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Aston Villa reach new low


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Thought it was funny when I first saw it.

Virgin Trains look a bit silly though boasting that they have had more than 4 trains on time in the last 12 months.

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1 hour ago, Gaspode said:

Incredibly unprofessional from whoever is responsible for the Virgin Trains twitter feed - suspect there may be a new vacancy at Virgin Trains pretty soon.....

Wonder if they were a blue nose? Funny from the outside but no real winner, Virgin are rubbish at times, Villa have been most of the time lately.

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5 hours ago, G STAR RAM said:

Thought it was funny when I first saw it.

Virgin Trains look a bit silly though boasting that they have had more than 4 trains on time in the last 12 months.

This. As comebacks go 'we've had more trains in time this week, than you've had wins this year' is not a good one. So out of own any hundreds of trains you run in a week, at least 5 have been on time. Well done you. A train coming on time is something that is to be expected, not congratulated, it should be the norm, not something to boast about. 

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On 5 October 2016 at 08:40, Gaspode said:

Incredibly unprofessional from whoever is responsible for the Virgin Trains twitter feed - suspect there may be a new vacancy at Virgin Trains pretty soon.....


Single handedly created a massive amount of brand exposure and got people taking about them without paying a penny? 

No such thing as bad publicity...

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1 hour ago, IlsonDerby said:


Single handedly created a massive amount of brand exposure and got people taking about them without paying a penny? 

No such thing as bad publicity...

If you have to ask why it's unprofessional, there's little point in me explaining it to you - yes they got a lot of attention as a result, but as Gerald Ratner found to his cost, there most certainly is bad publicity....

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On 10/5/2016 at 17:55, WhiteHorseRam said:

A truly massive management opportunity for somebody. Villa is the definition of a sleeping giant.

Yup, and they're doing everything that they can to get Steve Bruce.

Meanwhile the brain surgeon experts on here have vilified Steve Bruce before he even stops laughing at getting our poison chalice.

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