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The Politics Thread 2019


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1 hour ago, GboroRam said:


Cheers.  Feel free to post anymore sound bites from someone who had a £100,000 secondary school education referring to those who live in the real world and don't agree with him as illiterate A-holes.  Just don't expect anyone to take it seriously.  Sure he has a lovely palatial home in some mews of Primrose Hill.

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6 hours ago, Gee SCREAMER !! said:

Cheers.  Feel free to post anymore sound bites from someone who had a £100,000 secondary school education referring to those who live in the real world and don't agree with him as illiterate A-holes.  Just don't expect anyone to take it seriously.  Sure he has a lovely palatial home in some mews of Primrose Hill.

You're right, that invalidates the message entirely. Brexit is a success because someone I morally disagree with pointed out it isn't. 

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7 hours ago, GboroRam said:


What this doesnt take into account is that Brexit is a term coined to describe how we left the EU.

I have no idea who the person is but is he suggesting that everyone that voted Leave didnt know we would be leaving the EU?

It's an argument that's been done to death and is frankly very tiresome.

Is it a coincidence that it never really appears to be Leave voters saying that they didn't know what they were voting for?

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26 minutes ago, Van Gritters said:

So I take it you’ll be voting Lib Dem in the coming election because they have a clear policy of revoking article 50.

I'll weigh up my options on the day. Would love to vote to keep the NHS but I think it's tory ot libdem here. Not even sure if Labour stand a candidate every time. 

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22 hours ago, Angry Ram said:

Would you have stayed or left? Was the whole thing racist? Is it now being used as a political football?

He apologised, why should he resign?

When that particular block was built, it was designed around a single star case, small quote from wiki.. 'Like many other tower blocks in the UK, Grenfell Tower was designed to be operated under a "stay put policy" in the event of fire. The idea was that if a fire broke out in one flat, thick walls and fire doors would contain the fire long enough for the fire service to bring it under control.'

It started on the fourth flour, by the time the alarm would have been raised, there is a good chance that single stair case would be full of smoke, 85% of deaths from fires are from smoke inclination.


The problem is that the local Tory council thought the building was ugly, and the rich neighbours, complained.  The official line is: Cladding is being added on tower blocks built in the 1960s and 1970s such as Grenfell Tower to improve the thermal performance of the flats and in some cases prevent material deteriorating and falling from the existing facades. These flats are often homes to some of the poorest in society and improving the facades may cut their energy bills to less than a half. This also means that they can adequately heat their homes to avoid condensation and mould growth inside.

So on a shoe string budget, they 'made it pretty' by using cladding that is banned in Canada, USA, Australia and to a degree also in the UK as it fails parts of the building code, but that was hushed up by May, when her cladding experts didn't give the report to fit her narrative.

Now that has the effect of changing the safety of the building, by adding a thermal chimney around the outside of the building.

A fault in a budget brand fridge started a fire.  Fire follows the path of least resistance, this case the window, and then into the space between the exterior wall and the cladding.  That narrow space has a specific effect on the fire, that effect is like shaking up a plastic pop bottle and then stabbing a hole in it.  Hence the rapid spread.

The Fire Service had no knowledge of this, they where working on the fact of the original design, and the stay put policy.  Who is at fault?  The contractor and the local council.

JRM should resign, because he clearly demonstrated that he had no full understanding of the actual facts.

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12 minutes ago, McRamFan said:


JRM should resign, because he clearly demonstrated that he had no full understanding of the actual facts.

So if we follow that logic, we would not have any elected reps at all? I must assume that this 'resign' policy would apply Abbot et al ,when they show ignorance on any subject?

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10 minutes ago, Angry Ram said:

So if we follow that logic, we would not have any elected reps at all? I must assume that this 'resign' policy would apply Abbot et al ,when they show ignorance on any subject?

She would be the first to go.  The problem is that once elected, they get a Teflon coat and can virtually get away with anything.  Look at the expense scandal, how many years did MP's from virtually all parties get away from that.  That wasn't ignorance from Mogg, he knew exactly what he was saying.  He is a smart, calculating snake.

Why is JRM allowed to run a company where he can have influence on via parliament, why are they allowed to advise on boards.  None of that should be happening, and more accountability is required.

They should be representing the people that voted for them, once they get distracted, they should be out.

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7 minutes ago, McRamFan said:

She would be the first to go.  The problem is that once elected, they get a Teflon coat and can virtually get away with anything.  Look at the expense scandal, how many years did MP's from virtually all parties get away from that.  That wasn't ignorance from Mogg, he knew exactly what he was saying.  He is a smart, calculating snake.

Why is JRM allowed to run a company where he can have influence on via parliament, why are they allowed to advise on boards.  None of that should be happening, and more accountability is required.

They should be representing the people that voted for them, once they get distracted, they should be out.

Don't disagree with any of that. Interesting that as a Remainer you should type that last sentence though.

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16 minutes ago, McRamFan said:

She would be the first to go.  The problem is that once elected, they get a Teflon coat and can virtually get away with anything.  Look at the expense scandal, how many years did MP's from virtually all parties get away from that.  That wasn't ignorance from Mogg, he knew exactly what he was saying.  He is a smart, calculating snake.

Why is JRM allowed to run a company where he can have influence on via parliament, why are they allowed to advise on boards.  None of that should be happening, and more accountability is required.

They should be representing the people that voted for them, once they get distracted, they should be out.

What company is this please?

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1 hour ago, GboroRam said:

I'll weigh up my options on the day. Would love to vote to keep the NHS but I think it's tory ot libdem here. Not even sure if Labour stand a candidate every time. 

The NHS was set up at a time when there were four working people to every pensioner and people didn’t live much beyond 70.

We now live in a country with average life expectancy of around 80 and with only about two working people to every pensioner.

Added to this, medical inflation is about three times normal inflation.

There’s not sufficient income from tax to pay for all we want the NHS to be.

We should be grateful for all the good work it does but those of us who have disposable income should also consider private medical insurance. The government should be encouraging this by lowering the tax payable by insurers which inflates premiums.

This would help shorten queues for non-emergency treatment and let the NHS do what it’s best at.



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13 minutes ago, Angry Ram said:

Don't disagree with any of that. Interesting that as a Remainer you should type that last sentence though.

Yes I voted remain, and I accept leave won by 1.2m votes.  However knowing what we know now, and that 13m didn't vote either way, perhaps they didn't vote because they where happy with the status quo, I think a second vote should be considered depending on what eventually emerges from this basket case of a political system we are all suffering.

If leaving is such the right thing to do, why aren't all the facts on the table?  In all honesty, I trust none of them.

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Just now, McRamFan said:

Yes I voted remain, and I accept leave won by 1.2m votes.  However knowing what we know now, and that 13m didn't vote either way, perhaps they didn't vote because they where happy with the status quo, I think a second vote should be considered depending on what eventually emerges from this basket case of a political system we are all suffering.

If leaving is such the right thing to do, why aren't all the facts on the table?  In all honesty, I trust none of them.

Almost everyone had made up their mind before the campaigns even began. 

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8 hours ago, Gee SCREAMER !! said:

Cheers.  Feel free to post anymore sound bites from someone who had a £100,000 secondary school education referring to those who live in the real world and don't agree with him as illiterate A-holes.  Just don't expect anyone to take it seriously.  Sure he has a lovely palatial home in some mews of Primrose Hill.

What has any of that to do with the point he is making?

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36 minutes ago, Angry Ram said:

What do people make of these 'alliances'? If you are a green voter are you happy that you may now not have an option to vote green? They have is essence turned the GE into a one policy election

And it's not the environment, which is what they said at launch that this election had to be about.

Of course I can see why they're doing it. It's just a shame that voters will have a much reduced choice in many areas.

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6 minutes ago, Uptherams said:

Almost everyone had made up their mind before the campaigns even began. 

I'd say people had their default position as opposed to having made their minds up.

Both campaigns were just so awful that I doubt many changed their default position. 

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