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Posts posted by alram

  1. 4 hours ago, CBX1985 said:

    I think Clowes is a businessman.  He bought the club with his heart, but he will run it with his brain.

    All spending needs to be worth it and balanced.  I don't see him wanting to make cash injections.  I suspect DC wants the club to break even on it's own regard - leaving him with an asset (club and ground), that should we get a promotion will increase in value.  

    easier said than done


    he wont make money on the club until its in the championship and when its in the championship he will have to write out a cheque every month to cover the losses.


    you cant really run a championship club with your brain unless you want to become a yoyo club between league one and the championship which i am sure none of us do including clowes.

  2. 14 hours ago, Van der MoodHoover said:

    Exactly.... we're violently agreeing I think.

    I don't think we've lost a "25 goals a season" striker as he's done it once in a long career across many divisions.

    No need for wrist slashing. Or for writing off a striker signed who scored 8 last season.👍

    25 goals a season or not, hes our best player by some distance


    he will take some replacing

  3. 49 minutes ago, Caerphilly Ram said:

    That isn’t evidence of the club not being proactive. The club proactively entered negotiations with him and he chose an alternative. Just because the scenario hasn’t played out how we wanted (or perhaps it has for some people) you can’t prove the club isn’t proactively working on recruitment. 

    yes it is, now we have to react to a player leaving 


    that is literally the definition of reactive


    we would already have a replacement sorted if we were proactive, no doubt they will be working on a replacement now but its completely reactive

  4. 9 minutes ago, Jourdan said:

    I think this is premature.

    Our pre-season friendlies start in four weeks. The players won’t be back in for pre season for another 2-3 weeks either.

    Also keep in mind how quickly deals can come together - it’s not transfer deadline day, we have weeks to figure everything out, not hours.

    Just because nothing has been announced doesn’t mean things aren’t taking shape behind the scenes and out of the public glare.

    you are right it is premature, just saying it as things currently stand of course. i am happy to admit i am wrong if things improve, but i am just going based on whats happening so far this summer

  5. 17 minutes ago, MACKWORTHRAM said:

    I genuinely don't understand why I've just seen "League two is a bigger pull than Warne"

    It's not league two. It's Notts County. It's his club. He wants to retire there. Fair play. Could have stayed here for more money. He's literally just said himself that no other club he would have gone for. 

    Internally they would have known about this for ages. I would imagine that Mcgoldrick has said "Look if Notts go up there's a chance I could go back there and I'd want to"

    I wish him nothing but the best. Was unbelievable for us last season and without him we'd have been nowhere.

    But that was the season of his life and we cannot be relying on him to do that again. We need 3-4 strikers chipping in with 8-15 goals each. We need wide players chipping in with 5-10. 

    It's not just about replacing Mcgoldricks goals with an individual it needs to be spread. 

    Other than Hourihane and NML. Goals from other areas of the team were pitiful.

    But fans using this as a stick to beat Warne or the club with are a joke.

    beat the club with or voice our concerns about a lackluster start to the summer?


    this is the year we should be kicking on, feels like we are heading backwards as things stand. it may change, but i am not going to sit here and ignore the red flags, the club needs to be proactive not reactive

  6. i pray we get out of this awful division ASAP, i dont think i could take notts or wrexham giving it the big one against us and worse yet forests under 21 side in the papa johns


    warne needs to use his connections here, big work needed and clowes needs to give him absolutely everything he can

  7. 17 minutes ago, Caerphilly Ram said:

    Read his comments, you claimed Didzy is a Forest fan, in his own words he’s followed his heart, take your I told you so elsewhere 

    okay know it all, he says he wants to RETURN to the club that brought him through the academy nothing to do with playing for notts because he supports them


    i still stand by he is a forest fan, nothing about that statement changed my opinion on it. if anything it made me more sure.

  8. 6 minutes ago, Gee SCREAMER !! said:

    Irreplaceable with the kind of budget we are playing with.  Hope Warne hasn't washed that bit of paper with his rovrum list on it stuffed in his jeans.  He's proving a top drawer to these players already on the books but seems we may be getting Rovrums reserve keeper so ying and yang .

    This really is a total piss take.  McGoldricks comments are simply lip service.  Let's not forget he was joining a club on an absolute shoestring last summer, probably on a substantially lower wage then we have reoffered, has become player of the year and he's dropped a League.  The rest is fluff.   

    finally some sense


    this is my problem. i think people are trying to convince themselves it wont affect us that much but its a massive uphill battle to start the summer.


    i dont care about the players point of view, this is a disaster for derby

  9. 8 minutes ago, JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta said:

    All I have seen you do across multiple threads is moan about how terrible everything is.

    Answer me this, my brother-in-law has a paid youth coaching position for a team local to him, he does this three evenings a week. He also works a full time day job. He does both with no trouble whatsoever.

    What is the difference between that and what Hourihane is doing?

    nothing to do with finding the time and effort to do so. we all know that's possible.


    answer me as to why he isnt coaching in OUR academy if he wants a youth coaching gig?


    my problem isnt the coaching its where he's doing it and his quite disrespectful answer to a question

  10. 10 hours ago, kevinhectoring said:

    knight is the only one and not mid table. He's got a chance as a squad player at a struggling PL side. Bird is a better footballer to a purist but doesn't quite have the strength or athleticism to live at that level. Nor does Cashin. After that, no outfield player we have is close 

    at his prime maybe, never in a million years currently that goes for all our players

  11. 10 hours ago, Foreveram said:

    Not really any different from players doing media work, commentating on SKY at evening games.

    its completely different. he is working for another football club, if he wants a job coaching in the evening it should be here.


    its another red flag in a summer of red flags so far

  12. 8 minutes ago, EnigmaRam said:

    You don’t need to spend much to get out of League one. Hopefully we’re over trying to buy the league. 
    We can still pay good salaries in comparison to most teams in this division and no doubt when the restrictions of the business plan are over, ie after this coming season we will have more wriggle room.

    Personally I think it’s been a good thing. We needed to consolidate and it’s meant we’ve had to operate within our means. 

    you are right you dont need to spend but you do need a flexible budget. if there is restrictions that prevent us from giving/offer X , players will go elsewhere

  13. 15 hours ago, S8TY said:

    I bet you're fun at parties !! Jeeez.... chill out ...!

    We have massive reasons to be optimistic, I thought Didzy was brilliant last season but I'd like to think we are not relying on just one player to score the bulk of our goals next season.

    FWIW I actually think that if he stays Mcgoldrick might not get the game time he did last season if our recruitment is good

    We have a caring owner who I think I'm right in saying the fans trust, more freedom in the market and also a weaker looking division next season 

    It's an exciting time to be a Rams fan, I can't understand why you keep seeing the negatives when there are plenty of positives.

    Did you think when we only had about 5 players on the books at one point last summer that this was the end and we could only field a 5 a side team ? ....We are supposedly in a better place financially this summer and able to have more freedom regarding recruitment, of course we are going to sign players.

    Warne has already said the process has already started so chill out mate...nothing to worry about Mr Glass Half Empty 

    for me the main difference from last season and this season is clear: last season was a rebuild season and a season of consolidation, okay i was disappointed in the end we didnt make it but the reality is it was always a tough ask to start from nothing


    this season is about promotion and nothing else, we have the foundations in place and have to kick on - to do that we need to keep our best players and recruit wisely . the squad has to look stronger than last season and several of our better players are already seemingly close to the exit door


    you surely dont disagre with that?

  14. 3 minutes ago, tomsdubs said:

    Looks like all our supposed targets gone elsewhere, lets hope all the rumours are wrong cause it looks pretty bleak so far. Early days though.

    watch out tomsdub you will get abused all day for daring to suggest things don't look rosey such is the way of this place

  15. 2 hours ago, 86 Hair Islands said:

    You're criticising the club for not signing players outside of the window and for not 'fighting' to secure their signatures when A) they may not want to be here and B) have not been confirmed as having left. Despite this, you seem surprised that folk are calling you out. Why?

    no im not


    again people putting words in my mouth

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