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1 hour ago, Eddie said:

Think about those on the 'vulnerable' list. We have 12 weeks of this, and my guess is that any relaxation of the confinement conditions won't apply to us. In fact, my guess is that I will be 'confined to barracks' for 26 weeks at least, and perhaps as much as a year. The problem there is that will apply to the Memsahib as well.

well said, I used to think brits had a back bone, fook me its not like any of us have had anything like Terry Waite had to put up with.  Can't go out unless it is essential, only allowed out once a day for exercise, ran out of things to watch on multiple platforms, can't shop in pairs the list of deprivation is endless.  Can see that the govt will be raising a windfall tax on therapists

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1 hour ago, BaaLocks said:

Go for it, balance away - put something on the table that shows the other side. Go for it, really.....

Can't be bothered. You obviously know the Tories are all devil's incarnate and are the only politicians that are only interested in their own careers. It seems you were also party to all negotiations and discussions (including medical and scientific advisors) so, I can't compete with that.

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3 hours ago, BaaLocks said:

And no, I'm not suggesting Corbyn was the right person but I am saying a more compassionate, transparent, listening, government who had something more than irrational disdain for experts would have given us a better reponse.

Which experts have the Government shown an irrational disdain for in this crisis out of interest?

As far as I can see, it has been the medical and scientific experts leading our response every step of the way.

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2 hours ago, Eddie said:

Think about those on the 'vulnerable' list. We have 12 weeks of this, and my guess is that any relaxation of the confinement conditions won't apply to us. In fact, my guess is that I will be 'confined to barracks' for 26 weeks at least, and perhaps as much as a year. The problem there is that will apply to the Memsahib as well.

I feel for you Eddie, but I feel for everyone in this. My dad was expecting a Government letter, didn't arrive, so maybe not in the 1.5 Million but I certainly won't let him go out for anything other than a local walk for fresh air.

The irony for my dad is Hydroxychloroquine is one of the drugs he's on daily.


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1 hour ago, rammieib said:

I feel for you Eddie, but I feel for everyone in this. My dad was expecting a Government letter, didn't arrive, so maybe not in the 1.5 Million but I certainly won't let him go out for anything other than a local walk for fresh air.

The irony for my dad is Hydroxychloroquine is one of the drugs he's on daily.


I have no problem with it, because I am semi-retired, work from home and am a sedentary animal at the best of times. My wife is severely claustrophobic (perhaps she just can't bear to be in the same room as me really) and it's hit her very hard, but the warm, sunny weather has at least allowed her the run of the garden.

As far as the letters are concerned, I've had one from the Government, one from the NHS, one from my GP and yesterday received a phone call from my consultant at the Royal Derby Hospital, so they seem pretty keen on my house arrest.

Apparently hydroxychloroquine prices to the NHS have increased 10-fold since the Fanta Menace started pushing it. He must have shares in the manufacturer.

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2 minutes ago, Eddie said:

I have no problem with it, because I am semi-retired, work from home and am a sedentary animal at the best of times. My wife is severely claustrophobic (perhaps she just can't bear to be in the same room as me really) and it's hit her very hard, but the warm, sunny weather has at least allowed her the run of the garden.

As far as the letters are concerned, I've had one from the Government, one from the NHS, one from my GP and yesterday received a phone call from my consultant at the Royal Derby Hospital, so they seem pretty keen on my house arrest.

Apparently hydroxychloroquine prices to the NHS have increased 10-fold since the Fanta Menace started pushing it. He must have shares in the manufacturer.

I wish he did, but no surprise that Trump does. The sad thing is although this week I picked up his drugs for the next 4 weeks - I worry will they be available for him longer term. Thankfully there is a UK manufacturer for them.

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11 minutes ago, Eddie said:

I have no problem with it, because I am semi-retired, work from home and am a sedentary animal at the best of times. My wife is severely claustrophobic (perhaps she just can't bear to be in the same room as me really) and it's hit her very hard, but the warm, sunny weather has at least allowed her the run of the garden.

As far as the letters are concerned, I've had one from the Government, one from the NHS, one from my GP and yesterday received a phone call from my consultant at the Royal Derby Hospital, so they seem pretty keen on my house arrest.

Apparently hydroxychloroquine prices to the NHS have increased 10-fold since the Fanta Menace started pushing it. He must have shares in the manufacturer.

Apparently, he does.

"The Times reports the president’s family trusts all have investments in a mutual fund whose largest holding is Sanofi, the manufacturer of Plaquenil, the brand-name version of hydroxychloroquine. Associates of the president, including Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross, have also run funds that hold investments in the pharmaceutical firm."


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2 minutes ago, rammieib said:

I wish he did, but no surprise that Trump does. The sad thing is although this week I picked up his drugs for the next 4 weeks - I worry will they be available for him longer term. Thankfully there is a UK manufacturer for them.

My drug lifeline is made in Germany by Bayer, or by Johnson & Johnson in the USA. The alternative (and of course it's vastly cheaper in all honesty) is Warfarin, but I have had 3 blood clots even when taking that muck. Sooner or later one will have my number on it. Using a direct factor Xa inhibitor which Rivaroxaban is, I just have to take one tablet a day and don't even need blood tests.

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1 hour ago, G STAR RAM said:

As far as I can see, it has been the medical and scientific experts leading our response every step of the way.

Can you offer anything to confirm this as the scientists themselves seem to be saying the exact opposite is true.

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5 minutes ago, ramit said:

Apparently, he does.

"The Times reports the president’s family trusts all have investments in a mutual fund whose largest holding is Sanofi, the manufacturer of Plaquenil, the brand-name version of hydroxychloroquine. Associates of the president, including Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross, have also run funds that hold investments in the pharmaceutical firm."


Christ on a bike, I was only joking as well, but then I thought "Grifters gonna grift" so it comes as no surprise whatsoever.

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2 minutes ago, Eddie said:

"We've heard enough from experts"

It's odd that, with justification it seems, much is being made of the WHO delays in confirming human to human transmissions of the virus, but very few posts on here acknowledge that most of the advice when it did arrive was ignored. The 'if we'd known earlier' argument is rather redundant when advice from the exact source being vilified is blatantly ignored when it does arrive. 

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42 minutes ago, Eddie said:

I have no problem with it, because I am semi-retired, work from home and am a sedentary animal at the best of times. My wife is severely claustrophobic (perhaps she just can't bear to be in the same room as me really) and it's hit her very hard, but the warm, sunny weather has at least allowed her the run of the garden.

As far as the letters are concerned, I've had one from the Government, one from the NHS, one from my GP and yesterday received a phone call from my consultant at the Royal Derby Hospital, so they seem pretty keen on my house arrest.

Apparently hydroxychloroquine prices to the NHS have increased 10-fold since the Fanta Menace started pushing it. He must have shares in the manufacturer.

Fanta Menace - who do you possibly mean ?

donald trump GIF

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