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The Politics Thread 2020


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6 minutes ago, Highgate said:

People are criticizing Trump for what he did right now.  For the bizarre nature of the press briefing where he seriously suggested we spend time researching injecting disinfectant directly into patients. Not to mention him brazenly lying the following day and claiming it was a sarcastic comment on his part.  

That's what he is being criticized for, not simply for 'being Trump'. 

Ok, in your opinion was what he said at the press briefing ignorant and dangerous or not?  Yes or No.    And was he lying the following day when he said it was merely a sarcastic comment to a reporter?   Yes or No

Do I think it was dangerous? No. I dont think people are stupid enough to inject themselves with disinfectant based on Trump asking his advisers whether it could be researched.

Was he lying? Not seen the interview and even if I had, I would have no idea if he was lying or not. In my opinion, what he said at the briefing was not said in sarcasm though.

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I think he gets defended because he "makes the libs cry". My enemy's enemy is my friend sort of logic. 

He is popular because of his "drain the swamp" message. But he's just replacing it with a different swamp. 

Some people don't want to admit they were misled by him. Some want to believe he is doing good things, and all the negativity is just "the swamp" fighting back. Some just hate the Liberal left so much they'll support anything they don't like out of principle. 

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32 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

Do I think it was dangerous? No. I dont think people are stupid enough to inject themselves with disinfectant based on Trump asking his advisers whether it could be researched.

Was he lying? Not seen the interview and even if I had, I would have no idea if he was lying or not. In my opinion, what he said at the briefing was not said in sarcasm though.

Well the makers of disinfectant brands in the US seem to disagree with you enough to issue warnings and reminders for customers not to inject or ingest their products.  Incredible that companies have to clean up after the President like that.

Now if he is not lying, then he is utterly deluded about what took place 24 hours previously.  Take your pick.  Inveterate brazen liar or simply delusional and incapable of remembering events as they occurred. 

Unless you want to argue that he is both those things. ?


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14 hours ago, Tamworthram said:

Exactly. Which is why it was such a stupid, dangerous and reckless thing to have said regardless of whether he meant it, was being sarcastic or just posing it to a question to his medical/scientific advisors but, I’m afraid @G STAR RAM won’t have.

Come on anyone with half a brain knows you don’t inject bleach. I think the point is why has everyone jumped on it?

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1 hour ago, Van Gritters said:

Come on anyone with half a brain knows you don’t inject bleach. I think the point is why has everyone jumped on it?

Trump supporters haven't even got half a brain, so I suppose no harm done at all.

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The National clinical director for Scotland, Jason Leitch, does a 30 min Q&A on 'off the ball'. Its a radio scotland institution, light hearted take on Scottish football. He adresses peoples everyday concerns and gives advice on how to stay safe. 

Anyway, Ive yet to hear anyone speak so clearly and directly about the whole pandemic. 

His first comment today? 'I cant believe I had to stand up beside the 1st minister yesterday during the conoravirus update and tell people NOT to drink or inject cleaning products into their body'

He was very frustrated that its hard enough gathering data, trying to inform the public how to stay safe and Trump comes along to waste valuable time. 

Like her or loathe her, Sturgeon and her advisors are doing a much better PR job during the crisis than her London equivalents. The only person that comes close to her level of communication is Rishi Sunak. 

Priti Patel today? Did she really quote lower crime numbers when we are all mostly on lockdown? 


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1 hour ago, Highgate said:

Well the makers of disinfectant brands in the US seem to disagree with you enough to issue warnings and reminders for customers not to inject or ingest their products.  Incredible that companies have to clean up after the President like that.

Now if he is not lying, then he is utterly deluded about what took place 24 hours previously.  Take your pick.  Inveterate brazen liar or simply delusional and incapable of remembering events as they occurred. 

Unless you want to argue that he is both those things. ?


Explains the recent brick shortage I suppose, I guess everyone must have built their own wall to keep the Mexicans out.

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4 hours ago, G STAR RAM said:

Nah, just like a bit of balance to a thread.

Would be a bit boring just sat here listening to everyone left of centre being called thick racists.

Especially when the same people doing this revert to 'attack the policies not the person' when the roles are reversed.

Can't believe how many people have called you a thick racist for trying to bring a bit of balance to Trump's minor comments on possible advice to prevent coronavirus. It's bang out of order.

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7 hours ago, G STAR RAM said:

I dont have time for many politicians at all.

I defend him because I like calling out hypocrisy. 

If Jeremy Corbyn or Dianne Abbot came in for half of the abuse that Trump does there would be a full scale meltdown on here.

Not sure why it should be one rule for one and one rule for another.


That you seem unaware of the massive abuse in the press and on social media for Corbyn and Abbott for years, shows how out of touch you are or perhaps where you get your news from.

Some things don't need discussion. Smallpox is bad. Coronavirus is bad. Trump is worse

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And people still wonder why calling half a country thick or depolorable isn't winning them votes ?

Its a sad state of affairs when the best the opposition can do is put forwards a creepy old man old man with almost certainly some degree of dementia - and the best chance he has of winning is to say absolutely nothing.  Bizarre times.

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6 hours ago, CWC1983 said:

The National clinical director for Scotland, Jason Leitch, does a 30 min Q&A on 'off the ball'. Its a radio scotland institution, light hearted take on Scottish football. He adresses peoples everyday concerns and gives advice on how to stay safe. 

Anyway, Ive yet to hear anyone speak so clearly and directly about the whole pandemic. 

His first comment today? 'I cant believe I had to stand up beside the 1st minister yesterday during the conoravirus update and tell people NOT to drink or inject cleaning products into their body'

He was very frustrated that its hard enough gathering data, trying to inform the public how to stay safe and Trump comes along to waste valuable time. 

Like her or loathe her, Sturgeon and her advisors are doing a much better PR job during the crisis than her London equivalents. The only person that comes close to her level of communication is Rishi Sunak. 

Priti Patel today? Did she really quote lower crime numbers when we are all mostly on lockdown? 


Have to agree about Sturgeon. I normally have no time for her and her one policy but she has been brilliant in her briefings. Is the press pack up there trying to trip her up at every opportunity? I dunno. However she has Impressed me greatly during this period.


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46 minutes ago, maxjam said:

.....a creepy old man old man with almost certainly some degree of dementia - and the best chance he has of winning is to say absolutely nothing. 

You do realise that you've just described Trump to a tee there, don't you, though I'd say 'creepy' was a bit weak given the comments about his own daughter, pussy grabbing, wet fun with Russian hookers, the friendship with Epstein and the couple of dozen reports of sexual assault. We'll let that slide though. I would however remove the words 'almost certainly some degree of' as there's clearly no doubt that he's both loony-tunes AND suffering from dementia.

That aside, you've absolutely nailed it as on recent performances, his best chance of retaining power is to say nothing, or at least stick to stuff like 'let's make America great again' and 'drain the swamp' or my personal favourite, 'build the wall'. You know, all those catchy slogans so many right wingers seem to love to chant.

It's interesting as it's starting to become clear that deflection may not really work for Trump a second time around. Outside of the US, he so widely despised that while he may still be able to shift the focus within the MAGA states, he may not be able to anywhere else anymore. Perhaps he may still win another term, but he's no longer the racing certainty he was a few months back and his light is dimming by the day to the point where if Michelle Obama runs alongside Biden, that in itself could provide the tipping point. He's a best priced 19/20 with the bookies with Biden now only 6/5 and for the first time since his election, some books now have him odds against. Not definitive, obviously, but interesting nonetheless.

It's also interesting to hear the pro-Trump folks on here trying to water things down in the name of balance and other pretexts because one of the things that previously seemed so appealing to them, was the fact that Trump didn't care. He said what he said and did what he did and all of this 'without fear or favour'.  There were NO EXCUSES. Now every day is a damage limitation exercise, one statement putting out the fires of the one before. Republicans are turning on Trump, the right wing press has abandoned him, even some of his cult are beginning to question him, so it'll be fascinating to watch the political landscape develop over there in the run up to the election as in the early throes of the pandemic, somewhat remarkably, the US seemed to admire his handling of the crisis. That doesn't seem to be the case anymore. It begs an interesting question though, as if the pandemic undoes right wing politics in the US, are there wider ramifications for other right wing governments throughout the western world? My gut feeling is there may well be.

As you say, bizarre times.

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6 hours ago, ariotofmyown said:

Can't believe how many people have called you a thick racist for trying to bring a bit of balance to Trump's minor comments on possible advice to prevent coronavirus. It's bang out of order.

Dont remember saying it was me being called a racist or that it was in relation to this event.

Does go to show that people like to twist words to make a story though.

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7 hours ago, CWC1983 said:

The National clinical director for Scotland, Jason Leitch, does a 30 min Q&A on 'off the ball'. Its a radio scotland institution, light hearted take on Scottish football. He adresses peoples everyday concerns and gives advice on how to stay safe. 

Anyway, Ive yet to hear anyone speak so clearly and directly about the whole pandemic. 

His first comment today? 'I cant believe I had to stand up beside the 1st minister yesterday during the conoravirus update and tell people NOT to drink or inject cleaning products into their body'

He was very frustrated that its hard enough gathering data, trying to inform the public how to stay safe and Trump comes along to waste valuable time. 

Like her or loathe her, Sturgeon and her advisors are doing a much better PR job during the crisis than her London equivalents. The only person that comes close to her level of communication is Rishi Sunak. 

Priti Patel today? Did she really quote lower crime numbers when we are all mostly on lockdown? 


Detection rates have gone through the roof too ,, everything is an inside job

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2 hours ago, sunnyhill60 said:

That you seem unaware of the massive abuse in the press and on social media for Corbyn and Abbott for years, shows how out of touch you are or perhaps where you get your news from.

Some things don't need discussion. Smallpox is bad. Coronavirus is bad. Trump is worse

Yes perhaps you are right and I may be out of touch.

Can you show me some examples of where the press have attacked Corbyn and Abbot based on their skin colour, hairstyle and their general intelligence, rather than just their policies or something they have said please.

Hopefully, that will help me form a better opinion of the media.


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13 minutes ago, 86 Schmokes & a Pancake said:

Outside of the US, he so widely despised that while he may still be able to shift the focus within the MAGA states, he may not be able to anywhere else anymore.

Not disputing this as I've not really looked into it but is there anything that backs this statement up?

Not too sure that many of the American electorate that would vote for Trump would care about what people outside of the US think of him.

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8 hours ago, Van Gritters said:

Come on anyone with half a brain knows you don’t inject bleach. I think the point is why has everyone jumped on it?

You’d like to think so but, there are some folk out there that seem pretty dumb (have you never seen footage of a Trump rally? Did you not see certain individuals that felt it necessary to be out with assault rifles protesting about the lock down? have you looked at any articles about Genesis II, the leader of which group wrote to Trump about this idea?, what about the chap in the US that died from taking a tablet designed to clean his fish tank because it contained something similar to the anti malaria drug talked about or the hundreds that died in Iran through drinking alcohol (not just a glass of Guinness) because they thought it would protect them?)

It’s not just the press, looking for a reason to have a go at Trump, it seems that scientists and even the manufacturers of some products felt it necessary to speak out.

The point isn’t why has everyone jumped on it, it’s hard to ignore such a stupid thing and just try and brush it under the carpet. The point is, why is the leader of the most powerful nation on the planet publicly voicing such dangerous ideas and then trying to back track by claiming he was only being sarcastic. Really? Do you believe that?

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27 minutes ago, Angry Ram said:

Priti Patel today? Did she really quote lower crime numbers when we are all mostly on lockdown?

I think the Tories feel guilty about the relentless Abbott-bashing in the run up to the general election. For 'balance' they've made the village idiot Home Secretary, someone so dim that she actually believes blowing her own trumpet over reduced crime figures during a national lockdown, rather than focusing solely on the issue of the global pandemic, is something that actually shows her in a favourable light. As to the validity of the figures she provided, let's not even go there! 

When you compare her performance to that of Sturgeon, it's like night and day. 

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15 hours ago, G STAR RAM said:

Yeah I know, he was going to start World War III, first with North Korea, then with Iran. Then he was going to demand the NHS be handed to him on a plate. 

Dont have much time for the guy.

The only reason I appear to defend him his because it's funny watching the rubbish that people try to use against him and then as soon as they get bored of that they move on to something else.

Its exactly the same with Boris over here.


So, to be clear, you don’t have much time for Trump and although it appears to everyone that you are usually defending Trump you’re not actually defending Trump at all.

Basically you just find it funny to consistently give the appearance of defending Trump so you can then observe those posters who you claim talk rubbish and who you claim have limited attention spans.

Thanks for being so honest.

Do you troll the forum on any other issues - or just about Trump?

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1 minute ago, G STAR RAM said:

Not disputing this as I've not really looked into it but is there anything that backs this statement up?

Not too sure that many of the American electorate that would vote for Trump would care about what people outside of the US think of him.

I doubt you really need look any further than the vast weight of negative opinion on this forum. If you do need any further evidence, then the press, social media, pretty much anywhere really. Let's ask a different question maybe; can you provide any evidence at all that shows I'm wrong?

As for your second comment, I'd agree Trump supporters aren't fussed about what the rest of the world thinks, but if you assume that goes for all of the US I'm afraid you've rather misjudged the situation. Lumping all Americans into the same basket is not really the ticket. 

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