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6 minutes ago, smiths_tavrn said:


No one's being insensitive. Your accusation of insensitivity is just a smear to bully and shut down any other opinion than what's coming from the media hacks., which you and many others have bought into. The official reasoning and actions have to be 100% correct in your opinion.

Pray tell, what are your medical qualifications?

You say that the mortality rate is concentrated on the elderly with underlying health problems. Do you know what the rate of 70+ year olds in perfect health is? I'm no doctor but I don't know many people that age who aren't on something medical. If the rate is negligible, what we're left with is this flu is deadly for all older people.

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Sith Happens
6 minutes ago, smiths_tavrn said:


No one's being insensitive. Your accusation of insensitivity is just a smear to bully and shut down any other opinion than what's coming from the media hacks., which you and many others have bought into. The official reasoning and actions have to be 100% correct in your opinion.

For me it depends.

You are entitled to your opinion of course, however for me it depends if you are just voicing an opinion while sticking to the recommendations laid out by the government. Or are you disregarding the recommendations because you see no need because of your opinion.

I know you told me it was non of my business before, which i don't agree with as i think its everyone's business if people are putting others at risk by not keeping to the recommendations.


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4 minutes ago, smiths_tavrn said:

I'd imagine the WHO and maybe the CDC in the US are the primary drivers and all the medical establishments fall into line. The media just parrots ad infinitum what these two bodies say, then everyone says "ooo it must be right, every single one of the experts says so". No they've just all been brought into line and sing from the same hymn book.

Surely everyone believes in that food pyramid they see in the doctor's surgery? It's from the medical establishment so it has to be true. "Have you had your five a day?" constantly being flashed on the screens. That has to be gospel doesn't it? It's from the medical establishment. I see they've updated the food pyramid. It couldn't have been as gospel as they thought.


Not really sure what your point is. You seem to be coming across as a conspiracy theory believer, which immediately makes me think you rely on non-expert commentary over scientific analysis. Like @Paul71 says, feel free to believe what you like - but don't start acting on what you believe, as many of us believe you are misled.

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7 minutes ago, smiths_tavrn said:

I'd imagine the WHO and maybe the CDC in the US are the primary drivers and all the medical establishments fall into line. The media just parrots ad infinitum what these two bodies say, then everyone says "ooo it must be right, every single one of the experts says so". No they've just all been brought into line and sing from the same hymn book.

Surely everyone believes in that food pyramid they see in the doctor's surgery? It's from the medical establishment so it has to be true. "Have you had your five a day?" constantly being flashed on the screens. That has to be gospel doesn't it? It's from the medical establishment. I see they've updated the food pyramid. It couldn't have been as gospel as they thought.


So human knowledge doesn't advance? The land was once flat and anyone who thought otherwise considered a heretic. I really do hope you're right, but if not that it doesn't take one of your loved ones dying for you to admit it.

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12 minutes ago, smiths_tavrn said:

I'd imagine the WHO and maybe the CDC in the US are the primary drivers and all the medical establishments fall into line. The media just parrots ad infinitum what these two bodies say, then everyone says "ooo it must be right, every single one of the experts says so". No they've just all been brought into line and sing from the same hymn book.

Surely everyone believes in that food pyramid they see in the doctor's surgery? It's from the medical establishment so it has to be true. "Have you had your five a day?" constantly being flashed on the screens. That has to be gospel doesn't it? It's from the medical establishment. I see they've updated the food pyramid. It couldn't have been as gospel as they thought.


Note to self: Next time any authority issues any sort of medical advice, always check with Smiths tavrn before acting upon it.

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3 minutes ago, richinspain said:

So human knowledge doesn't advance? The land was once flat and anyone who thought otherwise considered a heretic. I really do hope you're right, but if not that it doesn't take one of your loved ones dying for you to admit it.

In fact when you look, much of the list is unchanged. Butter, oil, cake, milk, yogurt - still the same. Vegetables drop to a more healthy level and switch with bread. Shame it's hard to read what everything is, but it's not radically different from what I can see.

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1 minute ago, smiths_tavrn said:

But what I can't see is how anyone can take the stance of "it's official public policy therefore it's 100% correct, 100 % of the time." and yet so many people seem to take that point of view.

You are exaggerating to try and make the rest of us look like we're sheep! We get your point that no-one is correct all of the time. But you seem not to take on board that current orthodoxy is that things are bad!

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21 minutes ago, smiths_tavrn said:

Like so many things which are a little strange in the world, is it down to bad public policy, in other words a rooster up or is there a conspiracy? I'd like to think of myself in the former camp.  I can on many occasions see the conspiracy theorists point of view though. But what I can't see is how anyone can take the stance of "it's official public policy therefore it's 100% correct, 100 % of the time." and yet so many people seem to take that point of view.

Nobody is suggesting that official public policy is 100% correct 100% of the time.

But you need to base an alternative view on some sort of evidence better than conjecture.

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24 minutes ago, smiths_tavrn said:

No don't come to me. Seek your own sources of advice and do some critical thinking. Never willy nilly take the advice of anyone , government included. Unless of course you trust that source of advice implicitly.

So, isn’t that what you’re failing to do? It seems to me that the overwhelming view from scientists and medical advisers around the globe is that this is very serious but you don’t seem to share that view.

Exactly what advice have you sought in arriving at your point of view?

I genuinely hope that, one day in the not too distant future, we’ll all be able say smiths tavrn was right all along and pretty much the rest of the world was wrong but, my hopes aren’t high.

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52 minutes ago, smiths_tavrn said:

I'd imagine the WHO and maybe the CDC in the US are the primary drivers and all the medical establishments fall into line. The media just parrots ad infinitum what these two bodies say, then everyone says "ooo it must be right, every single one of the experts says so". No they've just all been brought into line and sing from the same hymn book.

Surely everyone believes in that food pyramid they see in the doctor's surgery? It's from the medical establishment so it has to be true. "Have you had your five a day?" constantly being flashed on the screens. That has to be gospel doesn't it? It's from the medical establishment. I see they've updated the food pyramid. It couldn't have been as gospel as they thought.


Chips on the  bottom of the food pyramid eh?

Can't we all agree just to ignore this guy now because clearly..


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Just now, smiths_tavrn said:

Is not the official view based on conjecture? Where's the evidence?

On the statistical analysis of outbreaks across the world. But of course you don't believe them. That's just a conspiracy. A global, co-ordinated conspiracy across dozens of governments diverse in their political views and not naturally inclined to collaborate.

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2 hours ago, Mucker1884 said:


Ahem... (Covers mouth, washes hands)...



... And what, pray, were the other 0.09% getting up to?  Not on their 'phones were they?  ... Booking night classes at maths school, perhaps? 







Note to self... Get help... Pedantry out of control. 

Very good,that’s why I work here ?

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4 minutes ago, smiths_tavrn said:

We've been over all this. There's statistical analysis for over 99% of the people being old and suffering other ailments maybe several other ailments. Very serious ailments too. But you're convinced that it's coronavirus. No one will consider the other ailments or indeed old age as the cause. The cause of death is coronavirus every single time. I shan't answer a question like this again. It's pointless being posed the same question to field the same answer to the answer being ignored and repeat.

I'll add this, hundreds of thousands of people are born in the world every day. Unfortunately hundreds of people die every day. It's a fact of life. No one's come up with biological immortality yet I'm afraid. Some die of ailments, many die of old age. We see a guy reach say 105 and we marvel. The average age of people allegedly dying of coronavirus in Italy is 79.5 and that's for people with overlying health problems (I don't like the way the media refers to it as underlying with coronavirus being the overlying). 79.5 is an amazing average age for people who have been suffering debilitating  and severe health issues. There's loads of people who are perfectly healthy who don't make that age.

You are ignoring the huge numbers of dead, far in increase of what we can handle, the makeshift hospitals, the shipping of bodies out to other towns and cities to handle the increases in fatalities. It's not the middle of a bleak winter when the hospitals are full. You don't think Coronavirus is having an effect. Is this just a freak spike of huge numbers of additional dead and sick people? Or is it just a worldwide conspiracy?

You're not making sense.

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11 minutes ago, smiths_tavrn said:

There could be other explanations. e.g. were people in Italy diagnosed with coronavirus who also had other health issues given anti-viral drugs?

Sounds like conjecture to me, to support your view. I'm going to stop responding to you now, as all I'm doing is encouraging you to go further down the rabbit-hole. Responding may just encourage someone to follow you, which would be irresponsible of me.

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8 minutes ago, smiths_tavrn said:

Connect the dots.....

"Ribavirin may decrease the number of red blood cells in your body. This is called anemia and it can be life-threatening in people who have heart disease or circulation problems." See link below.

High blood pressure is a circulation problem. that's two of the three covered.


Is there any evidence of Ribavirin being used?

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