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FIFTEEN million pounds for Chris Wood


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10 minutes ago, David said:

If I was eating cornflakes I would have choked on them.

Chris Wood would only be worth £15m if he came with £10m stuffed in his back pocket.

Just end football if a club meets that valuation, no point continuing. 



Didn't do too badly against us on Friday though :ph34r:

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10 minutes ago, David said:

If I was eating cornflakes I would have choked on them.

Chris Wood would only be worth £15m if he came with £10m stuffed in his back pocket.

Just end football if a club meets that valuation, no point continuing. 



They're talking about Bamford to Boro for £10m so it does seem a little steep...

However if you need a player exclusively to tear us apart you can't go far wrong with Chris Wood

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19 minutes ago, cheron85 said:

They're talking about Bamford to Boro for £10m so it does seem a little steep...

However if you need a player exclusively to tear us apart you can't go far wrong with Chris Wood

BBC reporting around £5m for Bamford to Chelsea.

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1 hour ago, cheron85 said:

They're talking about Bamford to Boro for £10m so it does seem a little steep...

However if you need a player exclusively to tear us apart you can't go far wrong with Chris Wood

Glad to see teams in the premiership are already starting to think about how to deal with us when we go up. We've got them worried. 

Mind you... Sunderland. 

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5 hours ago, David said:

If I was eating cornflakes I would have choked on them.

Chris Wood would only be worth £15m if he came with £10m stuffed in his back pocket.

Just end football if a club meets that valuation, no point continuing. 



It's difficult to actually value players, because we can only compare their apparent quality to others would have achieved a value in transfer or how we perceive their contribution to the recipient club.  If Derby get to the Premiership because of the goals of a player, and we wouldn't have achieved promotion without them, it could be said that player is worth the uplift in payments to the club from the Prem League, etc.   There's good business in the transfer market and bad. A vending club might value a player at a certain amount, but may actually take alot less.  I would say Wood is worth £10m to Leeds, for his continuing contribution. Had he not scored against us, the whole of that area of Yorkshire would be insisting the club buy a striker in the January market. For them to have that much dominance and not win would mean a short-fall in the attacking options at the club.  As it was, we all came away and heard the crowing of the Lees fans and the fawning or Radio Leeds.  No one was carping about attackers. :D

Perhaps, in order to avoid choking hazards in future, you should continue to refrain from eating and reading until January is over, or you take the valuations in the transfer market with a pinch of salt. 

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If Leeds go up through the goals of Wood then how much are the defenders / keeper worth that also helped gain points over the course of a season?

Hate all this adulation for strikers when in actual fact it's a team effort.

When Leicester won the league did they focus more on Vardys goals or Schmeichel's amazing saves / Fuchs' diligent blocks from full back / Morgans rock like qualities at the back?


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