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Posts posted by alram

  1. 12 minutes ago, Norman said:

    Nah, I'm not having this. 

    We were told we were right on the line after most of the extravagant spending. Every penny counted. 

    Derby fans did not encourage gambling, did not encourage spending what Mel could not afford or have the details on wages and fees paid. There is no blame on Derby fans for that. 

    No Derby fan would be encouraging anything that would put us in this situtation, not ONE.

    We encouraged it because we trusted the man behind it to put the money up if it goes tits up, but he didnt, he did a runner and made us all look like complete idiots

  2. 31 minutes ago, Unlucky Alf said:

    Do you have nightmares concerning DCFC/MM?

    It was no "pathetic excuse for him" it was an analogy which means..."a comparison between one thing and another, typically for the purpose of explanation or clarification"

    Your angst is pretty alarming fella...unless you're one of the unfortunate ones who lost their job through DCFCs Administration.


    Why would you not be annoyed about an individual that has completely destroyed the club? The lack of accountability morris has faced throughout this has been the alarming thing. 

  3. to add on to my points yesterday about the administrators and a reason why i have little faith in them, admin 101 is keep people in the club informed of what is going on. from what i have read and heard there has been no communication between administrators and staff at the club. My deep deep worry is they were after a quick sale before the deductions are finalised to make it still a relatively appealing club to sell. But that is out the window now and a buyer will know what they are getting, which for us is a bad thing. 

  4. 15 minutes ago, Unlucky Alf said:

    I'll agree with that, It's like the compulsive gambler who wants the best for his family, Keeps gambling and gambling for that lucky day that he can go home and tell all that our troubles are over, Unfortunately he kept losing, Lost his family. His home, His friends...but you can't hate him, He was just foolish.

    What a pathetic excuse for him.

    He is running a football club, one that he claimed to love and care for! If you are willing to 'gamble' with it then you should be willing to bail it out when it backfires. It's not a corner shop.

    and the point about him losing his home is completely thrown out the window when you know mel morris has made money these past few years, what he has done is nothing but "not my problem anymore, somebody elses"

    I cannot believe people continue to defend mel morris, it really is unbelievable to me. I wonder what he would have to actually do for some people to actually think he has no interest in anything but himself.

  5. 29 minutes ago, 86 Hair Islands said:

    Having empathy for Mel is not the same as being 'pro-Morris'. Even Mel's most ardent supporters, a faction whose numbers diminish by the day, would admit he has ducked up royally. I retain some sympathy for the man, but that does not infer I'm blind to his failings. This isn't a binary assessment and in the view of many, the EFL have more than amply played their part. 

    Once this 'process' is completed, I've little doubt that the truth will out and even less doubt that it will paint either Mel or the EFL in anything close to a favourable light. I'm not blind to Mel's part in this debacle, nor do I believe for one moment that those criticising the EFL are either.

    Why would any Derby fan have empathy or any kind of positive feelings for Mel Morris? he has burnt the club to the ground!

  6. Just now, Reggie Greenwood said:

    Think you need to chill out with your accusations against the administrators. 

    how is that an allegation?

    it is my view of the situation.

    how about this, they actually tell us how they intend to find a buyer for the club? I know, it is a radical idea and a lot to ask for.

    this is the future of Derby county in the hands of somebody that is clearly prepared to gamble.

  7. Just now, Ewe Ram said:

    I’m not defending him at all. Not arguing with any of it, but to post on Twitter ‘MM you’re a wa***r’ etc is just childish. 

    I bet he is so hurt that sue from spondon has called him a banker, however will he cope.

    There are seriously more important things to be worried about regarding Derby at the moment than people calling mel a banker.

  8. Just now, Curtains said:

    This is the worst possible outcome but we just have to move on as fans and hope we survive as a club .

    The administrators have been far too optimistic IMO from day one .

    Who knows what will happen next ! 

    Hopefully a takeover is imminent 

    we need facts and a plan from the administrators.

    The way they approached it so far appears to be lets pretend everything is under control and we are staying up until we find a buyer, but this has basically poo poo'd that plan.

  9. Just now, Ewe Ram said:

    Can I just add here that our fans trashing Mel Morris on Twitter are embarrassing. Just stay classy, we know he’s let us all down etc etc etc, but just don’t do it, you’re making yourselves look stupid. 

    Look at what he has done to our club. He has set fire to it then jumped ship.

    I think those that continue to defend mel morris make themselves look more stupid personally.

  10. just to touch on it again it can't be understated how important it was rooney keeping us up last season.

    If we had gone down on that day we would be facing these deductions in league one and probably looking at league two next season and then who was going to inherit the debts we have in the english 4th division?

    That Sheff W game could go down as the most important in our history, and rooney was the manager that day and for me he will always be remembered for that and should be rewarded when the club finally has some stability off the pitch

  11. 8 minutes ago, Jourdan said:

    A new contract? Shouldn’t that be earned?

    Rooney has a year and a half on his deal. There is no need to offer him a new one, unless he achieves something exceptional. Like survival against the odds, for example.

    If we do get relegated to League 1, the owners have to seriously consider if Rooney is capable of moving us forward. Stability for the sake of stability helps no-one.

    If there is someone they consider to be better equipped to do that, they would be foolish to put all of their eggs in the Rooney basket.

    It is an unforgiving league, one Rooney will likely have little to no knowledge of. We see big clubs struggle to get to grips with it very often. There would be an added incentive for teams too, a target on our backs, of course. Rooney’s Derby and so on.

    Do we really need the circus? The distractions? Do we need someone at the helm who has to find his feet and learn quickly? 

    It would be a big risk to stick with Rooney.

    oh come on. stability for the sake of stability? do you realise what a good job rooney has done here?

    Not only did he keep us up he has us a mid table side with a squad that has barely enough quality to compete in league one.

    people are utterly mad if they think somebody can come in and do a better job than rooney under the circumstances. for me he should be top of the to do list when a takeover happens of extending his deal and backing him properly. 

    Starting this season we had no hope at all, for months rooney has had us believing we can actually stay up even with a point deduction and no players.

  12. Just now, Reggie Greenwood said:

    What untruths ? Please list them 

    what have they said that has been the truth?

    the only time they have spoken they have said a bunch of stuff people want to hear, not the reality of the situation. 

    I am seriously worried, we will either end up with a complete crook as our owner or worse go out of business.

    what have they done so far to make us more appealing to a buyer?

  13. 1 minute ago, r4derby said:

    How many have genuinely felt we would stay up this season? Lots had hope, but all the uncertainty made it impossible to be sure.

    My view was as soon as the administration was confirmed, we were down. Even before the season I felt it would be a hard watch and slow descent to league 1. This news just confirms all those emotions.

    However, this team have already performed way above my expectations. Blackburn was not a good watch, but I expected that the be the norm, so can accept games like that. And we didn’t even get smashed, even keeping it close at the end. This lot have shown they will scrap and fight more often than not.

    League 1 will be tough. But give us a team that plays with heart and desire, and the fans will turn up. The fans have been pretty much sensational this season. As a North stander, I’ve had nothing but pride watching them sing (and bounce).

    Rooney has done an amazing job even giving us belief. Our squad is terrible, the deductions make it impossible

  14. 4 minutes ago, Orphanram said:

    Looking at it positively 
    If we’d have gone down last season we’d be staring down the barrel at L2

    Norwich, Leeds, Leicester and  Sheffield United have all been down to L1 and are in or have been up to the EPL

    Hopefully we will end up in a scenario where the results of our last two games could really impact a club we don’t like and we will start Forsyth in both games (I like Fozzy really).

    Shinnie will be the League 1 Pirlo. 

    The Easdale’s will have a clear run at the takeover following a Chris Kirchner tweet declaring his love for Wigan Athletic and following it up with another tweet about how much he hates Widnes.

    i have been saying for a while that we need to start planning for league one. The comments from the administrators about giving rooney everything possible to survive this season were making me face palm. The writing was always on the wall this season, we have to take the clairty as a positive and start planning for the future for once. 

  15. 2 minutes ago, DCFC1388 said:

    So after all these weeks & months in talks with the EFL we end up with the 9 point deduction anyway. What an absolute waste of time. Also shows that there is no point talking with the EFL as they wont change from what they want.

    So what does this mean about the integrity of the league this year, we have played 17 games where for the most part showed some fight and gave opposition a good game, whereas now we may as well blood the youngsters ready for next season or go all out attack. Complete different mentality for these remaining games than the first set.

    Or does it show that we can't talk our way out of every situation like we like to think so?

    I will just be glad when we know what is happening for once. These last few years have been agony

  16. 26 minutes ago, PistoldPete said:

    The administrators job is to act for the creditors. They need to negotiate with EFL over a number of different things that will help to protect the creditors interest if it all falls into place... including bringing in a buyer for the club. 

    These guys know what they are doing.



    So you keep saying pistoldpete, to be honest i am not convinced the decisions they have made so far have been particularly good

  17. 2 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

    We made some good chances today. Knighty really should have done better with a couple of chances and so should Baldock. They will get better, both of those two score goals and will do again. Lawrence too. Sometimes it just takes a change of luck for the belief to change and then the confidence and then the chances. #COYR

    yes friend, not complaining about the performance at all. my general point is we are going to have to recruit in january if we are going to hit the points required to stay up. with the current crop of players we will keep missing those chances. They are simply not good enough

  18. 3 minutes ago, Ken Tram said:

    But the current squad seemed capable of beating Millwall today.

    I am not saying that having a goal scorer wouldn't help, but we seemed quite good at attacking.

    Even though we would be 20th without a points deduction, we are not a relegation team.

    yep, we were completely capable but as i say, with more quality you turn draws into wins and losses into draws.

    The overall picture speaks for itselfs, we are 3rd lowest scorers not because of the way we set up but because we have no quality. It was not much different last year when we were lowest scorers with probably better strikers than we have now.

    We are not playing like a relegation team but we have the quality of a relegation team.

  19. 7 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

    I don't even agree with that. The players we have are playing well the majority of games - where would we really be in the league? Also you can see that the youngsters are getting more experience, Knighty is starting to hit his stride. Bielik might give us a lift. Baldock is getting better as he gets more games, his movement up front was better. Stretton is scoring again. CKR is fit. ...

    For me us playing well is an even bigger indicater we need better players. Playing well but continually getting nothing to show for it, players win games with quality, we simply don't score enough goals to think about staying in the division.

    It is okay performing well but when it comes down to it, it's quality that gets you the most points. We will need it in Jan if we are to stand a chance. Like i say Rooney is getting the most he can out of these players, he will need help from the powers that be.

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