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Posts posted by Foreveram

  1. 35 minutes ago, MackworthRamIsGod said:

    I'm happy to bet you 10 English pounds that David Tepper does not take over Derby County. If he does drop me a message and I'll happily pay, whether direct to you or a charity of choice.

    If David Tenant takes over and appoints Mick McCarthy as manager then likewise, a tenner would be lovely ?

    What if David Tepper takes over and appoints Mick McCarthy

  2. On 18/05/2021 at 10:43, HuddersRam said:

    To be fair, I think Billy's situation has only got worse since us. As loved as he seemed to be by the squad, he was polarising in equal measure with them as well - some of which didn't make it into the final book.

    Been trying to get an interview with him for three years - we persevere.

    I was told by a good source (itk) that Billy has now settled all his legal stuff and will soon be doing a Q&A somewhere local.






  3. Sorry, to clarify not bought for next season but bought and paid for in full for last season just before they were took off sale which should be carried forward to this season with a possible adjustment one way or the other. Also took 25% discount on away membership from curtailed season,goodness knows when they will be on sale again.

  4. 6 hours ago, MrPlinkett said:

    Wonder when or if they will go on sale, other clubs are selling them despite the uncertainties around Covid.

    Surely the club cant wait until ownership issues are resolved, especially with our track record of trying to sell the club.

    I am not sure if im going to take up the option to renew my previous season ticket from 19/20 as we were promised we could, along with the discount i'll be entitled to but at least if we had the option it would help with the thought process.

    Surely also has the potential to bring much needed funds in?

    I have no idea how many had tickets for last season but it cant be many as sales were stopped abruptly, and im sure a good amount of those would have just taken the refund.


    Well if it helps I’ve bought three 

  5. 3 hours ago, MrPlinkett said:

    There is certainly plenty of options. A guy i worked with was a die hard forest fan but he moved to Northwich in Cheshire and started going to watch them and really got into it, it didnt stop him being a forest fan, i dont think it means you are being 'unfaithful' if thats the right word lol.

    I am actually considering going to watch Cleethorpes Town when they play around here, if i dont get a season ticket again, they will have a few fixtures that would be reasonably local to us round here, for no other reason than i used to work with their current manager so i look out for their results anyway.

    My nephew played for Cleethorpes town, went to Wembley to watch them in the 2017 FA vase final against South Shields with Julio Arca playing for them. If Derby wasn’t playing on the Saturday I would go and watch them home or away with the Clee ultras, proper supporters. ( they really are a thing)

  6. 5 minutes ago, ketteringram said:

    I know I should know this, but it's been a long day, week, life......but back in GSE days , what was the name of the American guy , who used to wear the bright multi coloured jackets? I seem to remember he got ill. He spent a good few minutes chatting to me once at half time , over the advertising boards during an evening game . Nice fella. 

    Ronald McDonald

  7. On 06/02/2019 at 22:37, RamNut said:

    This was another great game that i missed. My parents wouldn't let me go to this one.

    this is pure gold.

    Les green, Hinton, durban, o'hare and mcfarland all absolutely superb.



    My second ever match as a 16 year old happy days

  8. 6 minutes ago, Tyler Durden said:

    That was when the local Derbies had a little bit of meaning. With both clubs being stuck in the same division for so long and playing each other so frequently now familiarity has bred contempt and a sense of just meh. 

    I live in Notts, to me they will always have a meaning

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