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Some absolutely great play today...some quick feet and amazing skills to get through two players and be fouled for the free-kick leading to our goal...


Had some absolutely amazing touches today and showed alot of skill...looked to get getting better at his role within the squad and held the ball up winning free kicks even better than Martin I thought....

I'm not saying our attacking play was good today, it wasn't...but I think Vydra is one player I would keep with an excellent squad around him in the premier league.

We had a whole thread for his amazing miss vs Wolves...and today he doesn't even get a mention in his own thread?

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13 minutes ago, MackworthRamIsGod said:

He does get a mention in his own thread, you made one.

He did play well and one piece of skill from him was top drawer.

His two misses recently prove he can get into the right spaces which is a good thing.

If you follow my posts I guess i do have a bit of a bias  ;) but I still do think he is an excellent player as he showed today.

When the full 90 is up on rams player, I'll pick out clips of his passes, it wasn't just one piece of skill which was brilliant it was 6-7 times at least, we just failed to capitalise on the oppitunity. With very little time and space he played some excellent passes when under alot of pressure.

I think so too, but with our two main midfielders(hughsey and butters) not on their best today, we are still not playing him through as we should. Watching the championship and the premiership there is still an amazing gulf in class with the build up play/noticing runs.

I noticed in particular, the way he played was different than how his first game under pearson was for us, he is not chasing the cb's every time anymore or the gk, especially not in the first half today, seemed to be saving his energy and sitting back, happy to let them pass it around and then clean up. He seems to be following a similiar role to Martin under mclaren, holding up play and winning free kicks...I almost thought he was Martin at one point :lol::D

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I was personally disappointed in him, started brightly, fouled a few times, did get free on goal with a great piece of skill (think ref didn't know which defender committed foul and hence bottled giving a card) but after that became none existent.

Gave possession away a lot and often made the wrong decision.

Just average and will be glad to see Bent back in.

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I agree that sometimes he produced some outstanding touches and passes but at times he didn't seem to have the understanding with the likes of Hughes, Butterfield and Johnson and made his runs in the opposite direction to where the pass was going. Also some of Vydras passes were too short or behind our advancing players. 

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6 hours ago, needles said:

I'll take people's word that he played well, but I'd be amazed if Bent isn't back next Sunday.

It's fine. We established yesterday that you don't have to have watched a game to say how well someone played. :ph34r:

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It's a mixed review from me at the moment. He does some things really well and then makes a poor decision.

Had one great opportunity to shoot second half yesterday and played a poor pass instead that gave possession back to Wigan.

In his defence he was getting a bit roughed up by the Wigan defenders yesterday and got little protection from the referee. He needs to get a bit stronger in those situations for me.

He has lovely footwork and keeps going, so I think that it will come good eventually. Chris Martin had a bit of a slow start for Derby, and look what he did for us. 

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I'm a massive vydra fan and looking at those highlights you can see once again why he's such a quality player, his speed of thought is abolsutely brilliant- he always knows where to play the next pass, he's such an intelligent player. He just needs a goal to get his form going again, but he's been deservedly kept out the team by an excellent player in Bent and Mac has a big call to make now 

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The gold standard in recent years and in this formation is obviously Chris Martin. Vydra might show hints here and there and do little bits that get an appreciative pur, but he isn't bringing others in to play as well as Chris, or recently Darren Bent, he won't win so much in the air, he can't hold it up with a centre half up his chuff and he isn't scoring.

Can't see him wide either. I'm sure I've heard from Watford fans that he didn't cut it there at Watford.

He was bought specifically to play a different way. Shouldn't be surprised if he can't adapt.

I'd say he's more likely to be shipped out than claim the shirt over the next two windows. 

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12 hours ago, philmycock said:

Was he that good today? Start against the gumps ??

I'd still start bent on his recent form and performances over vydra against forest. Even though I do think vydra had a good game yesterday in a match where we didn't really hit top gear or create much for him.

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