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The Politics Thread 2019


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7 minutes ago, Angry Ram said:

Won't last ?

It's actually nice to have a bit of a light hearted exchange on this thread for once. Not enough humour in the world nowadays for sure. 

That's the beauty of social media...everyone comes across as a nob when debating something. Makes it worse when you know the other person is wrong too!

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13 minutes ago, ariotofmyown said:

That's the beauty of social media...everyone comes across as a nob when debating something. Makes it worse when you know the other person is wrong too!

Often wonder how many of the people I have 'debated' with on here, I've actually stood next to in a bar after matches!

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1 minute ago, SchtivePesley said:

I see the Labour NEC have barred Chris Williamson from standing as the Labour candidate in Derby North. Probably for the best - but I'll reserve judgement until I see who the replacement candidate (and hope that Williamson doesn't decide to stand as an Independent!)

Tories HQ busy making a video of how he lied about his aide deliberately making a rape case collapse

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1 hour ago, 1of4 said:

Whats with all this bon aime between opposing camps. Next thing we'll be talking football and holding a match in no-man's land.


28 minutes ago, Angry Ram said:

Piss off ?

Ignore @Angry Ram hes just jealous that the Remainers are flirting with me and not him...especially now he knows I'm fat and bald.

Anyway, this football match, do you reckon we could hold it on the Irish border?

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54 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:


£24m to police the XR protests plus God knows how much for this case to be heard in court.

Claims for unlawful imprisonment incoming too.

All to achieve the square root of sweet fa. 

Wonder how many trees could have been planted with that money?

24 million if they had given it to a certain Youtuber's current campaign 

MrBeast I think his channel is. 

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9 minutes ago, maxjam said:


He says he will continue to campaign for the party, and the decision was "personal, not political".



I think he's got no choice. The leader of the Lib Dems is showing herself to be...well I don't know how to put it nicely. The Lib Dems are 50/50 for having less MP's than they currently do. 

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