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55 minutes ago, alexxxxx said:

I do live with other people, just not family hence the support bubble stuff isn't relevant to me unfortunately. 

I work and sleep in the same room (16h a day!) due to space issues and share my living room and kitchen with a couple of friends. I have a balcony for outdoor space.

I know other people have it worse than me with families in cramped flats, lost their jobs, or sick people to look after, dangerous jobs etc, however the change to my lifestyle was profound during the previous lockdown and return to being shut in does not sit well with me. 

I sound a bit spoiled seeing as there's people in worse positions here but as most people I'm just fed up with the idea of being shut in again wasting time and this is my rant. ?

I get this I am total fed up of this also but people still meeting uo groups lot bigger than 6 people just put it under different peoples name and still sit togather.

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9 minutes ago, TexasRam said:

It’s both, terrible system and scared / stupid people. I blame the Government for the system and the MSM and gullible people for the latter.  The symptoms have been published and promoted for months now, if people don’t know them now then god help us. 

I've just seen it reported that SAGE are claiming that only 1 in 5 infected people are actually isolating properly. Not sure what their working is, here, but if that's anything close to being true, then it's appalling.

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1 hour ago, SchtivePesley said:

Does the company have it's own testing regime/process? If they are expecting you to follow the NHS/GOV form request then not only will you have a hard time getting a test slot - but then potentially at least a week to wait fo results

It's so crap - being able to easily access tests/results the only way we can keep schools, workplaces and ultimate;y society open

Still can't grasp why are so many of those who want to "get back to normal" aren't up in arms about this systemic failure and absolute inability to anticpate the blindingly obvious - but now seem to want to blame it on "too many people want testing unnecessarily" ?

I can't be bothered to go into the facts about how many tests we're doing etc because it doesn't seem to sink in.

Don't you agree that personal responsibility has a huge part to play in this?.

Cases are only on the increase because people are not doing the simple things and now it seems not even isolating properly when required. Examples like the spike in Wales caused by the bus trip to Doncaster races on the news last night. It turns out they took no Covid precautions on the bus because they "didn't think anyone had the virus". I mean, seriously!

Look past what you consider to be an incompetent government for a moment. What chance would any government have with that level of stupidity / selfishness?

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22 minutes ago, Van Wolfie said:

Look past what you consider to be an incompetent government for a moment. What chance would any government have with that level of stupidity / selfishness?

Stupid / selfish people are a fact of life - but they aren't the majority.

We can't expect everyone to be sensible, that's an unrealistic expectation.

But we should at least all expect competence from our elected officials.

I refuse to blame a minority of idiots for this mess. Put the blame squarely where it deserves to be and stop being such a patsy

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49 minutes ago, B4ev6is said:

I get this I am total fed up of this also but people still meeting uo groups lot bigger than 6 people just put it under different peoples name and still sit togather.

Yeah not sure breaking the rules should be seen as acceptable tbh.

As much as I hate everything being shut and movement/meeting being restricted IF it is the only thing that works then so be it. 

At the moment I'm not seeing an end-game or solution to this.. All the hopes seem to be on a vaccine or that for some reason it will just disappear in the new year somehow.

The rate of infection is nowhere near high enough for herd immunity to occur so what's the plan?

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57 minutes ago, B4ev6is said:

I get this I am total fed up of this also but people still meeting uo groups lot bigger than 6 people just put it under different peoples name and still sit togather.

You could argue these people are part of the problem and why we are facing possibly another full lockdown.

I think the whole population would share your feelings and totally fed up by it B4, seeing more and more people that were at first really scared and worried, now signing up to the conspiracy theories as it takes it's toll.

With Xmas round the corner the thought of not being able to see loved ones is seeing people start to talk about pushing back against the government who let's be honest, haven't handled this well at all.

I have pretty much written off this year, just read that London won't even be holding a NYE firework display, rather than spend your time being angry and frustrated, should look to find something to keep you occupied over the next few months.


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Would it be a reasonable suggestion for those who seem in no way concerned about this virus to be deliberately infected on the understanding they need to isolate in a covid hotel for two weeks and self care unless they get disastrously ill.  They can get it out the way for 12 months or maybe permanently and crack on regardless on the ending of their  isolation.  The government and employers benefits with more immunity and less testing needed, less covid secure workspaces required etc. Those who would prefer to avoid it all costs will be less stressed when out and about and can socially distance easier.  The police will have far less to do etc etc.


Just a thought.


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Having only just started to read this topic, just curious and this isn't to start any conspiracy theory or prove any point as just, just complete curiosity that is all as members on this board are from across the country where as I only have a small sample size.

Does anyone on this forum know of anybody personally that has been hospitalised with Covid-19, or even friend of a friend. 

I know one person, a friend of my missus who was tested positive for it, but wasn't hospitalised, 

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9 minutes ago, David said:

Having only just started to read this topic, just curious and this isn't to start any conspiracy theory or prove any point as just, just complete curiosity that is all as members on this board are from across the country where as I only have a small sample size.

Does anyone on this forum know of anybody personally that has been hospitalised with Covid-19, or even friend of a friend. 

I know one person, a friend of my missus who was tested positive for it, but wasn't hospitalised, 

Not one.

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7 minutes ago, David said:

Having only just started to read this topic, just curious and this isn't to start any conspiracy theory or prove any point as just, just complete curiosity that is all as members on this board are from across the country where as I only have a small sample size.

Does anyone on this forum know of anybody personally that has been hospitalised with Covid-19, or even friend of a friend. 

I know one person, a friend of my missus who was tested positive for it, but wasn't hospitalised, 

I know of about 10 who have had it that I work with. Out of about 200. But then we work in very small, confined spaces. There was a small outbreak but it was well controlled. 

Other people I 'work with' have tested positive and have been on Covid wards but had major illnesses that put them in hospital where they then caught it. I've been on Covid wards in full gear. Never had it. That I know of. 

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1 hour ago, David said:

Having only just started to read this topic, just curious and this isn't to start any conspiracy theory or prove any point as just, just complete curiosity that is all as members on this board are from across the country where as I only have a small sample size.

Does anyone on this forum know of anybody personally that has been hospitalised with Covid-19, or even friend of a friend. 

I know one person, a friend of my missus who was tested positive for it, but wasn't hospitalised, 

Absolutely no one 

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1 hour ago, David said:

Having only just started to read this topic, just curious and this isn't to start any conspiracy theory or prove any point as just, just complete curiosity that is all as members on this board are from across the country where as I only have a small sample size.

Does anyone on this forum know of anybody personally that has been hospitalised with Covid-19, or even friend of a friend. 

I know one person, a friend of my missus who was tested positive for it, but wasn't hospitalised, 

My brother in law was hospitalised in March. He's the only one i know for definite. A few others who have tested positive but no serious symptoms.

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