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The Politics Thread 2019


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9 hours ago, uttoxram75 said:

The forthcoming election will decide the future of the NHS. A majority for Conservative/Brexit/Lib Dems will see the end of free healthcare in the UK. I can't see any other result unfortunately and I feel so guilty toward my parents generation who fought so hard and so bravely to give us a better life than they had.


I agree with you views on football. I think you worry too much about possible outcomes should the tories be re-elected. My worry is that Corbyn and his union backed politburo gain power and take the country into financial ruin again. ?

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2 hours ago, Paul71 said:

Is that fact though? If so to what timescale will this happen?


Were partly there, the slow privatisation and break up of the NHS is well under way.

Johnson, Farage and Swinson are all in favour of an American health system of insurance.

I really hope I'm wrong btw.

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5 minutes ago, uttoxram75 said:

Were partly there, the slow privatisation and break up of the NHS is well under way.

Johnson, Farage and Swinson are all in favour of an American health system of insurance.

I really hope I'm wrong btw.

Let's be honest, the NHS is s shadow of its former self.

The times when I have needed it in recent years I have been unable to access it because I've not rang up to tell them about my illness 2 weeks in advance.

Its reaching the stage of being unfit for purpose if the people funding it can access it efficiently.

Major funding or reform required.

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27 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

Why is that? I'm sure there are very few that know how other countries decide who to do trade deals with.

Yet we somehow knew that we would make deals better than the one we have with the EU. That they needed us more than we needed them. No deal was sold as the way forward, because we don't need the EU holding us back. Now you're admitting you've no idea how we can do these deals. 

Now you're promoting project fear ?

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2 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

Let's be honest, the NHS is s shadow of its former self.

The times when I have needed it in recent years I have been unable to access it because I've not rang up to tell them about my illness 2 weeks in advance.

Its reaching the stage of being unfit for purpose if the people funding it can access it efficiently.

Major funding or reform required.

Its been compartmentalised to make it more attractive to the private sector. Take the profit motive out and return it to a patient focused system.

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9 minutes ago, GboroRam said:

Yet we somehow knew that we would make deals better than the one we have with the EU. That they needed us more than we needed them. No deal was sold as the way forward, because we don't need the EU holding us back. Now you're admitting you've no idea how we can do these deals. 

Now you're promoting project fear ?

What on earth are you going on about now?

I'm not on about our trade  deal with the EU. 

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15 minutes ago, uttoxram75 said:

Its been compartmentalised to make it more attractive to the private sector. Take the profit motive out and return it to a patient focused system.

Nah, what with all those aging people who own their homes?

Post BREXIT have a 'cost of drugs crisis' … the Donald sweeps to the rescue with a rescue led by the benign US health giants ..

but ...

the drugs are only cheaper if you join the 'new scheme' - full US system. Best really if we chop the NHS up and sell it as regional franchises.

Shares go on sale at £5, some people's mates buy a load, a week later they are worth £20 each.

Funny that.

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6 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

One way of looking at it.

From my perspective its more to do with numbers using it.

The main hospitals are still pretty good in my experience. Getting there in the first place is the problem. GP services are an absolute mess at the moment due to under funding (intentionally I would say) and a lack of students choosing Medicine at University. The government could increase the number of homegrown doctors if it wanted to by eliminating tuition fees and offering incentives, but they will never do that. It isn't worth the cost outlay at the moment to study medicine.

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21 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

One way of looking at it.

From my perspective its more to do with numbers using it.

Having spent a day in A&E last week I can tell you that 90% of the people in there (as patients) were over the age of 70, and almost exclusively white

I can also tell you that almost all of those I saw being treated while I waited probably didn't need to be in A&E and could have gone to the Walk-In Centre for minor injuries.

OK - so it was just a snapshot of 1 day, but I have no reason to believe it was an outlier. I'd say the burden on the NHS comes from the ageing population more than it does any imagined groundswell of poorly illegal immigrants


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1 hour ago, G STAR RAM said:

They said if there was a guarantee that no jobs would ever be lost if we stayed in the EU then they would vote Remain.

I wasnt aware that job losses only ever started after the Referendum.

True, but they did say it would be the easiest deal in history and countries would be queuing up to deal with us.

It morphed into everyone voted for No Deal.

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21 hours ago, Van Wolfie said:

They've done that, though with options of Remain vs their new improved soft brexit deal - which they'll negotiate and then immediately campaign against.

Actually, the official Labour statement I saw on that said "we'll let you decide - no pressure from us". Seems sensible - just put the facts on the table and let the people make up their minds. If the last 4 years have taught us anything - it's that people don't want politicians telling them what to think. The idea of a second referendum with no political party campaigning is the only thing that makes it seem bearable

A long way to go before that though...

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29 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

Let's be honest, the NHS is s shadow of its former self.

The times when I have needed it in recent years I have been unable to access it because I've not rang up to tell them about my illness 2 weeks in advance.

Its reaching the stage of being unfit for purpose if the people funding it can access it efficiently.

Major funding or reform required.

Glad to see you agree with the Labour party.

The conservatives have been under funding the NHS for years.

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