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Minute Silence Tonight


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A minute’s silence will be held in remembrance of Ian Magno, the father of one of Derby County’s Academy scholars, Giann Magno, prior to tonight’s game against Middlesbrough at the iPro Stadium.

Ian passed away suddenly at his home in Buxton last week and his support and presence at the Academy will be sorely missed.

Everyone at Derby County offer their sincere condolences to all the Magno family and friends

Read more at http://www.dcfc.co.uk/news/article/minutes-silence-to-be-held-this-evening-2628662.aspx#DkryhRdfarBfYYLt.99

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If he's the dad of someone at The Academy he probably wasn't very old and it sounds like he was involved there and many of the staff and players will have known him.

I don't mind - it seems like a good thing for the club to do for someone as a mark of respect. I'd rather this than for random people who have had nothing to do with the club.

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Neverheard of him or his son. These minutes silences for every tom dick and harry are way to regular. I wonder who it will be next week.

When was the last time we had a minutes silence?

And don't say during the game on Saturday smartarse.

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Pity there isn't a don't like button. jägerbob .. What on earth moves you to to post something so bluntly uncharitable as that ?  Somewhere out there is a young man at our academy who has lost his Dad. So you decide to post something as coarse and insensitive as that ? Nice ( NOT) 

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Neverheard of him or his son. These minutes silences for every tom dick and harry are way to regular. I wonder who it will be next week.

way to regular? Have some ******* respect! Anyone linked to Derby in any way deserves a minutes silence. Whether it's a life long fan or the cleaner. Disgraceful post Jagerbob.

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Neverheard of him or his son. These minutes silences for every tom dick and harry are way to regular. I wonder who it will be next week.

Giann Magno is a first year scholar in the Academy so he is a Derby County player and far from being any 'Tom, Dick and Harry" as far as the club are concerned. He's one of their own.

Absolutely right the club do a minute's silence and I hope the players wear black arm bands as well.

They held a minute's silence and wore black arm bands for him at the U21 game last night as well.

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Just a thought, so don't bite my head off if you disagree but!!!

could the club do a group minutes silence at the start/end of the season for all the Rams family members lost during the last season. We all get a recognition for our lives devoted to the club then

we will still have minutes silences for greats such as clough (Brian), Taylor etc, during the season


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Just because I always like to be devils advocate: Did Dawkins' mum get one?

I'm normally dead against minutes' silences, and can see where Jager's backlash is coming from. But in this case I think it's more than justified. R.I.P.

Perhaps Dawkins didn't ask for one.

If it provides the Magnos with even a tiny bit of comfort, then surely this is a good thing? I can't see the issue here. Keeping quiet for a minute is hardly a hard task for anybody at the ground.

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So much noise coming from the concourse and a load of ringtones in the crowd during the silence :(

TBF - I don't think this can be helped.

1) I think the majority of us had no idea about the minutes silence.

2) Big crowd, people turning up late

3) 30,000 people - good chance a few will get texts and calls.

For me personally I can understand with the poster which say that these minute silences seem to more common place and no longer now seem to be in honour of remembering people that every fan knows. (Personally, I would save them for either club legends or historical events) I'd also prefer clapping to silence as it eliminates the issues above, but from being sat in the East lower, it was observed very well by both sets of fans.

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