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Official: Will Hughes joins Watford


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24 minutes ago, DazzaRam said:

Bradley Johnson had to play a role hes never played before because nobody else in the squad was strong enough to play it. Early season when Hughes played central midfield in a 2 he was absolutely dreadful and proved he struggles with that. Hughes can only play in a 3 man midfield and in that it has to be in the advanced roles. Its no big loss as some people are making out.

He struggled in a two because he had Bryson holding for him…

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13 minutes ago, PodgeyRam said:

I'm not in denial - I've accepted Hughes is going. 

I'm still in anger/depression. Never was one for the bargaining stage.

I'll be fine duck. Thanks for the offer though. :thumbsup:

Haha I wasn't sure if you were in denial or bargaining - So neither then :)

11 minutes ago, David said:

Said you would feel better soon.

Have this as my wallpaper to remind me of how bad it could be :) 

Thanks David - You are, as always, the calmest and wisest of us all

I actually didn't mind that season - I was into acceptance by like September - Then spent most of the rest of the season drunk - And I still maintain we beat Chelsea away on the 'last goal wins' rule...

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28 minutes ago, Cam the Ram said:

If the figure is £8 million I'm still unhappy with it. People moan that Hughes doesn't score enough, but we paid £8 million to Watford for a bloody striker who scored 3 the season before and who wouldn't have made their bench.

This is something I really don't understand, surely that's the first thing being brought up in negotiations with Watford. If he's worth 8 million than Hughes is worth more.

This fee really is astonishing, in a time where PL clubs are SO rich and English talent is SO expensive. I don't think there'd be the meltdown there currently is right now if it was at least 12 million.

I just can't believe we're being fleeced after getting so much for Hendrick.

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On 18/06/2017 at 10:02, JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta said:

Jet fuel can't melt steel beams, Roswell was an alien crash, Derby have a secret arrangement or debt to Watford, planes vanish in the Bermuda triangle and Hitler never died and escaped to Argentina.

I'll go along with all of that, but I can't believe Derby would sell Hughes for £8 million.

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I'm not worried.

Just wait until Will finds out the medical involves baby oil, a paddling pool, and the club life-president, he'll soon come running back.












Unless he looks back at his time at Repton fondly.

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Bye Will, enjoy your new career..... hope you turn heel and slag us off in a article and we can boo you..... only comes natural to us. Quite fancy a cage match with you and Mel Morris..... heard his finisher is "The Derby Way" apparently it involves losing bottles.


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51 minutes ago, PodgeyRam said:

I do believe it. Pearson had the majority of fans asking him to go by September and I see no reason to see why a similar start by Rowett would be different. 

Getting rid of fan favourites tends to lower the amount of goodwill fans will give you. 

...because Rowett's an articulate man who will explain what he's done and what he's trying to do, with the club's best interests at heart. That will buy him a little more time with the fans, plus being former DCFC player usually helps.

Pearson had the total opposite approach with an attitude to the fans and media (even the club conducted media at times!) of near total disdain.

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Why now? For such a small fee, on the back of a poor season? Why not wait a week or two in case he gets a chance in the Euro's and his price goes up? Or are we that skint that we can't risk him being injured and no sale?

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For me, the Premier League is worth much more than one player and I believe Whelan would help us get out of this league more than what Hughes is capable of.

People say build a team around Hughes, we've tried this for 3/4 years and it hasn't worked.

Don't get me wrong, Hughes is a great player but I think he would be more suited to the Premier League than the Championship. If he'd had an outstanding season last year we would have got 10m+ for him but he didn't and that's why the price is what it is. If he'd had an outstanding season last year we could have been promoted, all ifs and buts.

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It was a wonderful dream - the idea of getting to the Premier League with Will and see him blossom into what we know he can be while playing for us. But it was always unlikely, and our stagnation has only reduced the possibility.

I am somewhat concerned about the fees being touted but we do not know the details of this deal, or in fact if the numbers being touted are even correct, so I'm not going to let that bother me.

His personal progress while playing for us in the Championship has slowed (mainly because of the injury, but thats not the only factor), and our progress as a club with him as our star (from the perspective of many fans) has seemingly at times slammed into full reverse. 

I'm not really that fussed about the idea of him moving on, sometimes it just doesn't work out. I'll still follow his career with interest. 


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1 hour ago, Saul Pimpson said:

Why are you negative ninny's so quick to trust the SSNHQ "sources" of £4.5m rising to £7m, over John Percy's (more proven to be ITK) figures of £8m rising to £10m?!

Is it because you're negative ninny's?

What he said ! ............shall we see what develops and give the Gaffer a bit of slack ......or do I have to come round with tbe razorblades already ?

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18 minutes ago, Derby_EnglandLoyal said:

Just keep him and give them Bryson and Weimann instead. 

I'm sure I've seen you write this, or a similar variation of it, a number of times on this and other threads.  The point would seem to be that nobody wants to buy Bryson or Weimann and, as neither would command even the crappy fee we seem to be getting for Will, it wouldn't be a case of selling them 'instead' (if we need the money) because they are not of equal value.

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