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Blackman & Anya back in training


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Glad they're both back in training, I think they both have a fair bit to offer to the team. I was impressed with Anya before his injury (and I've always liked him as a player since he was at Watford), so I'm looking forward to seeing him back. I'm also excited for the return of Blackman who I feel could excel under McClaren.

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I personally think this is really good news. Anya offers bags of pace and crossing ability, at this point I would definitely play him over Russell against Wigan, Norwich or West Brom.

I would probably do the same with Blackman, obviously he's been out for longer so West Brom is more realistic. He said when he signed he wanted to be played as a number nine, he is more mobile than Bent and taller and stronger than Vydra. Could be the answer for us up top.

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1 hour ago, The Rams 127 said:

I personally think this is really good news. Anya offers bags of pace and crossing ability, at this point I would definitely play him over Russell against Wigan, Norwich or West Brom.

I would probably do the same with Blackman, obviously he's been out for longer so West Brom is more realistic. He said when he signed he wanted to be played as a number nine, he is more mobile than Bent and taller and stronger than Vydra. Could be the answer for us up top.

Agree with you on Anya. For me he has JR's terrier qualities with a bit more precision. He could be a real player for us. Just needs a few games under Steve. 

Blackman is taller than Vydra .. After that we are on a different planet. Vydra is way stronger, has a better touch, moves better, faster acceleration. I hope Blackman finds some form for us and redeems himself but bar a couple of flicks and 2 speculative shots on the run he hasn't demonstrated anything for me that would make him a must have striker for a top 10 side. Lacks power and lacks a touch ( gambled flicks don't equate to touch in my book) 

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14 minutes ago, jono said:

Agree with you on Anya. For me he has JR's terrier qualities with a bit more precision. He could be a real player for us. Just needs a few games under Steve. 

Blackman is taller than Vydra .. After that we are on a different planet. Vydra is way stronger, has a better touch, moves better, faster acceleration. I hope Blackman finds some form for us and redeems himself but bar a couple of flicks and 2 speculative shots on the run he hasn't demonstrated anything for me that would make him a must have striker for a top 10 side. Lacks power and lacks a touch ( gambled flicks don't equate to touch in my book) 

I am glad the options back nearly, anya well I haven't seen anything from him that constitutes precision but a good squad member yes. On Blackman we have seen nothing yet to make you think he is a good forward or team player so what can maclaren get out of him is anybody's guess but he can't get anymore disappointing than he has been can he?

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For Blackman, The Mac returning is the opportunity for a fresh start.

We've already seen it with Pearce, Ince, Johnson, Baird and Bent - all have made significant contributions since Pearson was potted. I wouldn't bet against Blackman having a similar impact during the second half of the season.

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10 minutes ago, eddie said:

I wouldn't bet against Blackman having a similar impact during the second half of the season.

You've saved yourself some money then eddie!

I'd rather persevere with Camara (if he stays fit) than Anya and I'd rather play almost anyone up front than Blackman. But I'm happy they're fit again, maybe we can sell them. 

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5 hours ago, hintonsboots said:

The like is for the video - but I do think Blackman could do a job for us in the central striker role - he's a good header on of the ball - could he also be trained to lay it off with feet? We know he has reasonable pace and if he could just learn to shoot at the nets we could save ourselves a lot of money!

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45 minutes ago, angieram said:

The like is for the video - but I do think Blackman could do a job for us in the central striker role - he's a good header on of the ball - could he also be trained to lay it off with feet? We know he has reasonable pace and if he could just learn to shoot at the nets we could save ourselves a lot of money!

I think Steve will get Blackman scoring goals. He is capable just needs a confidence boost which is Macca's forte. 

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Any players coming back from injury can only be a positive, giving SM more options and maybe negating the need for January signings. With Thorne and Lowe also due back soon, we should have decent cover throughout the team except the keeper position. 

Perhaps the only other position we need to look at, unless SM works his magic on Blackman, is a quality centre forward. 

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15 minutes ago, ram59 said:

Perhaps the only other position we need to look at, unless SM works his magic on Blackman, is a quality centre forward. 

Quality centre forward and Blackman don't belong in the same sentence! If we want to go up we've got to be realistic about what we'd need if injuries occurred. There's only one chance so we need to improve the squad in January.

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