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4 minutes ago, Tyler Durden said:

All I can say then is people patently cannot follow guidelines which is nothing to do with the government. There must be a hell of a lot of the populous who have lost their sense of taste if that's the case. Which when you consider it makes a mockery of the number of people who partook in the government's recent eat out to help out scheme. Presumably their loss of taste didn't stop then from enjoying their discounted meals.

Actually schools are not letting kids in classes if they have as much as a cough.  Guess what symptoms for colds and covid 19 overlap. Plus from about 3 or 4 phone calls to LBC people are being sent tests and provided an I'd to get one at test centres so essentially given 2 test because of website issues.

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12 minutes ago, djfred84 said:

Actually schools are not letting kids in classes if they have as much as a cough.  Guess what symptoms for colds and covid 19 overlap. Plus from about 3 or 4 phone calls to LBC people are being sent tests and provided an I'd to get one at test centres so essentially given 2 test because of website issues.

I specifically mentioned loss of taste or smell to avoid the above counter arguments. Same facts remain. There must be a hell of a lot of people who have lost their sense of taste or smell. Or in fact they are inappropriately seeking to get Covid 19 tests putting a strain on the system. Which isn't a stick you can beat the government with. But it seems this is now fair game to further their own personal agendas.

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45 minutes ago, Van Wolfie said:

but yeah, it's the government's fault that thousands of people are unable/unwilling to follow the simple rules you've posted and presumably have to lie to try to get tests anyway?

where do you get thousands from? You mentioned a couple of people anecdotally, but there are no stats for this.

48 minutes ago, Van Wolfie said:

Testing capacity has been massively ramped up (saw on the news last night) and we're doing more tests than pretty much any other country

OK you've lost me if you believe (and quote) the serial liar BJ


Baffled as to why you are so adamant that we are not being failed by incompetent leadership



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6 minutes ago, SchtivePesley said:

where do you get thousands from? You mentioned a couple of people anecdotally, but there are no stats for this.

I don't need published figures to smell a rat. I know of a lot more people trying to book tests for no good reason than otherwise.

6 minutes ago, SchtivePesley said:

OK you've lost me if you believe (and quote) the serial liar BJ


Baffled as to why you are so adamant that we are not being failed by incompetent leadership



That's from 2nd June!.

Yes, I agree that Boris is a liar but "Reality Check" and BBC news last night stated that the UK is testing more than any other EU state in total numbers and more per head than all except a couple of small states (can't find it now and it's lunchtime).

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53 minutes ago, djfred84 said:

Actually schools are not letting kids in classes if they have as much as a cough.  Guess what symptoms for colds and covid 19 overlap. Plus from about 3 or 4 phone calls to LBC people are being sent tests and provided an I'd to get one at test centres so essentially given 2 test because of website issues.

Not that much.



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Seems to me that the rules/guidance guide you to get a test.

For example the current rules seem to be that if you live with someone who has symptoms then THEY are meant to get a test however and then if they are negative they don't need to self isolate. However if you live with someone with symptoms you are meant to self isolate for 14 days and you are also not meant to get a test unless you have symptoms... Hence people will get a test to get a negative result so they can go back to work. 

Furthermore I'm hearing stories of people getting contacted by pubs or restaurants saying that someone tested positive in the pub so they got to isolate for 14 days... Of course they will make up a symptom to avoid doing this. 

Schools sending all kids home for a couple of coughs and then of course all the kids parents are gonna want tests in order that they can go back to school. 

Or employers requesting that their staff have tests every week.

The current rules and guidance encourage you to get tests in order that you can get back to normal. 

Furthermore coughs are so common for so many reasons..

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21 minutes ago, ariotofmyown said:

In PMQs yesterday, there was this exchange. Not sure it Johnson is all over the official guidelines.

"Angela Rayner says she has a message from someone called Keir. He cannot go to work today because his family needed a test. She says people who can’t get tests can’t go to work. Johnson once earned £2,300 an hour. How much does an average care worker get?

Johnson says the Starmer test came out negative. He says he does not know why Starmer is not here today. He says 89% of people get a test result the next day. He says the government has increased the national living wage."

Agree its a bit of a mess - our companies understanding is as follows:

If someone is positive (with a test, symptom or no symptoms), then they have to stay at home for 14 days and can only return to work once they have had a negative test confirmed. As soon as a positive test is confirmed, the track and trace kicks in. So for someone in our place recently, as the 'positive' person had recently been out drinking with the second person, the second person had to immediately isolate.

Now the second person, no symptoms (yet) had to go and get a test. Now his test has come back negative BUT because there is this potential 14 day period where symptoms can develop, he isn't allowed to return to work. The only point of the test was if it came back positive, they could do track and trace on him as well.

It's a joke - So if Keir Starmer was with someone who has had a positive test, even though his came back negative, I'm not sure he's allowed to actually come back until the 14 days has passed. (Unless someone else in his household gets it and then the 14 days starts again). 

So tests are being monopolised by people who just don't need it. 

On top of all this, I'm hearing stories that schools are making children take tests for a runny nose!!! For gods sake, there are clear symptoms of Covid as explained by the WHO and every Government around the world. If you don't have these symptons, get back to bloody school!!

But this cockwomble of a Government are in such a mess they are a laughing stock. Only a few weeks ago I was relatively protective of what they had done and established but now, Hancock and Johnson are overseeing a complete catastrophe. It's not a catastrophe in terms of the virus getting out there and inflicting deaths/hospitalistions (I'm talking about the Now, not about the past), but the sheer impact on services/businesses/welfare/jobs etc etc they are now contributing to by ineptibtude of the highest degree.

Last moan - I play football on a Sunday night. This has now been stopped - Normally 16 of us on a good size pitch for 80 minutes. It's informal, so we have to stop as it doesn't count as an organised team sport - I'm sorry - we're doing exercise. Isn't this what you want - people to be healthy instead of fat slobbers sitting around. You know what though - 6 of us can go to the pub and get drunk instead.

Awful, awful awful management from this Government now.

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15 minutes ago, djfred84 said:

Not that much means they still can lol plus could you provide a government response as to why people are able to get a test sent out by mail and go to testing center to get one done.

Some people are just determined to be "confused" by things, aren't they. It's clear on there what a Covid cough is like.

Can I provide a government response?. No. Can you?. Am I doing this right?

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33 minutes ago, Van Wolfie said:

Some people are just determined to be "confused" by things, aren't they. It's clear on there what a Covid cough is like.

Can I provide a government response?. No. Can you?. Am I doing this right?

Mate the system is a joke no need to defend it the government of chancers have not got a scooby doo other countries have not had the same issue Germany for instance have more lab space so why are we having problems?

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2 minutes ago, djfred84 said:


Do not buy it looking at the last year its more likely government incompetence.

Slightly agree. However having travelled and worked intensively In Europe over the years and also this year as Covid was starting and also recently, I can safely say we have a much higher % of duckwittedness in our population than most of EU, I wish we had their calm and measured approach. This reaction we are seeing is impacting the testing as every man woman and their dog want testing for the slightest ailment, when the symptoms are clearly stated by our scientific advisors. 

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26 minutes ago, TexasRam said:

Slightly agree. However having travelled and worked intensively In Europe over the years and also this year as Covid was starting and also recently, I can safely say we have a much higher % of duckwittedness in our population than most of EU, I wish we had their calm and measured approach. This reaction we are seeing is impacting the testing as every man woman and their dog want testing for the slightest ailment, when the symptoms are clearly stated by our scientific advisors. 

Ouch!! I hurt my finger. Oh well! I better get a Covid Test just to be on the safe side. 

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1 hour ago, TexasRam said:

Maybe because the German public aren’t a bunch of duckwits who go crying to the doctor for any little sniffle demanding a test. Where as little Jonny in the UK gets a silver sleeve and the school demands he goes and get a test. You can blame the MSM for this and the hysteria they have caused, unfortunately we have to many simpletons in this country who believe everything they are spoon fed. That said our government is generally making a complete balls up of everything at the min when it’s comes to this issue. 

On last night's BBC news, they interviewed a lad from Bolton who'd gone to A&E to get a Covid test, not because he ewas struggling to get one locally, but because "nobody told me what to do"....

They issued some guidance this morning telling people to ring NHS 111 before going to A&E - though they had to state that it didn't apply if it was an emergency.....(there's a clue in the name of the Accident and EMERGENCY department).

I despair that it's necessary to set out to the public how they should use the services available to them but I'm afraid we really are a nation of morons.....

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3 hours ago, rammieib said:

Agree its a bit of a mess - our companies understanding is as follows:

If someone is positive (with a test, symptom or no symptoms), then they have to stay at home for 14 days and can only return to work once they have had a negative test confirmed. As soon as a positive test is confirmed, the track and trace kicks in. So for someone in our place recently, as the 'positive' person had recently been out drinking with the second person, the second person had to immediately isolate.

Now the second person, no symptoms (yet) had to go and get a test. Now his test has come back negative BUT because there is this potential 14 day period where symptoms can develop, he isn't allowed to return to work. The only point of the test was if it came back positive, they could do track and trace on him as well.

It's a joke - So if Keir Starmer was with someone who has had a positive test, even though his came back negative, I'm not sure he's allowed to actually come back until the 14 days has passed. (Unless someone else in his household gets it and then the 14 days starts again). 

So tests are being monopolised by people who just don't need it. 

On top of all this, I'm hearing stories that schools are making children take tests for a runny nose!!! For gods sake, there are clear symptoms of Covid as explained by the WHO and every Government around the world. If you don't have these symptons, get back to bloody school!!

But this cockwomble of a Government are in such a mess they are a laughing stock. Only a few weeks ago I was relatively protective of what they had done and established but now, Hancock and Johnson are overseeing a complete catastrophe. It's not a catastrophe in terms of the virus getting out there and inflicting deaths/hospitalistions (I'm talking about the Now, not about the past), but the sheer impact on services/businesses/welfare/jobs etc etc they are now contributing to by ineptibtude of the highest degree.

Last moan - I play football on a Sunday night. This has now been stopped - Normally 16 of us on a good size pitch for 80 minutes. It's informal, so we have to stop as it doesn't count as an organised team sport - I'm sorry - we're doing exercise. Isn't this what you want - people to be healthy instead of fat slobbers sitting around. You know what though - 6 of us can go to the pub and get drunk instead.

Awful, awful awful management from this Government now.

I play football and it's still on. Lots of other teams playing too so assume we are doing the right thing. Very ambiguous when it comes to 'organised'. Our game is just mates but we have everyone's details.

Speaking to a guy at work today whose young kid was sent home from nursery. Had a runny nose and coughed a couple of times. The nursery told him the kid has to be off for 14 days unless he has a negative test, but obviously he can't get a test. His kid hasn't actually got Covid symptoms either, so he shouldn't really have a test anyway! Meanwhile, he still has to pay for his kid's nursery. This negative test condition is also not following the advice. 

Reading the government advice, I think it says that if you have symptoms, your household has to isolate for 14 days. If you have either a negative or positive test, then your household still has to isolate for 14 days, regardless if they have symptoms or positive or a negative tests. Although Boris Johnson does not seem to understand these rules.

So the test results don't impact your household, but if you test positive, supposedly track and trace kicks in and your contacts/colleagues/schoolfriends are then told to isolate at home, but not the rest of the family unless you develop symptoms.

I imagine the problem is that people/companies/schools don't really know what constitutes 'symptoms' and are using the tests to see if they have symptoms, not the virus. If the test comes back positive, then ok, all the above kicks into place. But if they have a negative test, they not unreasonably assume they never had it and things go back to normal as the alternative is major disruption for the household.

I think the government need to focus on more on how to clearly self-diagnose symptoms and stop crying about 2 families chatting in the street.

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14 hours ago, ariotofmyown said:

I play football and it's still on. Lots of other teams playing too so assume we are doing the right thing. Very ambiguous when it comes to 'organised'. Our game is just mates but we have everyone's details.

Speaking to a guy at work today whose young kid was sent home from nursery. Had a runny nose and coughed a couple of times. The nursery told him the kid has to be off for 14 days unless he has a negative test, but obviously he can't get a test. His kid hasn't actually got Covid symptoms either, so he shouldn't really have a test anyway! Meanwhile, he still has to pay for his kid's nursery. This negative test condition is also not following the advice. 

Reading the government advice, I think it says that if you have symptoms, your household has to isolate for 14 days. If you have either a negative or positive test, then your household still has to isolate for 14 days, regardless if they have symptoms or positive or a negative tests. Although Boris Johnson does not seem to understand these rules.

So the test results don't impact your household, but if you test positive, supposedly track and trace kicks in and your contacts/colleagues/schoolfriends are then told to isolate at home, but not the rest of the family unless you develop symptoms.

I imagine the problem is that people/companies/schools don't really know what constitutes 'symptoms' and are using the tests to see if they have symptoms, not the virus. If the test comes back positive, then ok, all the above kicks into place. But if they have a negative test, they not unreasonably assume they never had it and things go back to normal as the alternative is major disruption for the household.

I think the government need to focus on more on how to clearly self-diagnose symptoms and stop crying about 2 families chatting in the street.

Spot on. In that nursery scenario I'd be so angry. The lack of common sense over what is and isn't' a symptom. What constitutes a persistent cough? It is laughable.

If you play football but its at say a DW Sports - then that is a business and that business can continue to offer their 5-a-side pitches. We hire the astro at Melbourne but we are not a club or a business which is why I think we cannot do that. As you say though, it is very vague. We all sign up by Whatsapp so we have clear details for Track and Trace as well.

Just very frustrating. At least I am allowed to play golf (As long as I don't touch the flag pole!)

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Got symptoms? Have a day off paid until the test comes. Have the next day off waiting for the results. 

Oh, what? You never had symptoms. Ah well. Let's moan about no tests being available. 

Don't know what the symptoms are after 6 months? 

Don't know where to get tested after 6 months? 

Pathetic. And you should be told you're pathetic. 

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29 minutes ago, Norman said:

Got symptoms? Have a day off paid until the test comes. Have the next day off waiting for the results. 

Oh, what? You never had symptoms. Ah well. Let's moan about no tests being available. 

Don't know what the symptoms are after 6 months? 

Don't know where to get tested after 6 months? 

Pathetic. And you should be told you're pathetic. 

U OK hun?

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