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  1. Haha
    Ramrob got a reaction from Miggins in The Administration Thread   
    Nah, that’s the Far East. 
  2. Like
    Ramrob got a reaction from Tombo in Derby County vs Fulham matchday thread, Friday 15th April, 8pm   
    Ok ? you’re right not the best example.
    My point really was that the highest points of his career came in his late twenties/early thirties. So this guy might do the same. Or he could be a one season wonder.
    Nice just to talk about players rather than bloody admin! ?
  3. Like
    Ramrob got a reaction from RadioactiveWaste in The Administration Thread   
    Nah, that’s the Far East. 
  4. Haha
    Ramrob got a reaction from David Graham Brown in The Administration Thread   
    Nah, that’s the Far East. 
  5. Like
    Ramrob reacted to jimtastic56 in Liam Thompson   
    Correct.What a run and pass for the first goal last night by Liam. He really is a “Pocket Rocket” . A lot of us have said he would be very good further up the field. Best moment of the season for me.
  6. Like
    Ramrob reacted to Ram-Alf in Derby County vs Fulham matchday thread, Friday 15th April, 8pm   
    If we'd have romped away with the Championship Sky would have found fault with us, Their pundits fawn over the fashionable teams, Loved how the one(name forgotten)spunked all over Fulham before the game, Then swallowed that sticky stuff with a grimace, I detest Sky Football with a passion and soon to be got rid of ?
    Thompson was my MOTM this boy has energy a little naïve but with age he can only get better, That run for the goal was tremendous, Another Willie Carlin or Archie Gemmill in the making ?
    Mondays a time to change our away form...and wipe that arsehead Charlie Austins face off. 
  7. Like
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    Ramrob reacted to Ramos in Derby County vs Fulham matchday thread, Friday 15th April, 8pm   
    What a player 
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    Ramrob reacted to CBRammette in Derby County vs Fulham matchday thread, Friday 15th April, 8pm   
    Couldnt get there tonight so had to watch on sky. Absolutely loved how they had to totally switch direction on their narrative. Everything they said was so certain it would be promotion party night for Fulham and we hardly got a mention.  Oooh how that changed but even then no real appreciation of what has been happening to our squad and what Wayne has had to put up with. Same on twitter people saying "dont get the Rooney hype, they would only be 17th with the points back" - really shows up fans who are absolute muppets in their premier league bubble. 
    special quick mention to Liam Thompson. I was worried they would eat him alive when saw teamsheet but what do I know. Really showed his bottle and skill. Well done
  12. Clap
    Ramrob got a reaction from Ram-Alf in Derby County vs Fulham matchday thread, Friday 15th April, 8pm   
    Never trust a highlights reel ?
    In all seriousness – he likes a long range loop over the keeper! Purely going off Wiki, looks like his first really good season at 28, but maybe he's a late bloomer? A la Ricky Lambert. 
    Be nice just to sign a player on a proper contract. Although can't knock anyone this season and hope we can keep hold of the majority?. 
  13. Like
    Ramrob reacted to Gritstone Ram in Rooney, staff and squad: legends   
    People who I work with who don’t support Derby comment on Rooney when I speak to them. They are impressed with what they see from the outside. They don’t even know half.
  14. COYR
  15. Like
    Ramrob reacted to Leeds Ram in Derby County vs Fulham matchday thread, Friday 15th April, 8pm   
    I LOVE this team. We are likely going down but by god we are only going down after kicking and screaming. The passion was immense today, putting their bodies on the line, running until their bodies were giving up and being spurred on by a ferocious 20,000 derby fans that sounded like twice their number. I love this club and this team. COYR
  16. Like
    Ramrob reacted to Gritstone Ram in Derby County vs Fulham matchday thread, Friday 15th April, 8pm   
    There were women screening near me and it made me feel a bit emotional. I felt the emotion. I’m glad we won. It was great in the west stand we clapped for a fair few minutes.
  17. Like
    Ramrob reacted to RamuelLJackson in Derby County vs Fulham matchday thread, Friday 15th April, 8pm   
    Most likely, but have you seen the recent form of our next 3 opponents? Look at the last 5 games for each team and we have more wins in our last 5 than those three have if you add them all together. I'm not giving up till it's mathematically impossible to stay up.
  18. Clap
    Ramrob reacted to uttoxram75 in Derby County vs Fulham matchday thread, Friday 15th April, 8pm   
    We all know we're down. No one is seriously pretending we'll stay up, people tonight were planning trips to away games they'd never of dreamt they'd be playing at, but we will build from a base of loyal fans, and if Chris Kirchner can complete the takeover and keep Rooney then we will face next season in League 1 (Division 3 to us old buggers), with good heart and optimism.
    If we can keep most of our kids, use Rooney's contacts to get a couple of loans or decent old lads like Jags in, then all Wayne needs to do is find a Bobby Davison and there's no reason why history can't repeat itself.
  19. Like
    Ramrob reacted to ilkleyram in Derby County vs Fulham matchday thread, Friday 15th April, 8pm   
    I agree Utch. That support and noise rivalled our great European nights at the BBG. It shows that PP can be as atmospheric as the BBG when we all put our minds and voices to it. Tonight was a special night. One to remember. 
  20. Like
    Ramrob reacted to B4ev6is in One last round make them love you.   
    Well like in rocky films one more round like Micky says to rocky get up make this some b make him love you fight him hard.
    Well this is same with derby I think Rooney said to the players get up fight them and play your fast passing game put pressure on them.and you will beat fulham and put selfs in with of a chance of staying up.
    So come on derby do the same to QPR and Blackpool and final at cardiff but what ever happens city of derby are right behind you and always will be.
    We are city of derby and derby county we all fight till the end.
    Come you rams.
  21. Like
    Ramrob reacted to jimbo jones in Derbyshire CCC - Mickey Arthur Appointed   
    Sussex bowled out for 174
    Du Plooy gets in on the act with that last wicket, and that's the end of another incredible day.
  22. Like
    Ramrob reacted to IslandExile in Rooney, staff and squad: legends   
    I hand it to you @RoyMac5, you had faith when many of us didn't.
    I certainly didn't like the manner of his arrival, but that's down to Mel, and I didn't like the way he set the team up last season.
    But this season, Rooney has been magnificent, tactically very good, motivationally brilliant, but more than anything.... He has been so dignified throughout this whole sorry process and, as you say, brought back the pride to Pride Park.
  23. Like
    Ramrob reacted to JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta in Derby County vs Fulham matchday thread, Friday 15th April, 8pm   
    I love this club. This season has got the fire going again. Regardless of if we stay up I will absolutely revel in it when the time comes for us to rub it in to all the Bamfords that were complicit in us ending up where we are. That time will come.
  24. Like
    Ramrob reacted to TomTom92 in Derby County vs Fulham matchday thread, Friday 15th April, 8pm   
    Big fan of Harry Wilson dropping 2 stinkers against us. Top man.
  25. Cheers
    Ramrob reacted to RadioactiveWaste in Derby County vs Fulham matchday thread, Friday 15th April, 8pm   
    I'll put it this way - the size of the glass of whisky i poured myself brought a frown from my beloved.
    Proud of them all.
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