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  1. Sad
    Ramifications reacted to Geriatram in A very sad post   
    My friend has not long left of his life, He has terminal cancer and has maybe only weeks to live.  He had his first season ticket when he came out of the army in the mid fifties, and has had it every season since, and then when he married in 1963 his wife had one too, they never missed a home match, but then covid came along and they have not been again. We have a mutual friend who lives in the USA he is in the UK this week end and is taking my friend to what is likely to be his last match ever. I'm just hoping if there are any protests it wont affect the match. So please spare a thought or a prayer if your so minded on Saturday. I wont say his name as he hated social media as much as he loved the Rams. So UP THE RAMS  P will be thinking of you.  
  2. Like
    Ramifications reacted to RoyMac5 in Rav Morrison   
  3. Like
    Ramifications reacted to uttoxram75 in The Administration Thread   
    I think most of us understand how capitalism works. Ashley is no better or worse than any other corporate entity in that he wants to make a profit at the expense of those further down the food chain.
    If Ashley does end up as our owner, (I'm not convinced he will be btw), his only chance of making a profit will be to get us into the Premier League so it will be a different dynamic running a football club than his normal businesses.
    Most business people like Ashley make money, short term at least, by cutting costs like pension liabilities, wages, working conditions etc but in the case of football he would have to invest in the short term to have any chance of recouping his investment.
  4. Like
    Ramifications reacted to Curtains in The Administration Thread   
    Alan Nixon
    Quote Tweet
    Paul C 
    · 44m
    @reluctantnicko Do you think Derby County will exist in August? Yes or no?
  5. Like
    Ramifications reacted to sonofmidnight in Wayne Rooney   
    I think Wayne has behaved admirably and been treated appallingly. As far as I'm concerned, although I would like him to stay, he can leave with his head held high. I believe that if we could have kept the squad we had at the start of the season we would have survived but with a depleted squad it really is an enormous challenge now.
  6. Like
    Ramifications got a reaction from Tamworthram in The Administration Thread   
    Why cancel the subscription now? Why not wait until the end of the season? 
  7. Like
    Ramifications got a reaction from Archied in The Administration Thread   
    Why cancel the subscription now? Why not wait until the end of the season? 
  8. Clap
    Ramifications got a reaction from Ram1988 in The Administration Thread   
    Why cancel the subscription now? Why not wait until the end of the season? 
  9. Like
    Ramifications got a reaction from whiteroseram in The Administration Thread   
    Why cancel the subscription now? Why not wait until the end of the season? 
  10. Like
    Ramifications reacted to Rev in The Administration Thread   
    I do think @angieram should start posting in the Daily Updates thread again, even if that update is there's no update today, if that makes any sense.
    There are members of the forum who sometimes miss nuanced, sarcastic and parody posts, myself included, who could do with a gold standard informative thread to reference just what's going on!
    For instance, one particular poster used to do Tweets as if they were from Nixon, and they were so convincingly done I couldn't tell if they were genuine or not, bit in the paper tomorrow about that!
    It's a time when we're living in a powderkeg, and giving off sparks, I'd like Angie's bucket of sand back, please?
    A @Curtainsstyle video to finish the post seems appropriate.
  11. Like
    Ramifications reacted to EnigmaRam in The Administration Thread   
    I don’t really see why anyone would actually pay enough to clear all the creditors to not get a 15 point deduction. Let’s face it, we’re a football club with only around 6 players contracted to it next season. And it’s unlikely a lot of the current players will re-sign as it’s looking like we will be in div 1 next season. 
    I would still take div 1 with minus 15 points though over liquidation which is very unlikely with 4 bids that must be in excess of £30 mil.
  12. Like
    Ramifications reacted to Kathcairns in Mel Or Bust?   
    It will take us a lot longer than it did rangers, the english leagues are a lot harder than the scottish leagues, i just cant believe people think its going to be so easy to start again and get back to where we are now.
  13. Like
    Ramifications got a reaction from Carnero in Brian Clough he met me once you know!   
    Brian Clough is one of the contestant's specialist subjects, on this evening's Mastermind. 
    BBC 2 at 8.00pm if anyone is interested. 
  14. Cheers
    Ramifications got a reaction from LeedsCityRam in Brian Clough he met me once you know!   
    Brian Clough is one of the contestant's specialist subjects, on this evening's Mastermind. 
    BBC 2 at 8.00pm if anyone is interested. 
  15. Clap
    Ramifications reacted to DarkFruitsRam7 in Mel Or Bust?   
    Can't get on board with this downplaying of liquidiation.
    I know what you're saying in that the vast majority will treat the phoenix club exactly as they'd treat the original DCFC, but it would still be absolutely horrible to see us liquidated. Like seeing Pride Park burn down in front of your eyes - it could always be rebuilt but it would be horrific to watch.
  16. Clap
    Ramifications reacted to Kathcairns in Mel Or Bust?   
    The question though was liquidation or mel,not justiying his actions. Ive watched the rams since cloughie and would be horrified if its liquidation.
  17. Clap
    Ramifications reacted to IslandExile in Mel Or Bust?   
    Even if Mel came back and a few of you decided not to support the club anymore, go to matches or whatever......presumably the club would still survive. After a few years, Mel would be gone permanently but the club would still survive.
    Players, managers, owners all come and go - always have, always will - but the club must still survive. The club must remain.
    Liquidation may be the end of the club.
    Yeah, yeah, phoenix clubs and all that. It is still far, far, far better for the club to survive.
  18. Like
    Ramifications reacted to mwram1973 in Mel Or Bust?   
    It wont be derby county though will it, it'll be a totally new club with no history. I'd sooner have Mel and keep our club.
  19. Clap
    Ramifications reacted to Curtains in Mel Or Bust?   
    The name calling not by you gets on my nerves.  Liquidation would be a disaster for this club and if Mel can somehow help I would except it. 
  20. Like
    Ramifications got a reaction from Carl Sagan in The Administration Thread   
    Is the George Clooney connection serious or just paper talk? He could be the mysterious third bidder. Let's hope so. 
  21. Like
    Ramifications reacted to IslandExile in George Clooney is a Ram   
    Why isn't this posted on the Daily Updates thread? Surely it's a significant breakthrough in our quest for a new owner.
  22. Like
    Ramifications reacted to Foreveram in The Administration Thread   
    Very commendable, but their season tickets are only £198
    £8.60 per game
  23. Like
    Ramifications got a reaction from Derby4Me in The Administration Thread   
    Bradford City are averaging a very impressive 15,255 in League 2 this year. Just saying. ?
  24. Like
    Ramifications reacted to roboto in Malcolm Ebiowi MOTM presentation   
    Lawrence was probably still disappointed that we didn’t manage to get more than a point out of the game. Don’t think we should use this as another excuse to make him a scapegoat in a season where all the odds have been against us.
  25. Like
    Ramifications reacted to Inverurie Ram in Derby County Flags   
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