwide who suffer from conditions or age range that Coronavirus kills or accelerate s death from their condition in ?"


No Archie I've not said that coronavirus accelerates death. What I've said is maybe it's the antiviral drugs that's accelerating the deaths. To put it succinctly maybe the medicine is killing people not curing them.  More than 99% of Italy's cases are people with previous conditions and their bodies would have taken some hammer.  Once they were diagnosed with coronavirus, it might be the highly toxic antiviral drugs which are delivering the final blow not the coronavirus which may have been in their system for days, maybe longer. 

You are just guessing you have NO medical knowledge at all, if that’s not trolling I don’t know what is!

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2 minutes ago, smiths_tavrn said:

I think that would be pointless don't you? Me against the whole medical establishment.  Ask yourself why as you put it every other doctor in the world has the same opinion. Really do they? You sure some haven't got serious doubts but keep their opinions firmly to themselves? The establishment brings them into line in unison. Make too many waves and they'll soon be out of their high paid jobs for good. The majority wouldn't give up their lucrative careers even if they disagreed and knew it was causing harm. That's human nature I'm afraid. Do you believe all doctors are angels?

No, but it would certainly ease all the worries of all those overworked NHS staff, and save us building all those extra ventilators and testing kits.

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Go for it mate, you know better than them, just go down the hospital, tell them they’re doing it wrong, they sort it out, BOOM, all the pubs open again and we all go out tomorrow night and celebrate, you’ll be the hero.

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1 hour ago, smiths_tavrn said:

What I'm saying is the treatment may very well be what's finishing them off. Supposing if this is right. People will have died unnecessarily and we will have wrecked the economy too. A double whammy of truly awful consequences. And I just get written off as insensitive.

Here was us thinking you were insensitive but turns out your a genius ?,, all the medical brains worldwide and they missed the simple thing that it could be the treatment that’s killing people ,,,,, have you contacted the WHO and if not why not?

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26 minutes ago, rynny said:

I've just shut up the pub I work in. No idea what is going to happen now. I've no idea if I'm going to be paid whilst we are closed, no idea when I'm going to be back at work. 

Are you allowed to sell takeaway beer?

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7 minutes ago, smiths_tavrn said:

Err no there's definitely no answer in there whatsoever. Iggy time now, you're a troll.

Somebody missing the pub already?
im honestly interested , what is your background educationally and work wise ?

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51 minutes ago, smiths_tavrn said:

It would be about risk reduction if coronavirus was the root cause. There's no proof that it is the root cause, only conjecture. As I'll say again what if it's the medicine? 

Maybe it is the medicine but, to be honest, I don't think I've seen such a theory put forward by any one else but you.

Regardless, these people are catching something that is killing them, aggravating existing conditions or, as you're now suggesting, being given a drug that may be killing them. I assume they're not just pulling random people in off the street to give this killer drug to so, as I say, they must be catching something. 

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It may only be the leisure industry that has been "Told to close down" today, but every High Street in the country is going to be even quieter tomorrow, as although shops aren't on the closure list (Yet!), Arcadia Group have closed indefinitely from 4pm today.  That's Billionaire Sir Phillip Green's mob.  A big chunk of virtually every High Street in every town... Burton's, Dorothy Perkins, Miss Selfridge, Evans, Outfit, Top Shop, Top Man, and Wallis.
Staff told they'd be paid for March, but beyond that, nobody knows what happens next.
I can only speak for one member of staff affected, but there was no warning.  No notice.  The call came (Her day off today) at 15:30... 30 mins before closure!
Fingers crossed it's a temporary measure, and all down to The Virus, but it's been no secret that "Times have been hard", and this particular Group has been struggling for some time, (even if the boss isn't!), so permanent closure(s) wouldn't be the biggest surprise.

They're not on Boris's list of shutdowns today, so one can only presume they are not covered in his "80% wages covered".
That's a lot of High Streets affected.  A lot of shops... and a lot of staff!

It seems this Virus might just be the final nail in the coffin for both large and small businesses!   

Elsewhere, rumours abound that Debenhams, Primark, and M&S may not be far behind.  Rumours mind!  Don't quote me on that!  



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3 minutes ago, smiths_tavrn said:

One point before I shuffle off. If restaurants are to close, then you're allowed in the supermarket but not in the supermarkets restaurant I presume. How bizarre.

There’s a trick to being a successful troll ,, it’s goodnight from me and if I was a mod I would jog you on but I’m not

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No football, no pubs, having sit at home and talk to the missus for twelve weeks. She's tetchy because the showings of Corro and Eastenders are being reduced. Having no excuse for not doing all the outstanding jobs around the house. One disaster after another.  But if it means coming out of this crisis unscathed it'll be a small price to pay.

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15 minutes ago, smiths_tavrn said:

They're not pulling random people off the street. They are asking you never mind how trivial a fever you have to go and get tested. Therefore because so many people are complying, this is racking the figures up enormously. If you test positive for CV then it's off to hospital or self isolation. The fact is not that many people were tested for flu or a cold. They were mainly asked what the symptoms were and maybe given medicine of some form. Now they're tested for CV.

You’re having a ‘mare mate, go and have a lie down for a bit. 

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