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Official: Will Hughes joins Watford


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1 minute ago, philmycock said:

Jim Smith played three at the back and had a lightning striker in Sturridge, with van der Laan and Daryl Powell supplying the midfield power, we don't have this right now

Yes Phil. I know we played a 3 under Jim Smith but what im saying is the midfield base was solid. Im not sure which formation Rowett is gonna go with but whichever way im sure the central midfield will be proper. This season has been a joke in there IMO.

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I'm sorry.

I've tried looking at it dispassionately, using stats and such like to make this decision more palatable, and have factored in Will may have wanted the move.

Still doesn't alter the fact that a manager who's had 2 months and 9 games to look at the squad, yet still can't seemingly realise how good a player Will is, and figure out a way to make him a central part of his plans, doesn't exactly fill me with confidence that Rowett has a ******* clue.

Phil Brown MkII.


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18 minutes ago, DazzaRam said:

Yes Phil. I know we played a 3 under Jim Smith but what im saying is the midfield base was solid. Im not sure which formation Rowett is gonna go with but whichever way im sure the central midfield will be proper. This season has been a joke in there IMO.

With 3 managers tell me a squad/midfield that would have been otherwise, the fans were like wtf! So players must have been too, theyre not immune just cos they're pro's

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3 hours ago, NottsRam77 said:

I havent a problem with him leaving, i think that its best for all parties in order to move forward and i eish him nothing but the very best luck in the world but im truly utterly dismayed at the level of the fee weve got for him

when compared with some of the monies being landed about for players with an ounce of his ability, 

didnt the dogs get 13 odd million for the burke lad who had kicked the ball 8 times 

pretty dismayed tbh 

Exactly this, this fee is an absolute joke. But players move on, this is football, Will was always going to move and we are lucky to have kept him for so long. IMO he is not as good as some people make out. Of course he's got talent, on the odd occasion he can't even look as close to being a world beater. But IMO I actually think Hendrick was the better player

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1 hour ago, Bris Vegas said:

Hughes...  is technically one of the best players outside the Premier League and has the ability to control games.

The frustration though has been that Will has rarely controlled games for us. I've enjoyed watching him develop and of course it's great to have academy players come through to the first team. Watching him you can't help but admire his technical skill, his ability to receive and keep the ball under close pressure, and his ability to create.  However, for a long time I've been waiting to see him have significant impact on a game consistently but I don't think he's achieved that.

It might be that the Prem suits him better, or a change of club after being here for so long enables him to flourish - I really hope so and will watch with interest.

As for Derby, I'm hoping we get a fit George Thorne back to control games, which he's shown he can do. 

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For the first time in nearly 50 years i don't actually give a ****  what happens at Derby County.

Giving Will Hughes away has pissed me off more than the Tommy Docherty fiasco, more than the relegation to the 3rd Division and even more than the Maxwell fuckkkfest.

The best player, the best team player, the most hard working player we've had for 20 tears and we've given him away.

Its fookin bollux and i'm ashamed to be a Derby fan for the first time in my life. 

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Will was worth £15m a couple of years ago. Take this as a £7m loan fee for the last two years. With better players around him, I'm confident he'll shine and go on to earn us a decent chunk in a few years when he's sold on for mega riches.

If not, well, we had 190 games out of him and netted 8-10m as well. I'm sad he's going, but he was never going to be a Ram for life.

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Just read the Watford observer to see their reaction.

Paper positive. Fans positive. Tweet of Troy Deeney reported saying how he's always rated him. All seemingly see it as a bargain, need a j.d and watch Glastonbury highlights to fend of depression coming back.

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I wonder what Mr Silva has seen that Messrs Pearson, McLaren and Rowett didn't? I'd always hoped that we would build a team around him. It seems that one poor season [by his standards] has sealed his fate with us.

I can't say I like this deal one bit. If he was going to leave, I'd always hoped it would be for a lot of money and to a Club that would play attractive football to a high standard. Perhaps he's part of a new era at Watford but I can't see it.

Anyway, there you go. The more you watch football, the less sense it makes. Let's hope that we can attract a player who will fit in with whatever style GR is considering and that overall, the team will produce more points than previously. I presume that's what it's all about now. There will be plenty of fans who are happy with that approach, irrespective of style. In truth, it's always been like that......

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48 minutes ago, nfb said:

Best home grown player who will wear an England shirt one day and some will say about him being a Derby lad.... if that appeases them fine. For me, Its another nail in Mel Morris's coffin, I was full of hope when he came with his talk of Prem football and wanting 2 or 3 academy players in the side, seems even less likely with deals like this.

 Good luck Will. A part of me has died with this sale, loved watching his skills knowing he was an academy product ?

As for GR, I wish him luck, and await to see what brand of football he brings us.

 Get a life!

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2 minutes ago, BOB BIGGS said:

I wonder what Mr Silva has seen that Messrs Pearson, McLaren and Rowett didn't? I'd always hoped that we would build a team around him. It seems that one poor season [by his standards] has sealed his fate with us.

I can't say I like this deal one bit. If he was going to leave, I'd always hoped it would be for a lot of money and to a Club that would play attractive football to a high standard. Perhaps he's part of a new era at Watford but I can't see it.

Anyway, there you go. The more you watch football, the less sense it makes. Let's hope that we can attract a player who will fit in with whatever style GR is considering and that overall, the team will produce more points than previously. I presume that's what it's all about now. There will be plenty of fans who are happy with that approach, irrespective of style. In truth, it's always been like that......

We very nearly did and I thought this would be the year all the pieces of the puzzle would fall into place. A solid back 4 with Thorne sitting just in front Hughes plus another in midfield. Martin in the centre with Ince plus another on the left.

thats lol we needed, one centre mid and a left winger and we would have been laughing

last season Thorne injured and Martin weren't here and the season before Hughes was injured

.               Martin

.         Hughes.   New

.              Thorne

was so looking forward to that totally controlling games again, sadly it's not to be

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13 minutes ago, uttoxram75 said:

For the first time in nearly 50 years i don't actually give a ****  what happens at Derby County.

Giving Will Hughes away has pissed me off more than the Tommy Docherty fiasco, more than the relegation to the 3rd Division and even more than the Maxwell fuckkkfest.

The best player, the best team player, the most hard working player we've had for 20 tears and we've given him away.

Its fookin bollux and i'm ashamed to be a Derby fan for the first time in my life. 

That's the sort of anger and disillusionment I was expecting to see more of on this forum as soon as this news broke. Sums up the feeling of betrayal (by the club) perfectly.

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6 minutes ago, Highgate said:

That's the sort of anger and disillusionment I was expecting to see more of on this forum as soon as this news broke. Sums up the feeling of betrayal (by the club) perfectly.

I'm genuinely upset Highgate. Don't know what else to say tbh. 

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2 minutes ago, uttoxram75 said:

I'm genuinely upset Highgate. Don't know what else to say tbh. 

Shows you care I suppose. I can't understand how there is even one Derby fan who isn't similarly upset. It's a huge blow for the club in my opinion..and a self-inflicted one. As much as i like GT, there was only one Will.

How any manager can take over Derby and not want to build the team around a Thorne-Hughes axis is beyond me.

Been on the Watford website, they seem to realise they've mugged us on this.

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5 minutes ago, Highgate said:

Shows you care I suppose. I can't understand how there is even one Derby fan who isn't similarly upset. It's a huge blow for the club in my opinion..and a self-inflicted one. As much as i like GT, there was only one Will.

How any manager can take over Derby and not want to build the team around a Thorne-Hughes axis is beyond me.

Been on the Watford website, they seem to realise they've mugged us on this.

I won't go on any other fans sites, it don't matter to me what they think. As a Derby fan, i just feel we have lost the one player who could get us promoted and then keep us there. 

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Just read Wills parting statement and he said he felt its time to move on. You cant blame him at all, hes regularly playing in the under 21s and has the chance to play in the premiership, something in which a lot of us thought was going to happen every summer for the past few years. The possible interest from prem clubs never materialised but 10 years at the club or whatver it is and Derby county being an underperforming championship side, why shouldnt he leave to progress his career?! Once a ram, always a ram he says, but hes no supporter buying a season ticket each season, hes a professional athlete and no matter who you support, you have be the best you can be from an athletes point of view and progress to the top. Its not happening with Derby and he cant wait around forever just because Derby is his team.

anyway my point is, dont jump to conclusions that its Mel or Garys fault that hes leaving. We dont know the details of the transfer so dont go jumping to conclusions and blame mel, gary or the derby way etc.

Maybe just maybe he didnt see his future at Derby anymore and made the tough decision to leave. The price, £8mill (ish), long term they may jsut have had a bargain but on previous seasons, injuries, lack of performance levels and so on, its not too bad.

Anyway, dont go to the instinct moan because you wanted to keep hughes here for the rest of his career. Its just one of those things. Dunna worry


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He was one of our own, joined so young and by far the best youth product we made in last couple of decades, as classy player a they come... no doubt this hurts, but in the cold light of day it's understandable giving our failure of not reaching the premier league.

It'll never feel right not seeing him in a Derby kit, and I'll always think of him as the kid who got away! 

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