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So a further Trilogy is happening?!

Not sure how I feel about this as it says


the new trilogy will be separate from the classic Skywalker saga, and instead will focus on “new characters from a corner of the galaxy that Star Wars lore has never before explored

I think they need to link it fairly heavily to the Skywalker saga, otherwise it's not really Star Wars is it? It's just a new space opera..

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12 minutes ago, StivePesley said:


So a further Trilogy is happening?!

Not sure how I feel about this as it says

I think they need to link it fairly heavily to the Skywalker saga, otherwise it's not really Star Wars is it? It's just a new space opera..

Im not excited, im excited for the next movie, and then will be the one after but that will be enough. We were always told when younger there should be 9 movies, and that will suffice. Having a gap from ROTJ to TPM made us want to see that even if t wasnt that good, then againt from ROTS to TFA and that was good, but they will just overload it. Let the story reach its conclusion, if they are going on without the skywalkers it suggests Luke will die, its bad enough Han did, Leia probably has to too.

It will get boring, i know Rogue 1 did ok, but i wonder how many people are seriously bothered about the han solo movie? Im not, i will watch it when its available to watch at home but wont go to the cinema. Its about Han Solo. but to me only in name, its not Han Solo if Harrison Ford doesnt play him.

Its the characters that made Star Wars and I do like the new ones but not in the same way. When I watched TFA i didnt want to see rey or finn, or BB8, i wanted to see Han Solo and Leia and Luke and R2D2/C3PO. For the new film its Luke that interests me because he was barely in TFA. I'd rather see Lando than know how Finn is getting on, but that isnt happening.

Maybe there will be a new set of fans demanding to know how Rey etc is getting on, but it wont be like it was before. When Star Wars came out it was something special, and films like that were rare, now you get blockbusters every week almost.

I dont know for sure but i bet there are more 40 somethings getting excited about the new film than 20 somethings.


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32 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

They should concentrate on re-making episodes 1-3. As decent films this time.

Not as a wacky comedy this time?


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2 hours ago, Paul71 said:

Having a gap from ROTJ to TPM made us want to see that even if t wasnt that good, then againt from ROTS to TFA and that was good, but they will just overload it

Couldl't agree more with this bit. It just smacks of caning the franchise now. Since Disney bought it suddenly we have a new film every year. I guess they paid a lot for it and need to get some return on their investment, but yeah once the final trilogy is done, they will find themselves with a smaller audience for sure.

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1 hour ago, StivePesley said:

Couldl't agree more with this bit. It just smacks of caning the franchise now. Since Disney bought it suddenly we have a new film every year. I guess they paid a lot for it and need to get some return on their investment, but yeah once the final trilogy is done, they will find themselves with a smaller audience for sure.

Yes you cant blame them.

To be honest i'd rather they tell a proper prequel story, pre anakin, Darth Plaguies and the Journal of the whills and all that. Try not to bore me to death with trade disputes blah blah blah.


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2 hours ago, McRamFan said:

Prefer the universe that was created by the books post ROTJ.

I tried to read them but found them boring.

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New telly series announced too. Maybe that Coruscant Underworld  one that George Lucas wrote all those scripts for?  I hope this Disney streaming service is going to show mature content though, especially if Daredevil is going to end up on there.

Regarding the films, I think they'll do a 10,11,12 in 10 or 15 years when those who survive this current trilogy get a bit older. Doesn't have to feature Skywalkwers for me, why should it?

Its right that they're exploring the universe further rather than just mining films about Han Solo, Obiwan, Boba Fett and the the Max Rebo Band. And I'm pretty sure there is an audience for it.  As to what it'll be, I'm guessing either something in the unknown regions, possibly linking to Snoke or Thrawn/Chiss ascendancy.  Or Old Republic. Darth Bane is canon and Revan almost became canon.

That they've given this to Rian Johnson bodes well for The Last Jedi. 


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1 hour ago, McRamFan said:

Thrawn was the turning point, was very good.

TBH I need to read again as I read it mid 90's and was only a kid so don't trust my judgement. I remember loving it though.

Think it was one of the first post-ROTJ books published though which is why I mentioned it. The extended universe might have been dodgy early on as you say, but Zahn is regarded to have started it off with a bang.

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