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    Miggins reacted to maxjam in What made today a special day?   
    We've got a very large garden and recently turned the bottom part of it over to nature, put a few hedgehog houses down and natural pond etc.  Not seen any evidence of anything yet but its only been there since March, I'm hoping this winter I might be able to attract some wildlife with food n shelter etc.
    Gratz on your babies!
  2. Haha
    Miggins reacted to sage in What made today a special day?   
    oooh that was a close shave 
  3. Like
    Miggins got a reaction from Alan Ramage 4 EVA in What made today a special day?   
    We have had a hedgehog house in our garden for the last two years and today there was a hedgehog curled up inside. So excited! I could see a little bristly bottom just inside the door! Will feed it appropriate food and give water and encourage it to have lots of babies in our garden. So excited by this discovery!
  4. Clap
    Miggins got a reaction from Reggie Greenwood in What made today a special day?   
    We have had a hedgehog house in our garden for the last two years and today there was a hedgehog curled up inside. So excited! I could see a little bristly bottom just inside the door! Will feed it appropriate food and give water and encourage it to have lots of babies in our garden. So excited by this discovery!
  5. Like
    Miggins reacted to Parsnip in What made today a special day?   
    That's beautiful well done! You've inspired me I'm gonna set one up!
  6. Like
    Miggins got a reaction from Highgate in What made today a special day?   
    We have had a hedgehog house in our garden for the last two years and today there was a hedgehog curled up inside. So excited! I could see a little bristly bottom just inside the door! Will feed it appropriate food and give water and encourage it to have lots of babies in our garden. So excited by this discovery!
  7. Like
    Miggins got a reaction from ramit in What made today a special day?   
    We have had a hedgehog house in our garden for the last two years and today there was a hedgehog curled up inside. So excited! I could see a little bristly bottom just inside the door! Will feed it appropriate food and give water and encourage it to have lots of babies in our garden. So excited by this discovery!
  8. Clap
    Miggins got a reaction from Bianoic in What made today a special day?   
    We have had a hedgehog house in our garden for the last two years and today there was a hedgehog curled up inside. So excited! I could see a little bristly bottom just inside the door! Will feed it appropriate food and give water and encourage it to have lots of babies in our garden. So excited by this discovery!
  9. Like
    Miggins got a reaction from Archied in What made today a special day?   
    We have had a hedgehog house in our garden for the last two years and today there was a hedgehog curled up inside. So excited! I could see a little bristly bottom just inside the door! Will feed it appropriate food and give water and encourage it to have lots of babies in our garden. So excited by this discovery!
  10. Haha
    Miggins reacted to uttoxram75 in What made today a special day?   
    I'll check back in an hour to see how many "little bristly bottom " jokes our resident Carry on fans have posted!?
  11. Like
    Miggins reacted to G STAR RAM in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    Hopefully no more winters where I am locked in my house
  12. Like
    Miggins reacted to SSD in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    Derby Arena Vaccination Centre has now closed. Thank you to every volunteer, nurse, administrator etc who did an incredible job getting them thousands of people through the doors and being so quick and efficient. You've done Derby and Derbyshire so proud. Much love from a proud Derby man ❤
  13. Like
    Miggins reacted to G STAR RAM in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    Thanks, all is good, I have 2 kids that help keep me young and healthy...well kind of!
    The winter was a very dark time but hopefully thats all in the past now.
  14. Clap
    Miggins reacted to kevinhectoring in Derby County vs Notts Forest   
    Thought he played some excellent football, anticipated very well out of possession - he’s clearly smart. But he gave the ball away carelessly too often. He looks better every game tho
  15. Like
    Miggins reacted to DavesaRam in Derby County vs Notts Forest   
    We threw it away
    We threw it awa - ay
    We're Derby County 
    We threw it away.
    Strange how a couple of seasons ago I used to get all manner of rollickings because of my dissatisfaction with the match officials, and I did tone it down a bit. But now I hardly need to say a word, because people have started to cotton on to what the officials get up to. And for the last couple of seasons we have been so poor that the ref's decisions have been irrelevant.
    Today, however, we are the architects of our own downfall. Forest were really, really poor and were there for the taking, and but for a few better decisions with the final ball - Lawrence not putting Joswiack through on goal being a major one - we would have been out of sight by half time. But second half only Forest came back out of the changing rooms. We were lackadaisical and sloppy and half-arsed for quite a way into the second half. Yes Hughton did make a couple of changes, cutting of the supply lines through the first two phases, and pressing our back line to make them play back to Roos. Yes his distribution wasn't good today, but mot of the time he was put under huge pressure by the awful back passes. And Rooney singularly failed to change things. We kept getting pressed and closed down like this last season, and eventually learned to stop faffing about at the back. And again it wasn't working today, but we kept on insisting on doing it until late on in the game. If it doesn't work, try something else, for goodness sake. So having shown what a rabble Forest are, we let them improve to the point of looking like a poor team.
    But if the match officials had done their job things would have turned out differently. I have watched the Sky highlights, and Fozzy does get his foot onto the Forest player's wedding tackle, but no way was that intentional. Apart from the fact that Fozzy isn't nasty enough to even swat a fly, he wasn't even looking, so no way did he deliberately place his foot there. Apparently Sky were blathering on about it for ages afterwards. And despite showing the Worrall handball in the highlights, they didn't give it much attention. It was blatantly clear that he knew exactly what he was doing, and there were two Derby players in line to receive the ball. Definite red card. Definite penalty. But they didn't show the blatant foul on Sibley when he would have through on goal in the first half. Yet again, a definite red card. Neither did they show the all-in-wrestling move on Davies towards the end of the second half. That it happened while the ball wasn't moving doesn't matter as it is serious foul play in the penalty area, and the corner had actually been taken by the time that Davies hit the floor. 
    In the end, we threw the points away because of our dozy lack of effort in the second half, but most definitely the ref cost us two points today. WITHOUT A DOUBT. And no, I don't normally shout! In addition, he couldn't wait to yellow card Derby players, some of which technically being fully deserved, yet he failed to card Forest players for repeat offences throughout the match. And what was Joswaick booked for when he was the one who had been wrestled to the ground? That was almost as bad as giving Middlesborough a free-kick when one of their players brought his team mate down last week. It is easy to understand people thinking that there are special EFL directives on how to officiate at Derby County matches.
    The positives are the way Derby are playing now. At the end of last season, and with all the off-pitch problems, I thought we would be playing even worse than we were then, so our play at the moment is a revelation. After such a poor performance a few matches ago, Joswiack has really improved, and Max Bird has become the Max Bird we all knew and loved.
    Keep it going, you Rams. It has become a pleasure to watch you again, instead of just supporting you regardless. Thank you!
  16. Clap
    Miggins reacted to Zag zig in Derby County vs Notts Forest   
    I’m surprised at the number of posts in the match thread that seem a bit down. Totally get it was only a draw against our local rivals, mediocre rivals at that. First half though we pretty much bossed it and were far more inventive and creative. Had we got the rub with a better ref, a penalty given or had Stretton just connected sweeter from the brilliance of Sibley, we would have comfortably won; because no way would that poor Forest team have scored twice.
    We don’t seem comfortable one in front at the minute, always seems a ricket lurking. Yet under the circumstances of everything of the pitch, the glimpses we are seeing from the nucleus of this team is very encouraging. Rooney is slowly evolving this team into a decent one. He’s honest in his assessments and to give him more credit appreciates the backing the fans are giving right now.
    As much as not winning is a bit deflating, there’s a fair few reasons for optimism in this team under Rooney; he’s slowly winning me back over.
  17. Like
    Miggins reacted to Barney1991 in Derby County vs Notts Forest   
    We are a good side and this season not really many teams up there for me. Where we are now a minus 6 would put us on zero with teams there to be caught at this time so I feel we could and would probably stay up and give us an addition if 3 players to help freshen up the many games to come. I fear with the squad size now that if it’s after the window closes we won’t be able to work with the players available. If we go into the end of window and don’t add anyone and we get minus points and go down I’ll be laying the blame at Mel Morris and Pearce for getting to accounts in so late that we haven’t had chance to react. I’m enjoying the football really much for the first time in a long time we just need to add a goal scorer and more players chipping in with goals. Rooney surprised me so far. 
    quck one at the game today the fans were absolutely unreal 
  18. Like
    Miggins reacted to hydraulic ram in Derby County vs Notts Forest   
    Shame about the draw, but last season we would have lost this by 2 clear goals and gone into the break on a low note.
    1 point and a good first half I'll take for now, considering all we face.
     If we can get a break from the EFL move on from all the threats of deductions and be allowed to bring in a few new faces we really could end up doing better than many of us thought at the start of the season.
  19. Like
    Miggins reacted to roboto in Derby County vs Notts Forest   
    Game changed when Lawrence went off. Stretton and Buchanan came and and did well, but Lawrence was the best player on the pitch today.
    Without more squad options we will struggle to see out games comfortably and it is hard for Rooney to make positive attacking substitutions with what he has available.
    But local derbies aren’t always a true reflection of form and I believe we can kick on after the international break and secure more points.
    Shout out to Jozwiak who had another good game for us going forward, yeah he made a couple of errors here and there, but overall he was a real threat and made problems for the Forest defence.
  20. Clap
    Miggins reacted to Topram in Derby County vs Notts Forest   
    Fozzy was brilliant by the way 
  21. Clap
    Miggins reacted to Rammy03 in Derby County vs Notts Forest   
    Rooney is spot on in his post match interview. We got what we deserved in the end. We didn't keep the ball well enough in the second half. When we did get the ball down and make a few passes, we got into very dangerous positions. We should have won it but in the end we got what we deserved.
  22. Clap
    Miggins reacted to Carl Sagan in Derby County vs Notts Forest   
    Generally heartened by that.
    We should have had 2 or 3 penalties with them also having a player sent off, plus we had the better chances. But the game would have changed if Fozzy had been sent off at the start. Was it deliberate? An official could have given it.
    The movement from our forwards was often great, but we're not clinical enough. And the fiasco over the (lack of the) Stretton substitution contributed to a significant momentum shift in the game.
    For their goal the ball went right through all our defence and Stretton particularly should have cleared it. The player shot hard and low. It was at Roos but they're not always easy to stop. Yes it should have been kicked away but they quite often go in.
    What a difference a win would have made and the fault for not winning is roughly half on the ref and half on us not taking our chances.
  23. Like
    Miggins reacted to California Ram. in Derby County vs Notts Forest   
    Annoying and frustrating, but no striker available to start, threadbare bench, and a point nearer this year’s goal of survival. Bird and Joswiak improving every week, and 2 weeks of the international break for Baldock, Knight, Ebosele, Kazim, Bielik to get closer to a return from injury. (And the Will Hughes sale done which should bring some cash in…)
  24. Clap
    Miggins reacted to Jase116 in Derby County vs Notts Forest   
    We do seem to tire in the 2nd half, more so than game management probably, thought sibbo should have been the one to come off rather than joz, thought sibbo and rav were out on their feet after an hour, this is where our bench is weak and means a lack of options.
  25. Like
    Miggins reacted to JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta in Derby County vs Notts Forest   
    Make no mistake, that Forest team is dross and we should have seen that out. We need to be beating teams like Forest and Peterborough if we want to stay up. We've not played anyone good yet.
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