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Official: Will Hughes joins Watford


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8 minutes ago, Tommm said:

I felt exactly the same until recently. Personally I think we overate him. If he is as good as we think he is then where's the top clubs coming in for him or should we be honest with ourselves and say 8m is fair due to his recent form. His eye to pick a good pass out is seceond to none, his physical side is 0. Personally don't think he has it in him to change a game on it's head. I am a big fan of Hughes but I'm just being honest. 

That's exactly the point, all these harbingers of doom in their current period of mourning have absolutely NO explanation as to why not a single other club matched the £8m "daylight robbery" that Watford have seemingly paid.

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Good luck to Will, Watford should be very happy with that bit of business. A classy player who dictates the tempo of the game, yes his assists and goal scoring isnt brilliant, but neither is carricks and a few others who i would class as dictators of a football. 

I do think its a bad bit of business on the payment side, 8 million out right with add ons would of been about right, i just hope with have a future sell on percentage of at least 20%. 

I really hope now he give elsnik a chance and maybe goes out and buys another CM or LW.

I can see a few more leaving yet, I jist hope its some of the dead wood. 

All being said this bit of business is over and we need to move on, hopefully thats the last bit of business we will need to complete to wash our hands of Rush and his dodgy dealings. 

Move on, move forward COYR.

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12 minutes ago, Saul Pimpson said:

That's exactly the point, all these harbingers of doom in their current period of mourning have absolutely NO explanation as to why not a single other club matched the £8m "daylight robbery" that Watford have seemingly paid.

Well when our failed coach Kevin Phillips is bad mouthing him in the press and questioning his fitness, it's enough to put other clubs off.

and there's still over two months of the transfer window left. 

Nobody matched burnleys offer for Hendrick, but we were in no hurry to sell and the price went up from £3 million to £10.5 million. Should have adopted the same tactic for hughes, not just accept any lowball offer from a tinpot club like Watford. 

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It's the complete lack of any coherent strategy.

MM sacks Clement and says the Derby way is about 4-3-3 passing football with someone like Martin at no.9 and blooding youth. He buys Camara and Blackman blocking the way of the youth just before sacking Clement and saying this.

Then he hires Pearson who wants to play 4-4-2 and loans out Martin and buys Vydra and Anya

Then he sacks Pearson and we're back to the good old days under McClaren. McCalren revitalises us and we play nice football and then we hit a bad patch. So he sacks him too and then hires Rowett. Rowett then decides the Derby way is nothing about pretty football and we just want athletes but we're not going to sign over 30s from the Prem.

He sells our best young player and his first signing is an over 30 player from the Prem. We're rumoured to be interested in Whelan and Boyd also over 30. There's still no pathway for the youth we are allegedly trying to promote

It's just an incoherent mess

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2 minutes ago, feisty said:

It's the complete lack of any coherent strategy.

MM sacks Clement and says the Derby way is about 4-3-3 passing football with someone like Martin at no.9 and blooding youth. He buys Butterfield and Johnson and Camara and Blackman blocking the way of the youth just before sacking Clement and saying this.

Then he hires Pearson who wants to play 4-2-2 and loans out Martin and buys Vrdra and Anya

Then he sacks Pearson and we're back to the good old days under McClaren. McCalren revitalises us and we play nice football and then we hit a bad patch. So he sacks him too and then hires Rowett. Rowett then decides the Derby way is nothing about pretty football and we just want athletes but we're not going to sign over 30s from the Pre,m.

He sells our best young player and his first signing is an over 30 player from the Prem. We're rumoured to be interested in Whelan and Boyd also over 30. There's still no pathway for the youth we are allegedly trying to promote

It's just an incoherent mess

Mel Morris has said nothing for the 'Derby Way' this time though. Maybe he realises that the so called 'Derby Way' has not actually achieved anything except to provide some pretty football. I'm not old enough to remember the Brian Clough days but I'm sure his brand of football was based on hard work and determination. 

The majority of the players at this club already have a scary amount of pace and strength, so why not use it?

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Harsh reality- Will Hughes chose to leave

Harsh reality- no other club really wanted Will Hughes hence our perceived low fee

probable reality- The club knew Will Hughes wanted to leave hence he wasn't really played under Rowett think it through people 

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1 minute ago, Sparkle said:

Harsh reality- Will Hughes chose to leave

Harsh reality- no other club really wanted Will Hughes hence our perceived low fee

probable reality- The club knew Will Hughes wanted to leave hence he wasn't really played under Rowett think it through people 

No evidence for last point and contradicts an interview Willl himself gave so highly unlikely rather than probable. Far more likely is that GR doesn't like that type of player based on GR comments that Will doesn't score enough or get enough assists for him (ignoring the fact he knits our play together)

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2 minutes ago, Sparkle said:

Harsh reality- Will Hughes chose to leave

Harsh reality- no other club really wanted Will Hughes hence our perceived low fee

probable reality- The club knew Will Hughes wanted to leave hence he wasn't really played under Rowett think it through people 

Bang on. Will has spent the last two years injured or underachieving. He has the potential to be a great player, hence the sell on clause, but he wasn't even a nailed on starter for us every game.

No point in keeping him if he didn't want to be here. Everyone loved it when Rowett said that he only wants players here who WANT to play for Derby County. He's just sold one who didn't and people are calling for his head.

This isn't a slight on Will, by the way. He's right to want to leave. I just wish we had cashed in on him two years ago and pocketed double the fee.

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3 minutes ago, feisty said:

No evidence for last point and contradicts an interview Willl himself gave so highly unlikely rather than probable. Far more likely is that GR doesn't like that type of player based on GR comments that Will doesn't score enough or get enough assists for him (ignoring the fact he knits our play together)

Far more likely FFP is a consideration in all of this to allow us to wheel and deal until we can offload a few others like we have with Camara etc  


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7 minutes ago, Sparkle said:

Harsh reality- Will Hughes chose to leave

Harsh reality- no other club really wanted Will Hughes hence our perceived low fee

probable reality- The club knew Will Hughes wanted to leave hence he wasn't really played under Rowett think it through people 

It was obvious really, towards the end of the season and the lack of game time being afforded to Will. We were finding a system which didn't incorporate him. This isn't hindsight, because between all the lads I go with this was a hot topic back then. 

Not surprised only disappointed in the fee even if it's at the high guesstimate of £8m, still a paltry sum IMHO. 

Its hapoened now so we move on. ??

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27 minutes ago, PistoldPete2 said:

Well when our failed coach Kevin Phillips is bad mouthing him in the press and questioning his fitness, it's enough to put other clubs off.

and there's still over two months of the transfer window left. 

Nobody matched burnleys offer for Hendrick, but we were in no hurry to sell and the price went up from £3 million to £10.5 million. Should have adopted the same tactic for hughes, not just accept any lowball offer from a tinpot club like Watford. 

We got £10.5 million off Burnley because Hull city offered £10 million and they both wanted him.

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9 minutes ago, feisty said:

No evidence for last point and contradicts an interview Willl himself gave so highly unlikely rather than probable. Far more likely is that GR doesn't like that type of player based on GR comments that Will doesn't score enough or get enough assists for him (ignoring the fact he knits our play together)

No evidence is correct but he wants to play in the premiership and has decided to do so and he one of the few players we have that can be moved on to actually generate real money to help with the FFP

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First off I feel privileged to have seen him play in the black and the white.  His touch, ball retention and passing ability made us tick and he brought the best out of others.  Ally that to a sprinkling of stardust; that he was one of our own; that just the existence of his hair could infuriate any gump and you can see why it's a sad day that he's gone.  Saturdays will be poorer in at least one respect because he's not on the teamsheet.

I don't buy the 'facts' cited on here that he only passed sideways, wasn't physical enough, didn't score enough goals and apparently had issues with one particular local shop worker / owner.  That's all bobbins.

I'd like to think that DCFC have done their best for one of their own despite the fact they could have earned a few more shekels by taking a different stance.  Will has been Premier League since the first time he pulled on the shirt and I, for one, am delighted he chose to stay so long.  The ACL and playing with an injury last season have hampered his progress and probably scuppered the chance of a move to a big club.  By giving Will his chance with Watford I'm hoping we've showed we're committed to the best interests of our players.

I suspect that Will won't be the last name gone this summer, but I do think Rowett has a vision of what he's trying to achieve and I don't think it it's necessarily hoofball.

So in short goodbye (for now) prince William, and come on you Rams!

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17 hours ago, angieram said:

According to Watford's site, this deal is still subject to the medical. Anyone know how his eyesight is? 

Could always bob round and poke him in the eye,not sure it would matter though cos they have only paid for one leg.

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1 hour ago, EulogyForEvolution said:

No point in keeping him if he didn't want to be here. Everyone loved it when Rowett said that he only wants players here who WANT to play for Derby County. He's just sold one who didn't and people are calling for his head.

Rowett's bumboy, Bradley Johnson, recently gave an interview stating how much he'd love to be back at Norwich. No point in keeping him if he doesn't want to be here.

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