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Richard Keogh


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I don't think people will ever forgive him for Wembley, which is ridiculous as you could fault 4 or 5 played leading up to their goal. I think he gets the extra flak also because he's captain, if it's not going well regardless of whether its his fault or not all eyes are on him, which is again unfair.  Now dont get me wrong, Keogh has his moments of recklessness and mistakes and every single one of us has moaned when a soft goal has been conceded etc, but then theirs idiots out there who will actively go and abuse the poor sods misses on twitter that makes me embarrassed to be a Derby fan, that's not what the club i love is about! but like you rightly said everyone in the team has made mistakes (see Tom Ince against Birmingham at the Ipro, for example)

Sadly I don't think Keogh will ever get the reprieve from our fans, for the idiot minority if it wasn't for him we would have been promoted blah blah blah. The sad reality is that eventually Keogh will be driven out of the club by our minority of idiots, full of resentment and bitterness towards us, and those fans responsible should hang their heads in shame.

totally agree, the stick his wife got on Twitter was disgusting.. Just think if one of our forwards had scored at Wembley, in a game we dominated. Or Johnny Russell had not been hauled down. The whole game would have had a different outcome. 


Without the the armband I think we will see a totally different Keogh. He will be able to concentrate on his own game more. It's time to get behind him and support him 



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Hello. HELLO. Was it not being reported a few days back that initially Keogh was a makeweight in the Shackell deal? If so, does anyone seriously on here, irrespective of how good you think he is, think he is going to be one of our two centre backs come 8 August?

I was under the impression that this was at Burnleys insistance, and that we didn't want to sell????

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Money!! Make it looks like he belongs to first team so good offer is needed. Froze him out and you won't get half what he is worth.

Of course he may be in first team plans...

That won't wash on here. How can you spin a conspiracy theory out of that?

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The thing with Keogh is when he plays along side a CD that puts the opposition under pressure and dives in to make blocks he has time to think.

This is why it works with Bucko to a degree, he struggles along side players that hold back because he then needs to be the one blocking, a part of his game that is lacking.

With Shack back we have someone that is excellent at block tackles so Keogh will have time to way up his defensive options. 

Really looking forward to seeing these two form a partnership, with Pearce has cover.

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I think this season we may see a different Richard Keogh. I don't think he's a Captain for a start; and now Shackell is here he has someone along side him who is both a natural leader and organiser. This will allow Richard Keogh to concentrate on his own game and not feel like he's minding other like Christie etc. With Baird at right back Shackell, Keogh and Fozxy I think we'll see a difference in our defensive displays this season. ?

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That won't wash on here. How can you spin a conspiracy theory out of that?

i see what you did there. Bravo.  Quite brilliant really, concocting a conspiracy theory by implying a conspiracy theory.  On a side note, hope you had a good time in Holland and that the leg is better, not to mention the surely massive hangover.

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Brighton want him. Sunday People.

I'm sure a lot of clubs want him. The question is if they want him enough to pay our asking price. 

I doubt he's going anywhere unless there's some silly money on the table. 

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i see what you did there. Bravo.  Quite brilliant really, concocting a conspiracy theory by implying a conspiracy theory.  On a side note, hope you had a good time in Holland and that the leg is better, not to mention the surely massive hangover.

Leg is still badly swollen but otherwise untroublesome, leaving hotel in an hour to drive to ferry port. Hangover? You need to sober up to get one of those.

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Not playing Keogh alongside Shackell would be a mistake. Anyone who thinks he's anything other than a good championship defender is simply wrong, Pearce has been bang average for multiple seasons and will be an asset for cover/rotation but not an upgrade at all. Also, as others have mentioned he's in a very similar mould to Shackell.

To get rid of him would be ridiculous unless a bid comes in we can't refuse. We don't NEED to sell, he's our 2nd best CB and has a skillset that is unique among defenders at the club, we would miss him hugely. We'd have to spend more than we've paid for Shackell to bring in a CB that's as good as Keogh or better.

If he does go, the next time an opposition striker is having a footrace with one of our CB's and burns them, remember you wanted him gone.

Just out of interest, what puts you in a position to comment on how good another teams player has been over multiple seasons? Have you watched Pearce regularly or are you just guessing at his ability? Or just basing it on when he has played against Derby?

I would say that Keogh is a half decent defender at this level but would agree that there is no need to sell him unless its a good offer.

I am interested to know what 'unique skillset' you think he possesses as I have seen very little that I would expect any other average defender to do.

I really do not get the last paragraph either, are you suggesting that Keogh is fast for a defender?

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Until someone proves that he is better than Keogh surely he has to stay? Most of us have never seen Pearce in a Derby shirt so he is an unknown quantity, Bucko is not even training with the rest of the squad yet and Shotton was hopeless last season. Even if we start the campaign with Shackell and Pearce who would step into their position if one of them was injured for a few weeks? Baird may be an option but hopefully he will stake a claim to the right back spot and he is also cover for Thorne. Before Keogh goes anywhere we need an alternative in place, we can't rely on getting a good quality emergency loan at short notice. Besides, the rest of the professionals in the Championship thought that he should be in the team of the season so fans are not sharing the views of those who play the game.

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