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38 minutes ago, Bob The Badger said:

Can somebody explain something I'm confused about.

I have read and watched a LOT about this including countless interviews with medical experts across every spectrum.

And being married to a doctor who is now working with Covid patients twice per week we talk about it a lot too.

The only place I hear herd immunity mentioned is here.

Everything I have read and heard says that they simply don't know whether immunity even works yet.

And that even is it does it could be like the flu and only last for 3, 6 or 9 months.

So how could we be aiming for herd immunity when immunity itself may not even exist?

Herd immunity has been discussed in many other places not just on this forum. A simple google search will tell you this.

No one seems to actually knows if it will work so, I’m guessing they’re hoping/assuming you will become immune (or at least much less likely to catch it again or a mutation of it) until an effective treatment and vaccine is developed. Again, I assume this theory is based on similar viruses. I guess your wife will have a better answer. What does she think about immunity from the virus?

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1 hour ago, Bob The Badger said:

Can somebody explain something I'm confused about.

I have read and watched a LOT about this including countless interviews with medical experts across every spectrum.

And being married to a doctor who is now working with Covid patients twice per week we talk about it a lot too.

The only place I hear herd immunity mentioned is here.

Everything I have read and heard says that they simply don't know whether immunity even works yet.

And that even is it does it could be like the flu and only last for 3, 6 or 9 months.

So how could we be aiming for herd immunity when immunity itself may not even exist?

We made it up on here. The UK government were definitely not attempting it because Matty Hancock said they weren't.

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Sith Happens
1 hour ago, Eddie said:

I would like to give you an answer, but something something politics dheads something.

I take it that is aimed at me for complaining about politics in the thread...if not i apologise for misreading it.

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1 hour ago, Uptherams said:

The experts are not on TV being interviewed.

They are in the US. Lots of them.

1 hour ago, Tamworthram said:

Herd immunity has been discussed in many other places not just on this forum. A simple google search will tell you this.

No one seems to actually knows if it will work so, I’m guessing they’re hoping/assuming you will become immune (or at least much less likely to catch it again or a mutation of it) until an effective treatment and vaccine is developed. Again, I assume this theory is based on similar viruses. I guess your wife will have a better answer. What does she think about immunity from the virus?

I just meant I'm not hearing the experts talk about it. I have heard a number say they doubt one infection will make you immune for life (which is what's needed), but that they just don't know and it's certainly not something they are putting any hope in.

I listened to a one guy leading one of the clinical trials yesterday (can't remember which drug it was) who has been the US's leading researcher into HIV for the last 15 years. And he was talking about the way the flu virus mutates and that you can only be immune from one specific strain hence no herd immunity (my words not his) and that the vaccine changes every year.

The reporter then asked what I thought was a brilliant question, 'if you haven't come up with a vaccine in 15 years for HIV, what makes you think you can develop one in a year or so for Covid?'

He went into detail - most of which was over my head - about why they were different and how much more complex the HIV virus is. He also said that they have developed spectacular treatments for HIV that make it relatively easy to manage.

The missus then chirped in that with HIV they have developed a treatment where they can lower the T count so much that it then becomes almost impossible to pass it on too.

I think I've shot off topic there but in answer to the last question, she has no clue.


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29 minutes ago, Bob The Badger said:

They are in the US. Lots of them.

I just meant I'm not hearing the experts talk about it. I have heard a number say they doubt one infection will make you immune for life (which is what's needed), but that they just don't know and it's certainly not something they are putting any hope in.

I listened to a one guy leading one of the clinical trials yesterday (can't remember which drug it was) who has been the US's leading researcher into HIV for the last 15 years. And he was talking about the way the flu virus mutates and that you can only be immune from one specific strain hence no herd immunity (my words not his) and that the vaccine changes every year.

The reporter then asked what I thought was a brilliant question, 'if you haven't come up with a vaccine in 15 years for HIV, what makes you think you can develop one in a year or so for Covid?'

He went into detail - most of which was over my head - about why they were different and how much more complex the HIV virus is. He also said that they have developed spectacular treatments for HIV that make it relatively easy to manage.

The missus then chirped in that with HIV they have developed a treatment where they can lower the T count so much that it then becomes almost impossible to pass it on too.

I think I've shot off topic there but in answer to the last question, she has no clue.



No methodology. But 146 out of 397 tested positive. 

Thanks for that. The more you know and all ?

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14 minutes ago, Uptherams said:


No methodology. But 146 out of 397 tested positive. 

Thanks for that. The more you know and all ?

Which means either

1) the test is somehow flawed and has a high instance of false-postives - or

2) there are a very high number of asymptomatic people out there, and therefore we should be studying the heck out of what is different between those who show no symptoms, those who recover with only mild symptoms and those who end up dead. How can a single disease be so choosy?

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6 minutes ago, SchtivePesley said:

Which means either

1) the test is somehow flawed and has a high instance of false-postives - or

2) there are a very high number of asymptomatic people out there, and therefore we should be studying the heck out of what is different between those who show no symptoms, those who recover with only mild symptoms and those who end up dead. How can a single disease be so choosy?

Agree on both. We have had reports of PPE that is not fit for purpose. But i gather batches of both tests and PPE are being tested to prevent false positives and healthcare workers being exposed. 

More and more studies need to be conducted. But I'm now hopeful this isn't anywhere near as bad as first thought. 

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22 minutes ago, SchtivePesley said:

Which means either

1) the test is somehow flawed and has a high instance of false-postives - or

2) there are a very high number of asymptomatic people out there, and therefore we should be studying the heck out of what is different between those who show no symptoms, those who recover with only mild symptoms and those who end up dead. How can a single disease be so choosy?

I think the fact that so many have tested positive in this sample isn't really surprising. As we know, the virus is easily spread so, if a couple have the virus in the hostel then you'd expect it to spread quite widely amongst many others there. I doubt there is very much effective social distancing.

What is surprising is that none showed any symptoms.

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Going to do an @SaintRam type update from today's briefing:-

Question 1 from BBC - are you ashamed re PPE?

Actually dont think there is going to be any need to carry on, same poo, different day.

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1 hour ago, Bob The Badger said:

The reporter then asked what I thought was a brilliant question, 'if you haven't come up with a vaccine in 15 years for HIV, what makes you think you can develop one in a year or so for Covid?'

He went into detail - most of which was over my head - about why they were different and how much more complex the HIV virus is. He also said that they have developed spectacular treatments for HIV that make it relatively easy to manage.

HIV mutates after infecting someone so that they end up infected with lots of different versions of the virus. 

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4 hours ago, Bob The Badger said:

Can somebody explain something I'm confused about.

I have read and watched a LOT about this including countless interviews with medical experts across every spectrum.

And being married to a doctor who is now working with Covid patients twice per week we talk about it a lot too.

The only place I hear herd immunity mentioned is here.

Everything I have read and heard says that they simply don't know whether immunity even works yet.

And that even is it does it could be like the flu and only last for 3, 6 or 9 months.

So how could we be aiming for herd immunity when immunity itself may not even exist?

Yes......we wondered who would spot that one first. 


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4 hours ago, Eddie said:

I would like to give you an answer, but something something politics dheads something.

Hence my rather helpful and informative forum tip the other day.

This is the perfect scenario to try it out...

Let us know how you get on!  ?



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3 hours ago, Paul71 said:

I take it that is aimed at me for complaining about politics in the thread...if not i apologise for misreading it.

Not aimed at anyone really. Life is political, and so is football for that matter - at least sometimes. To restrict discussion to one thing or another within the confines of a section or thread is David's prerogative though, because it's his site, his rules, and I'm probably as guilty as anyone for stepping outside the bounds and constraints.

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