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Cat C Seat - Home v Villa. Sky Game - £39


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It would be a hefty price WITH a good product on the pitch.  Looking back to the second half of last season the product was mostly sub standard.  If this continues then quite frankly, the prices are way way to high.  Some common sense needed to reconnect with the average fan with an average income.  They need to realise there are plenty of other leisure activities to engage in on a Saturday afternoon, or whenever a game kicks off.

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17 pages on this all bemoaning the club and the prices...and what are we all guessing the final attendance will be..? Exactly it will be a full house.

no one has the right to complain about it if they are still buying tickets. 

It is so so simple-don't go...the club will soon realise.

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17 minutes ago, Wolfie20 said:

This is such a big issue since it is likely to affect die-hard fans who will not be able to afford these ticket prices that we need the owner to show some bottle and publicly explain the reasoning for the increase.

He needs to show that he's a man of the people! He won't though, he probably thinks he's above all the minions now he owns the toy shop. Embarrassing, when we should be setting examples to other clubs. Shame on you Mel.

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4 minutes ago, philmycock said:

He needs to show that he's a man of the people! He won't though, he probably thinks he's above all the minions now he owns the toy shop. Embarrassing, when we should be setting examples to other clubs. Shame on you Mel.

What's the point? No matter what he says, loads of people wouldn't believe him anyway.

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12 minutes ago, MuespachRam said:

17 pages on this all bemoaning the club and the prices...and what are we all guessing the final attendance will be..? Exactly it will be a full house.

no one has the right to complain about it if they are still buying tickets. 

It is so so simple-don't go...the club will soon realise.

I am a season ticket holder and I complained because it could have a knock on effect with away ticket prices, also I have children coming up to the age when they might want to start attending.

Everyone has the right to complain.

Not a chance of a full house at these prices.

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25 minutes ago, philmycock said:

He needs to show that he's a man of the people! He won't though, he probably thinks he's above all the minions now he owns the toy shop. Embarrassing, when we should be setting examples to other clubs. Shame on you Mel.

Doesn't take long for people to turn on folk does it. Perhaps he should let everyone in for free. He can afford it. Jesus.

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I remember Mel saying when he took over that prices wouldn't increase if we went up. I didn't realise he meant they'd rise if we DIDN'T :lol:

But given that he said that and it's now shown to be a misrepresentation of the truth. Given he also said he wouldn't sack Clement and that he could be our Alex Ferguson and that wasn't the truth. He also says we're in no danger of failing FFP but zero summer signings and astronomical desperate ticket prices suggest otherwise.

I'm not saying he's a liar, I just think he needs to have some foresight when he keeps making these promises.

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11 minutes ago, LazloW said:

Doesn't take long for people to turn on folk does it. Perhaps he should let everyone in for free. He can afford it. Jesus.

Isn't it wonderful how we all pull together to give support to those fans less fortunate than us! NOT!

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3 minutes ago, Wolfie20 said:

Isn't it wonderful how we all pull together to give support to those fans less fortunate than us! NOT!

Where do I say anything about not supporting 'people less fortunate than myself' (which is a bit melodramatic considering you're talking about going to watch a game of football). I not supporting the person who reckons Mel should be ashamed of himself. I'm also saying that Derby fans are very very quick to start laying into the owner(s) of the club. I'm saying a lot of Derby fans have a lot of negativity toward the club and not all of its deserved. I'm saying that there's a tendancy to over react and, like most of modern society, jump on the 'outraged' bandwagon.. That's all. If people cannot afford to go to watch the match, they have my sympathies. 

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47 minutes ago, MuespachRam said:

17 pages on this all bemoaning the club and the prices...and what are we all guessing the final attendance will be..? Exactly it will be a full house.

no one has the right to complain about it if they are still buying tickets. 

It is so so simple-don't go...the club will soon realise.

Now 18 pages, and I'll guess the attendance will be what they report on the club website, in the DET and on the BBC website and the like. I don't think it will be a full house, unless we all come round yours to watch it!

Everyone has the right for free speach and clearly from what is typed on here, the right to type what they like, so if folk would like to complain and still buy tickets, so be it, again that is there choice, we all have different reasons for why we buy or why we don't buy match tickets.

Unfortunately it's not that simple about not going, because other clubs have suffered from it, large numbers of fans have stayed away, some folk on here were slagging Hull City off for not filling their allocation at Wembley and the like, other clubs fans have stayed away, unfortunately many football clubs still don't realise, or they do realise and don't need to do anything about it. We've seen clubs in the past which have achieved success, eg Aberdeen that average about 11 - 13,000 a home game, as it takes a great time, and great effort to bring them fans back again, Once they stay away, do they win them back? and that's after winning a cup etc. The club makes it's money through so many revenues and do any of us really want to be sat in a 2/3 IPro or worse, or constantly sat at home not going to watch them or just watching them on Sky TV, BT etc because we have opted not to go, thinking this will make a jot of difference.

Football went to the dogs many years ago, and the football clubs will carry on taking the mickey if we go or don't go, and the clubs don't need to realise this, because they all know it.

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I do wonder if things aren't as financially sound as we would all think at the club?

Zero summer signings is a strange one. A new manager normally likes to sign at least one player, someone he has worked with before perhaps and we were all aware that we needed to freshen up the squad, but nothing happened.

Now these crazy ticket prices.

Maybe last seasons disaster of not getting promoted, Clement being sacked and having to pay Harry's Redknapps dogs vetenary fees cost us dearly. 

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2 hours ago, MackworthRamIsGod said:

I do wonder if things aren't as financially sound as we would all think at the club?

Zero summer signings is a strange one. A new manager normally likes to sign at least one player, someone he has worked with before perhaps and we were all aware that we needed to freshen up the squad, but nothing happened.

Now these crazy ticket prices.

Maybe last seasons disaster of not getting promoted, Clement being sacked and having to pay Harry's Redknapps dogs vetenary fees cost us dearly. 

If that is the case it would be nice for the club to give some sort of indication.

Obviously would not expect them to say it outright as it could lead to other teams trying to get our players on the cheap.

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11 hours ago, philmycock said:

I've got a season ticket do I'm alright, just worried about the kids coming thorough, cuz no family can afford to take them these days 

Just if I may put another angle on this debate? I have mentioned before that I used to be a regular home and away of a now conference club (York City) and have had many debates with fans of other lower league clubs about the way they feel about how their particular club treats them. An increasing minority feel so disenfranchised and marginalised by their respective clubs that they simply feel now that the only value they have to their clubs is as a guaranteed revenue stream. The whole community aspect of these clubs has gone they feel along with any semblance of customer service / fan engagement and professionalism even allowing for the obvious fact that smaller clubs have smaller budgets and therefore less staff to facilitate these. They feel mugged off big time for want of a better turn of phrase.

One fan of a Devon club I know really well used to go to every game home and away and often I used to accompany him. Once I went to Hartlepool away and met him up there which originally me being from North Yorkshire only took me an hour and a bit to get there but he was on the road at 6am, the game was atrocious and his team lost (again - subsequently relegated) and he didn't get back home until after midnight. He'd do this week in week out. A real die hard. After years and years of being ignored and taken for granted by his club he decided to turn his back on what was a way of life and choose another. He's not been since.

It all depends on what kind of person you are I guess. Some fans put their hands in their pockets regularly despite clearly being taken for a ride but they are quite happy to do this and will continue to do so because it makes them happy. They may not feel taken for a ride so they don't have an issue. Clubs like Arsenal and Chelsea and to some extent Derby can afford to do what they hell they like because, like Inverurie Ram says if we go or not they'll still do it. They know it won't have too much of a detrimental impact. If clubs like York or Chesterfield do the same (which IMO they are and lower league clubs are even worse) then given the paucity of their fanbase they will be hit hard. This is happening now IMO. Fans of York are gradually ebbing away (including myself although not a 100% true die hard) and with the cost of tickets, apathy of the board and dreadful matchday experience cutting off any chances the club have of attracting kids / new fans then the only people left are the ones who are ready willing and able to plug this deficit.

York were supposed to move into a purpose built community stadium 2 years ago and share with the Knights who are the rugby club but there has been endless wrangles and hitches and work hasn't even begun yet. The Knights have gone bust, the football club got relegated into the conference and are struggling for finances. The clueless chairman even before the season was out and straight after relegation threatened the fans and asked for a million quid to start a 'footballing revolution'. As if such crassness wasn't enough, the lease on Bootham Crescent is set to expire in the next year or so and the club have brought out a new home shirt in each of the last 3 seasons at £45 a pop, one of the dearest in the lower leagues. I have no crystal ball but IMO based on everything on and off the pitch York City will either cease to exist in it's current guise in the next 5 years or it will end up ground sharing with Brid Town or something until a ground can be sorted. I cannot for the life of me see a grandiose new project of a new community stadium come to fruition just to house a non league side and when both the owner of the club AND the City of York council have no money.

Clubs run functionally won't fold because they know they could even raise the prices year on year and this core group of fans will pay it and keep them afloat. It's a guilt thing for some and they feel entrapment IMO. They will not let their club down at all costs.  The tragedy is that the club cannot grow like this. It will simply just exist, churn out rubbish and a whole stagnation around the club perpetuates. Again, like Inverurie Ram says, the clubs know this and therefore don't really have to do anything to make it a better place. I'm not going to come on here and say who is right or wrong because people do whatever they want to do as it's a free country.

I have lived in Derbyshire now for a number of years and my kid was born here and goes to school here. Up until  a few years ago I used to travel up to York to watch games and I took my kid to a few of them (£12 walk up price for a 3 year old in league 2 :ph34r: plus £21 for me and friend - £53 to watch a league 2 home game in a ground that needs condemning) plus fuel, parking etc and I am not prepared to do that anymore or more so I want my kid to grow up watching a local team to her.

This brings me to the point (quoted) by Philmycock :lol: great user name or real name perhaps?

I've got my first season ticket at Derby for two adults and a kid. It's a lot of money and i'm on minimum wage but I can pay over 8 months. At York the same package purchased when I got mine was just over 200 quid cheaper PLUS I only get two months to pay. So whilst I completely agree that ticket prices from conference up to Prem are an absolute joke across the board, for just over 200 quid more i can watch Championship football, decent players in great surroundings and also receive first class customer service (as I have done whenever I have had cause to contact DCFC). It's a no brainer.

The walk up prices however are ridiculous and if I wasn't able to purchase a season ticket at Derby then I wouldn't be able to go. Families who cannot afford a season ticket have no chance really of going to Derby unless they go to a cup game like the Grimsby one for example which is a huge problem and other than reducing prices or even just making the odd game or two special designated family games and offering some really serious deals for families then i'm not sure the situation will improve.

I'm one if these fans who doesn't care if the football is bad or the team are losing. I'm used to it. So long as i'm valued and respected as an integral contributing factor to the greater good of a football club and treated with consideration and not contempt then that's enough for me. What lower league clubs fail to grasp is that by and large the 'product' on the pitch is likely to be absolutely terrible most weeks. They know this in advance. Therefore to keep the interest of floaters or fans that get fed up easily they have to be proactive keep fans coming back either by ticket prices / offers or making the matchday experience a whole lot more than some old bloke picking raffle numbers out of a bucket or some youth trying to dink a football into the boot of a Ford Focus to win a pie as half time entertainment. Clubs do neither. Unusually long post all so apologies. Skip or read as applicable. :thumbsup:


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I am a season or two away from ditching my ST due to family reasons and not living in Derby. Right now, I could ditch it this season (got no excitement in me for this coming season for some strange reason - maybe it is the lack of signings?). If this price trend continues though, then I won't even make the odd game here and there as I know what will happen. I will equate it for 'value for money' and spend that cash elsewhere. Lets face it, 38 odd quid for 90 mins football isn't really worth it. Well not to me anyway. I don't like the thought of just being a tv/radio/stream supporter but I think I will have no choice when that time comes.

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