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12 minutes ago, bigbadbob said:

Go for it yoof!

Alright you've convinced me. But shouldn't it be has and not Has, even I know you only need a capital letter at the start of a sentence. Looks as if neither of us will be getting a gold star.

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6 minutes ago, 1of4 said:

Alright you've convinced me. But shouldn't it be as and not As, even I know you only need a capital letter at the start of a sentence. Looks as if neither of us will be getting a gold star.

It should when used somewhere in the middle of a sentance. When I typed it my device automatically put a capital letter  for the letter"h". I missed this due to my semi inebriated state. 

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10 hours ago, G STAR RAM said:

But they are the ones that should be weeded out by looking at all cause mortality death rates as they would be the deaths that would be expected in a normal year.

Agree but even those can/do swing wildly 

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6 hours ago, 1of4 said:

That's you and every person who as stood behind the central lectern in Downing Street during the daily coronavirus briefing.

That is exactly what we are up against. No one knows enough about any of this to know what is coming next. We are also giving instructions out to 60m people who according to Eddie 30m are thicker than the average man.

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41 minutes ago, Van Gritters said:

That is exactly what we are up against. No one knows enough about any of this to know what is coming next. We are also giving instructions out to 60m people who according to Eddie 30m are thicker than the average man.

He s probably told every one of them that too?

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7 hours ago, 1of4 said:

Anyone still considering sending their children back to school after seeing the advice the BMA as given to teachers?

My kids are already in 2 or 3 days a week. 

 They don't see their Grandparents anyway as they are vulnerable or see their friends as we are socially distancing just like everyone else. 

They enjoy going and aren't at risk. 

The issues are with the parents. 


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9 hours ago, Eddie said:

If we take the average number of weekly deaths so far this year, it could be argued that 2020 would have something like 685,000, which would be by some margin the highest figure this century. However, if we take the average number of deaths from when the pandemic really took off (end of March) and extrapolate those figures until the end of the year, then we would arrive at a figure of around 900,000.


Oh I agree. I wasn’t suggesting that there isn’t going to be a big increase that can be put down to CV, I was just suggesting that even when we have the annual figures it’s going to be difficult to calculate the true effects due to annual variances.

I’m not sure your examples stand up though. I would have thought that the normal annual peak for deaths is probably December to April. Therefore, if you use January to April to work out our annual figure it’s always going to be misleadingly high. Also, we’d only see 900,000 if the death rate continued at the same rate throughout the year as we’ve seen since the end of March (you’ve already excluded the first quarter of the year from your calculation) including the peak period. If that were to happen, which it might but so far rates aren’t beginning to come down, then we’d be in big trouble and never come out of lockdown in any significant way.

Whatever the outcome, I’m sure even the most avid doubters must now concede the virus has, and will continue to take, a terrible toll.

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2 hours ago, Van Gritters said:

That is exactly what we are up against. No one knows enough about any of this to know what is coming next. We are also giving instructions out to 60m people who according to Eddie 30m are thicker than the average man.

Yes, but 30 million are smarter than the average man as well, and there is at least a chance that you are in that group.

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22 hours ago, G STAR RAM said:

So the latest research allegedly shows that 1 in 400 in the UK have coronavirus.

By my calculations that would equate to 170k.

If this is correct surely it means that there are not as many asymptomatic cases as was originally being claimed?


It’s doesn’t estimate how many have had the virus though - clever wording.

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1 hour ago, Tamworthram said:

Oh I agree. I wasn’t suggesting that there isn’t going to be a big increase that can be put down to CV, I was just suggesting that even when we have the annual figures it’s going to be difficult to calculate the true effects due to annual variances.

I’m not sure your examples stand up though. I would have thought that the normal annual peak for deaths is probably December to April. Therefore, if you use January to April to work out our annual figure it’s always going to be misleadingly high. Also, we’d only see 900,000 if the death rate continued at the same rate throughout the year as we’ve seen since the end of March (you’ve already excluded the first quarter of the year from your calculation) including the peak period. If that were to happen, which it might but so far rates aren’t beginning to come down, then we’d be in big trouble and never come out of lockdown in any significant way.

Whatever the outcome, I’m sure even the most avid doubters must now concede the virus has, and will continue to take, a terrible toll.

I took the year-to-date figures up to the end of March, set them aside, took the April-May figures and extrapolated just those until the end of 2020, then added on the January to March figures.


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9 hours ago, 1of4 said:

Anyone still considering sending their children back to school after seeing the advice the BMA as given to teachers?

Schools haven’t been closed to vulnerable children and children of key workers.

the justification for opening schools has shifted from getting the economy moving to stopping the vulnerable children missing out. Well the parents of vulnerable children have chosen not to send their kids to school, probably fir the same reason the government will not try to encourage them to go to school. It would blow a massive hole in the confidentiality of families who have a social worker, get FSM and the pletheror of other socioeconomic factors that make children vulnerable.

the only way fir Mr Williamson to get his wish that more disadvantaged kids Return to school is by making everyone feel like they have to send them and make people believe teachers are either lazy or being forced by unions not to go to work - both cases are untrue.

with the BMA backing the unions - no doubt to try and protect their members from a second spike too - it’s time the government took notice. 

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Saw this post on Twitter this morning. Somebody in the comments suggested that with so many people believing they could have had the the virus before Christmas, when so many people were ill with Covid like symptoms (I myself had one of the worst coughs I’ve ever had) that The April spike may well have been the dreaded second spike. There’s probably science to refute this claim but I’d love to hear the question answered by a medical expert. 


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6 minutes ago, QuitYourJibbaJivin said:

Saw this post on Twitter this morning. Somebody in the comments suggested that with so many people believing they could have had the the virus before Christmas, when so many people were ill with Covid like symptoms (I myself had one of the worst coughs I’ve ever had) that The April spike may well have been the dreaded second spike. There’s probably science to refute this claim but I’d love to hear the question answered by a medical expert. 


This guy is a cancer specialist and proponent of controversial alternative medicine. Read his Wiki

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6 minutes ago, QuitYourJibbaJivin said:

Saw this post on Twitter this morning. Somebody in the comments suggested that with so many people believing they could have had the the virus before Christmas, when so many people were ill with Covid like symptoms (I myself had one of the worst coughs I’ve ever had) that The April spike may well have been the dreaded second spike. There’s probably science to refute this claim but I’d love to hear the question answered by a medical expert. 


To be a second spike surely there would had to have been a dip from the first spike? 

What happened between Xmas and April to cause a dip?

Why were there seemingly very few if any at all deaths between December and March if there was a first spike?

I would say there is little to no evidence of this being a second spike.

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20 hours ago, richinspain said:

Where has the idea that the under 30s aren't producing antibodies come from? And why would the over 30s be producing them?

I saw an article published where they performed antibody tests on a number of people who were confirmed as having it. The younger ones did not test positive for the antibodies but the older ones did.

It was a small sample size but I can't remember the source. The conclusion was that younger people could use other methods to fight it off. I'm not sure how much you can take from this overall though.

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10 hours ago, 1of4 said:

Anyone still considering sending their children back to school after seeing the advice the BMA as given to teachers?

Number one grandson [7] is already back 3 days a week ,back full time next  ,middle grandson [6] and the youngest grand daughter [5] have no date of return.

A lot of children in the 7 to 9 year age group have apparently suffered mentally as they are of of an age were they can think the worst. Younger kids certainly my two youngest seem oblivious to it .

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