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Posts posted by Ram1988

  1. 34 minutes ago, Srg said:

    Thought Allsop had a good night. Like many, I wasn’t happy to see his name on the team sheet but he saved everything (mostly routine bar one or two) and even caught a couple of things too. 

    Stearman worries me a little. Although not sure if he improved second half or I wasn’t as nervous about him because he was further away from me in the South Stand. Seems slow to move his feet and looked a liability. 

    Don’t think it was a coincidence the goal came from the first time Forsyth used his acre of space to actually dribble forward rather than come back. He needed to do that more often to keep the defence honest. 

    Midfield did a decent job of rotating deep to fetch the ball from the defence which was good. Trying to play out from the back with our personnel is not fun but they made the best of it by helping out - we did still manage one huge calamity after half time. 

    Stretton looked decent but needs a big stint in the weight room. Reading do have some quick defenders which didn’t help though.

    I am not one for conspiracy theories but after the red card and injury time penalty last game and now we have an unbelievably bad referee and linesman this game it doesn’t half make you wonder. The linesman missed some shockers, especially the ball being miles out first half under his nose. The referee didn’t give a blatant foul on Ravel on the edge of the box, a blatant penalty for handball, seemed to not bother booking them for the same thing Stearman got booked for, then booked Buchanan for his first foul. Just a baffling display of biased ineptitude. 

    I have no idea how that free kick and penalty wasn't given or what the refree was thinking. I thought they was both stone wall decisions.

  2. 1 hour ago, angieram said:

    I do think some fans are a bit touchy about this.

    If you have a genuine reason not to go, no one is getting at you personally.

    It's still okay to wonder why the floating supporters who could attend if they wanted to aren't coming along at a time when the club needs them the most.

    I just think they're not "that" interested. Just like I wouldn't be "that" interested if my local theatre or cinema was having a financial crisis. I'm not emotionally invested in them.


    Well said!!

    It's not about some fans being bigger or more important than the others, it's about supporting our club when they need it the most. If you genuinely can't or don't want to come fair enough, but we should be doing our bit to send a message that Derby is a massive club and for us to help them in anyway we can.

  3. 39 minutes ago, Leeds Ram said:

    Ideally 25k would be great but I never really expected it. People want to go to wembley for all sorts of reasons unfortunately and when the club is struggling it's hard to invigorate that type of fan a lot of the time. Hopefully we'll get 20k plus which is still a very good show of support in these troubled times. 

    What has been our average attendance this year? I'd like to think we could at least increase this by a couple of thousand.

  4. 1 hour ago, GangwayD said:

    Think you could be right Ossie. 

    22-23K wouldn’t be a bad effort I guess but 25K+ would send out a great message. 


    Gangway D from the terrace 

    I agree I think we need to aim to be getting towards the 25K mark at the least. Ticket sales is by far the easiest way for fans to support financially and on the pitch.

  5. 9 minutes ago, Andrew1 said:

    I know it’s an old cliche but a win today would be worth so much more psychologically speaking.  Getting back into a positive points total  - more or less straight away, would mean a lot to everyone.

    Probably being a bit over enthusiastic and optimistic but I am looking forward to this, we are in a dire situation but I sense some fight and spirit that has carried over from the Stoke game

    Good luck to the lads, and I know that the Derby fans will be heard loud and clear on Radio Derby.


    I agree. A win would not only have us back in positive points but would send a positive vibes which will filter throughout the club.

  6. 6 minutes ago, sunnyhill60 said:

    What an unbelievable post!

    "simply doing his job" I doubt he signed up for or expected to be doing the job that he has now

    " He can’t really lose in this situation" Derby are still odds on to be relegated, that is losing, and some would put the blame on him

    " I prefer to see a response on the pitch" if you haven't seen a response on the pitch this season compared to the final months last season you're not looking

    "hand some bibs out, put a few cones down, answer a few questions" and part with some of his own money to keep the show on the road

    Well said !!

  7. 11 minutes ago, Jourdan said:

    It’s not about whether I like him or not. I don’t know him. None of us do. Nor do we know what is said and done behind the scenes. We only know what we are told.

    If it was Cocu, Lampard, Rowett, or even the one and only King Billy, I would say exactly the same. They are just doing their jobs.

    I am totally behind the club. At 3 o clock on Saturday, the boys will have my full attention, much to my girlfriend’s disappointment.

    Yes, our survival is at stake. But choice words in a press conference won’t get us out of our predicament, winning football matches will.

    If Rooney is a leader, let’s see him lead us to victories against all odds, and then we can get the bagpipes out.

    Surley you must acknowledge how well he has done and motivated the boys so far this season?

    No one gave us a chance at the start of the season yet alone with our points dedication.


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