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The Politics Thread 2020


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1 hour ago, Eddie said:

It's interesting to see that America under Obama went the other way by bringing in quantitative easing. The jury's still out as to whether that worked or not.

Under Obama the US debt increased by trillions, how many is dependent on the methods used to calculate it.

Any way it's figured though, the jury has reached a verdict, Obama's financial record was abysmal.


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Fair play to Matty 'the postman' Hancock, he has delivered again.

He clearly stated the government aim of saving the majority of tests up until 30th April, and that many of those tests won't actually be done on April 30th, just they will be in the post. And he's only gone and done it! 

I'm glad for him that he has hit the number as he was clearly being lined up as a scapegoat.  Now the Tories who were already briefing against him will have to congratulate him through gritted teeth, knowing themselves that he has technically hit the target, but not how anyone was anticipating.

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1 hour ago, Eddie said:

The check's in the post.

I honestly have very weak political interest /leanings. 

The missus was going on yesterday that it was unfair he had almost reached his target and was still getting grief...'oh he's trying to do his best and is being honest' seemed to be her point. 

Fine if that is what happened. 

I eventually mused...."if I was in sales and my boss said that I was doing worse then virtually all the rest of the staff, and I said 'trust me, its part of a bigger plan I'm doing the groundwork and by the end of the month I will be clearing £10,000 every day'.. If two days before the end of the month I was still only bringing in £4000 and then on the last day I produced a load of written pledges to buy next month, would he be patting me on the back?"

No idea of the veracity/validity of my argument, but it shut the argument down cos she had no clue either ?


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My post earlier was basically meant to be a "Days Since...." Whiteboard where you're supposed to keep a tally of days since an instance of a regular and predictable event happened, knowing that sooner or later (normally sooner) you're going to have to get the whiteboard eraser out and start the count again. Anything above 7 days is almost miraculous.

I'm not sure where I first saw this, probably in a TV comedy somewhere.

This particular whiteboard was for counting the days since the UK Government last told a bare-faced lie or manipulated statistics in order to cover up their own incompetence and to portray to the public the image of success (...or both)

Needless to say, we hadn't even managed to chalk up 4 days before some poor buggar had to wipe it out and start the count again.

This thread's been weirdly quiet this evening?


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3 minutes ago, Coconut said:

My post earlier was basically meant to be a "Days Since...." Whiteboard where you're supposed to keep a tally of days since an instance of a regular and predictable event happened, knowing that sooner or later (normally sooner) you're going to have to get the whiteboard eraser out and start the count again. Anything above 7 days is almost miraculous.

I'm not sure where I first saw this, probably in a TV comedy somewhere.

This particular whiteboard was for counting the days since the UK Government last told a bare-faced lie or manipulated statistics in order to cover up their own incompetence and to portray to the public the image of success (...or both)

Needless to say, we hadn't even managed to chalk up 4 days before some poor buggar had to wipe it out and start the count again.

This thread's been weirdly quiet this evening?

Eddie’s not allowed out, but all the other Trots are out in their gardens marching around waving their flags. 

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35 minutes ago, ramit said:

Under Obama the US debt increased by trillions, how many is dependent on the methods used to calculate it.

Any way it's figured though, the jury has reached a verdict, Obama's financial record was abysmal.


What I was doing was contrasting the US situation with the one in the UK. Interestingly, the US national debt 'only' increased under Obama's quantitative easing from 68% of GDP to 104% - basically an increase of a factor of 50%. The UK took a totally opposite stance (austerity) and saw national debt increase from 46% to 82% of GDP.

The USA's approach might have been bad for the rich, but the UK's approach was a disaster for the poor.

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Ok so I get in an economy money circulates around and that’s how it works. However if person A gives £5 to person B and person B gives £5 to person C and person C gives £5 to person D and Person D gives £5 to person A we get our nice little circulation.

Right now something in this circle has stopped - but if someone has stopped, someone will be holding £20 and all the others have nothing.

Now in our National/Global economy, where has the money gone? Who is holding it all? 

Is it literally individuals who have more in their accounts because their not spending it (too scared to) or will it be sitting in a selective few companies? Can anyone give a Lehman’s explanation on where the money has gone?

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2 minutes ago, rammieib said:

Ok so I get in an economy money circulates around and that’s how it works. However if person A gives £5 to person B and person B gives £5 to person C and person C gives £5 to person D and Person D gives £5 to person A we get our nice little circulation.

Right now something in this circle has stopped - but if someone has stopped, someone will be holding £20 and all the others have nothing.

Now in our National/Global economy, where has the money gone? Who is holding it all? 

Is it literally individuals who have more in their accounts because their not spending it (too scared to) or will it be sitting in a selective few companies? Can anyone give a Lehman’s explanation on where the money has gone?

I've acquired a bit, because I'm not spending £120 a week in the pub. On the other hand, most of that money is going to Kurt at Belgiuminabox.

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1 hour ago, rammieib said:

Can anyone give a Lehman’s explanation on where the money has gone?

I've only just noticed this Freudian slip.

If deliberate, well played Sir!

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1 hour ago, GboroRam said:



Maybe but I distinctly remember a whiteboard!

Obviously whatever it was took inspiration from The Simpsons, but that's nothing new, infact this scene feels oddly reminiscent of our government's attitude towards public relations and accountability...

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26 minutes ago, ramit said:

Workers Of The World Unite

But keep 2 meter distance comrades


Its impossible to maintain the 2 metre rule inside production factories but at least the senior managers are all ok working from home ?

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2 minutes ago, uttoxram75 said:

Its impossible to maintain the 2 metre rule inside production factories but at least the senior managers are all ok working from home ?

People who can work from home should do. I really think you need to get your head around social distancing and the rules laid down. Why don’t you get your rolling pin out and make the biscuits at home?

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5 hours ago, Angry Ram said:

As part of our ISO we discuss threats to the business.. A global pandemic was raised but bar insurance there was not much we could do to mitigate. 
I can’t for the life of me remember why but we did not take out that clause. Lesson learned there I suppose.

I was a couple of years ago now..

Exactly that sort of thing. It's the process of trying to think things through that gives you the most value.

Our current bugbear is cyber ransomware. Probably a when, not if. But as a company some things are so huge you can't address in isolation so the best mitigation is escalating up to government through trade associations to make them aware.

Things like pandemics show how still its national governments that can mobilize truly staggering resources-levels that we cant get to in the private sector. 


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18 minutes ago, Van Gritters said:

People who can work from home should do. I really think you need to get your head around social distancing and the rules laid down. Why don’t you get your rolling pin out and make the biscuits at home?

Thanks for your support . It means a lot for us lot hoping to duck we don’t infect our families knowing you’re behind us?

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50 minutes ago, uttoxram75 said:

Thanks for your support . It means a lot for us lot hoping to duck we don’t infect our families knowing you’re behind us?

Sorry your the only one on the front line. I’m out everyday exercising the 2m rule dealing with public health issues that can’t be ignored. 

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7 hours ago, uttoxram75 said:

Its impossible to maintain the 2 metre rule inside production factories but at least the senior managers are all ok working from home ?

No its not it just takes some thought we have taken several measures including working three shifts instead of two, staggering break times, gaps between shifts, marking out floors with a sanitising space, one person at a time in the locker room If you want you can do it It may come at the cost of a bit of productivity but if you try it is possible 

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