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David Moyes Slap


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Sith Happens
3 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

I'm glad to see The FA are once again getting their priorities right.

The slightest smell of a fine and the proverbial flies are there.

Rotten to the core and have absolutely no idea about running the game.

He will probably end up with a bigger punishment than ibrahimovic got for elbowing a play on purpose.

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The bit of that interview that I don't like isn't the bit about slapping, it's the fact that he's warning her off asking certain questions. Journalists should be able to ask about anything relevant providing they do it politely.

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23 minutes ago, angieram said:

The bit of that interview that I don't like isn't the bit about slapping, it's the fact that he's warning her off asking certain questions. Journalists should be able to ask about anything relevant providing they do it politely.

I'll be honest, I'm fed up of watching/hearing journalists asking stupid and boring questions.

When are they ever going to ask anything sensible that actually requires an intelligent response which will actually enlighten the listening audience.

Every question is about referees or something to try and provoke a reaction from the managers.

What was even the point of her question?

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29 minutes ago, EastHertsRam said:

What about the "How important was that win today" ? Question, I heard it again at the weekend. I would love it, love it if some manager replied with something like "How important do you think it was you nob now **** off."

give Mourinho time...

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He's from glasgow.

A slap is just a friendly greeting, much like a head butt, or a rabbit punch to the back of the head.

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5 hours ago, StringerBell said:

Why is it sexist?

As someone who usually takes the feminist viewpoint, I'm really struggling to answer that question.

The bloke actively made an effort to treat her like he would a bloke. It's weak chat, but it's not sexist - how the literal content of the joke could be "you're a woman and I'm going to treat you the same" is being interpreted as sexist is just a storm in a teacup.

If it was said seriously, then it's a completely different matter - but how devoid of any understanding of human interaction do you have to be to think this was a man threatening a woman with actual violence?

I think by most people's standards I'm a left feminist liberal, but ffs, this really is PC gone mad.

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If you tested me with a ton of internet 'liberal or conservative', 'what party are you', 'republican or democrat' quizzes etc., I think I'd come out as pretty much 60% liberal and 40% conservative in most of them, maybe the other way round in a few others. I like to think I'm a fairly balanced individual, bit of a fan of playing devils advocate in certain situations but fairly down the middle.

But this generation/current climate of political correctness makes me feel like I'm the most right wing 20 year old on the entire planet.

The basic politeness and human decency political correctness should stand for has been largely replaced by outrage culture, people seem to be completely addicted to that feeling of righteous anger when a celebrity/politician/sport personality f*cks up.

And I completely get it, have you ever been righteously angry about something and slammed a person for whatever they've said/done? It's a great feeling, it's part of why a forum like this is popular. I know I rarely get tired of defending a certain fat, mardy striker or his lazy, "constantly offside", overpaid replacement.

And there are lots of examples where people are right to jump on someone like that, let's say if a presidential candidate was boasting about sexually assaulting women. But when there's none of those around, the mob seems to go after whatever they can get their hands on. If you take a couple of minutes to look into the allegations about the most subscribed YouTuber Pewdiepie's anti-semitism you'll see that they're unfounded, but in this culture of outrage the public backlash for anything that possibly looks like the long lost third cousin twice removed of racism meant he lost the majority of his sponsors.

Obviously taking offence is something that personal and subjective, but I find it so difficult to see how someone could be offended by this interaction, particularly when you listen to the recording of it.

Cant figure out how I'm going to sign this one off (its two in the morning ffs) so I'm going to go with a patented Eddie sigh.


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3 hours ago, Lambchop said:

So he made her gender an issue then, in a professional context where it is completely irrelevant. 

That's sexism. 

You're right.

Perhaps he should have just told her to fck off.

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5 hours ago, Duracell said:

As someone who usually takes the feminist viewpoint, I'm really struggling to answer that question.

The bloke actively made an effort to treat her like he would a bloke. It's weak chat, but it's not sexist - how the literal content of the joke could be "you're a woman and I'm going to treat you the same" is being interpreted as sexist is just a storm in a teacup.

If it was said seriously, then it's a completely different matter - but how devoid of any understanding of human interaction do you have to be to think this was a man threatening a woman with actual violence?

I think by most people's standards I'm a left feminist liberal, but ffs, this really is PC gone mad.

I've not listened (can't be arsed with video clips tbh) but I would point out that, to anyone who's been on the receiving end of domestic violence, "give her a slap" isn't very funny.

Poor choice of words, no intention of causing offence, apology given, move on.

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6 hours ago, Duracell said:

As someone who usually takes the feminist viewpoint, I'm really struggling to answer that question.

The bloke actively made an effort to treat her like he would a bloke. It's weak chat, but it's not sexist - how the literal content of the joke could be "you're a woman and I'm going to treat you the same" is being interpreted as sexist is just a storm in a teacup.

If it was said seriously, then it's a completely different matter - but how devoid of any understanding of human interaction do you have to be to think this was a man threatening a woman with actual violence?

I think by most people's standards I'm a left feminist liberal, but ffs, this really is PC gone mad.

Well I'd go further than that and say if anything those calling it sexist are participating in what feminists call 'benevolent sexism'. 

Jokingly telling someone they'll get a thick ear if they do that again, is not something women should be protected from. If an individual doesn't appreciate it fair enough, but to suggest that women as a collective group shouldn't be spoken to in such a manner is technically sexist.

But then I'm apparently the resident woman hater so I'm probably just using this as an opportunity to normalise violence against women.

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4 hours ago, Lambchop said:

So he made her gender an issue then, in a professional context where it is completely irrelevant. 

That's sexism. 

No it's acknowledging the sexism of society. 

"A man should never hit a woman" is a sexist statement but nevertheless a widely held belief. Moyes was acknowledging this.

He made her gender an issue by saying he wouldn't be sexist so that's sexist? Wtf?

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This is pretty daft. And I consider myself pretty far to the left. I don't really know his relationship with her, whether they have much of a rapport, but at worse it's a slightly awkward thing to joke about. He's certainly not making jokes about her inability to do her job as a woman, which would have probably been quite commonplace 10-20 years ago.

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