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Random stuff that people do that annoy me


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The Independent.

It used to be such a good paper (and I do still buy the i on the odd occasion I get a paper) but the Independent is just appalling now it's online only. I've read two stories this afternoon where there are basic factual errors.

Also just read a story about inflation "spiking" with warnings of more increases to follow. Hang on, the target is 2%, so why isn't an increase to 0.6% good news, especially after all the QE designed to do just that? - though how 0.5% to 0.6% counts as a "spike" anyway is anyone's guess.

It's sad really, what's happened to it.

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Annoys me a bit how it feels time is moving so fast. I still struggle to believe kids born in 2000 have left now left school, to me they're still under12, wtf. I remember those years on the game console constantly avoiding gamer tags with birth dates 2000 or over because they'd be annoying pre pubical children.I also can't believe it's been nearly 10 years the play off season. Seems like yesterday that Pearson got that winner

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When some 'yoof' pulls up beside me at the lights with some repetitive rap ***** blaring out with lyrics about how much they devalue women and stuff accompanied by some other bloke just saying 'yeah, yeah' every 20 seconds and not content with that, they make me have to wind up my windows to avoid the unsolicited aural assault! In 25 degree heat in a car with no aircon!  :unsure:

Still.....................it's worth it.

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Sith Happens
9 hours ago, McLovin said:

Annoys me a bit how it feels time is moving so fast. I still struggle to believe kids born in 2000 have left now left school, to me they're still under12, wtf. I remember those years on the game console constantly avoiding gamer tags with birth dates 2000 or over because they'd be annoying pre pubical children.I also can't believe it's been nearly 10 years the play off season. Seems like yesterday that Pearson got that winner

i know what you mean, for me going out new years eve millenium still seems quite a recent thing, but kids born since then are now probably having kids themselves.


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Sith Happens

This annoys me - 'Childhood obesity: Doctors criticise 'weak' government strategy'


I wont post the article, but its all about cutting sugars in drinks and taxes to form school breakfast clubs and 'trying' to get schools to get kids active for 30 minutes a day. I just dont get it, we live in such a world now that people get offended so easily, you say people in the press who have had letters saying their kid is overweight and they get all wound up about it.

All these flippin schemes, and strategies and studies which cost a fortune no doubt and its really simple, lack of activity multiply by excess of calories = fat person.

The responsibility starts at home, but we are that scared of upsetting people we try and formulate other ways of putting people off taking onboard too many calories, you go into KFC etc and everything has calories on... i dont need to see that to know im not exactly having the most healthy meal, its all about moderation. When i was at school getting activity wasnt an issue, thrown outside in the freezing cold to do cross country, what does that cost? nothing? But they probably dont do that now as its 'not constructive to a childs state of well being' or some crap.

You hear too much, 'its genetic' blah blah, yes it might be for 'some' but for a small minority, turn off the xbox and send little billy out to play.



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48 minutes ago, Paul71 said:

i know what you mean, for me going out new years eve millenium still seems quite a recent thing, but kids born since then are now probably having kids themselves.


In Nottingham, grandkids.

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1 hour ago, Paul71 said:

This annoys me - 'Childhood obesity: Doctors criticise 'weak' government strategy'


I wont post the article, but its all about cutting sugars in drinks and taxes to form school breakfast clubs and 'trying' to get schools to get kids active for 30 minutes a day. I just dont get it, we live in such a world now that people get offended so easily, you say people in the press who have had letters saying their kid is overweight and they get all wound up about it.

All these flippin schemes, and strategies and studies which cost a fortune no doubt and its really simple, lack of activity multiply by excess of calories = fat person.

The responsibility starts at home, but we are that scared of upsetting people we try and formulate other ways of putting people off taking onboard too many calories, you go into KFC etc and everything has calories on... i dont need to see that to know im not exactly having the most healthy meal, its all about moderation. When i was at school getting activity wasnt an issue, thrown outside in the freezing cold to do cross country, what does that cost? nothing? But they probably dont do that now as its 'not constructive to a childs state of well being' or some crap.

You hear too much, 'its genetic' blah blah, yes it might be for 'some' but for a small minority, turn off the xbox and send little billy out to play.



this discussion is worthy of a thread on it's own.

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3 minutes ago, Mostyn6 said:

this discussion is worthy of a thread on it's own.

That's because it's so fat, it won't fit in this one.

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50 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

It's glandular!

or faulty bone structure.............;)

It's not just fast food though. It's also the rows and rows and aisles and aisles of complete ***** that fill our supermarket shelves in the name of convenience and feeding the masses.

The likelihood is that if comes in a box or a packet then it's likely to be full of ***** too. Sugar, salt and fat. I'm a trolley voyeur. I look at what some parents are putting in their trolleys and just about give up on the human race.

Heard one mum chatting to someone about 'flavoured water' and saying how it's a godsend as her little un doesn't like the taste of 'normal' water. FFS! It's water. First of all it's tasteless and secondly flavoured water is just so full of chemical rubbish that you may as well let the kid drink a bottle of WD40!

Don't get me started on 'fruit shoots'. What makes me laugh is that manufacturers love to put on the bottle things like 'made with REAL fruit juice', well that's a fookin' relief. Until you find out it's 0.01% and made from concentrate. Then they highlight 'no artificial colours or preservatives' but don't flag up the benzoates, aspartame or acesulfame k and then you form a picture that perhaps these companies are indulging in some kind of chemical warfare with our kids.

You go to a kids playcentre, swimming baths café or anywhere that caters for kids and if you can find a food source that isn't fried, processed or in a packet then i'll go and support Forest. (although the last bit is negotiable, maybe Notts County then :ph34r:).

It's partly food companies / manufacturers and partly parents. Parents either having absolutely no interest in nor care what they or their kids are eating or parents who just read something on a label and believe it no questions asked. Food companies are just out to make money and so long as people keep buying their ***** then they have no incentive or reason to improve their product or make it healthier.

Like Paul says it's about moderation. A can of coke here and there isn't likely to put you in hospital and treats are a rewarding aspect of life but if you are eating and drinking all this stuff day in day out then it's a timebomb.

I'm not preaching here, anybody can eat whatever they want. It's a free country. Just my opinion on tiny aspects of the 'obese' debate.

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