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  1. Clap
    Kathcairns reacted to Gaspode in Earnshaw   
    I was working in Norwich when they signed Earnshaw and stayed in the same hotel as him. Bloke drove a Humvee and consistently parked either across a couple of disabled spaces or on the double yellow lines directly outside receptiion (despite there being a huge car park with loads of empty spaces). Seeing him strutting into the hotel, he came across as an arrogant and obnoxious character. I've had no reason to change my view of him in the years since then....
  2. Haha
    Kathcairns reacted to JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta in Earnshaw   
    I'm surprised that goblin was even asked for his opinion.
  3. Like
    Kathcairns reacted to Alph in Earnshaw   
    Earnshaw is so irrelevant I'm surprised his opinion is even recieved publicly. 
    I don't know about Westwood because I can't stay awake whenever golf is menti-Zzz
    Wycombe also crying and while they may have a point about the whole situation being dragged out I think they should also consider the possibility that they got relegated for not getting more points themselves. Maybe sometimes people should focus on themselves more
  4. Like
    Kathcairns reacted to JoetheRam in My admiration for Rooney has shot up   
    Proper football man isn't he, Rooney?
    Good on him.
  5. Like
    Kathcairns reacted to RoyMac5 in My admiration for Rooney has shot up   
    From the Athletic article:
    "Rooney is said to have been an impressive figurehead in the crisis to date. In the wake of the “admin bomb”, as one player put it, the manager was aiming to deliver updates to his squad on Tuesday ahead of a weekend trip to Sheffield United. The expectation from within the dressing room is that Rooney intends to ride out the storm.

    “This doesn’t change anything with him,” says one well-placed source. “He said to the lads ahead of the Stoke game that he wasn’t going to leave them in the trenches. He said he’ll fight with them and stand up for them. He said he could’ve walked weeks ago but this is very important to him.”
  6. Haha
    Kathcairns reacted to S8TY in My admiration for Rooney has shot up   
    Good Grief!!! You really are something else ....Mr Cynical...so Rooney does something really good and out of his own pocket and its PR related !!!!! Just hate it when something decent is turned into something else......Not everyone does things because PR management say so...not everyone who is famous follows what PR people say like brain dead lemmings............
    If it was PR related it would've been much better publicised...or did his PR team say don't worry....someone will mention it on the DCFC Forum pmsl
  7. Like
    Kathcairns reacted to Ramslad1992 in My admiration for Rooney has shot up   
    I used to hate the term ‘Wayne Rooney’s Derby County’ but the way he’s handled all of this (from a football side of view’ has been impeccable.
    He’s stubborn and won’t give up no matter what, exactly what we need right now.
    Wayne Rooney’s Barmy Army ?
  8. Like
    Kathcairns reacted to BondJovi in My admiration for Rooney has shot up   
    He has played alongside most of these players at some point in his career.
    As a player I don't believe he was someone who ever wanted to let his teammates down.  Right now that is the attitude we need. 
    I don't believe he remotely did himself justice as a player last season, not too much better at management. But he strikes me now as man who wants to put that right. He is in the trenches with his players, seems to me they will fight for each other. They sure as hell have to because the man at the top has dropped them in the crap and ran.
    Personally, I have decided that last season was not a true reflection of the managers, nor most of the players. They all could have done better. Whilst Mel slowly pulled the plug and checked out, Cocu and now Rooney have represented the club with honour and class. Rooney’s interview pre Stoke was a real sign of anger, care and dignity.
  9. Clap
    Kathcairns reacted to Rev in My admiration for Rooney has shot up   
    Maybe, just maybe, he stands at the shoulder of those he's recruited, those he's bought in from the academy, and those players he's inherited from Cocu?
    In short, maybe he's stands with his team, rather than our owner.
  10. Like
    Kathcairns reacted to jono in My admiration for Rooney has shot up   
    I doubt he can possibly stay in the long term but he’s shown himself as a real football man and a decent bloke beyond the human frailties that we all have. Many were questioning his tactical nous, but for me any failings have been down to either better or physically stronger opponents rather that a fundamental misreading of the game. One thing that is cast iron and completely priceless is that he has succeeded in getting his team to play for him. Not just to turn up and go through the motions, but to sweat blood for the cause. He has been helped by the return of the fans who have been noisier, more loyal, less moaning than I can ever remember, even at the height of Mac 1. Whatever the reasons he has galvanised some age hardened old pros and some young lads who with another manager could have been rudderless and overwhelmed. 
    It is strange, he never comes across in interviews as anything other than an ex pro, lacking a little in words, schmooz and passion but not everyone is a “performer” in front of a microphone. He clearly knows how to transmit a message to the guys on the field of play. He’s done a cracking job with a lousy hand. Whatever happens in the future and regardless of his win stats he deserves a big well done for being, as they say in Derby .. Sound !  
  11. Haha
    Kathcairns reacted to Jourdan in My admiration for Rooney has shot up   
    Even I must admit that I am starting to feel sorry for Rooney.
    When the points deductions are finalised, he will be left to do a job that is way beyond his current skillset and level of experience, and he has seemingly been left in the dark and the cold by the very people who brought him to the club.
    Let’s see what he can produce moving forward and let’s see where he is 12 months from now. I don’t see that he has done anything out of the ordinary so far.
    Staying at the club, and contributing to the costs of away travel and such things will surely reflect well on him and of course build goodwill.
    However, let’s not forget - he probably will have been consulted by his agent or PR team on the best steps to take.
  12. Like
    Kathcairns reacted to KBB in Lets cheer lads on to another 3 huge points   
    A win against sheff would be a huge huge result. A point to keep us ticking over would be great too.
    Keep fighting lads we are all behind you.
  13. Like
    Kathcairns reacted to Ram1988 in My admiration for Rooney has shot up   
    Well said !!
  14. Haha
    Kathcairns reacted to Ramslad1992 in 100 days to Save Our Soul   
    Roos could have shown more passion there…
  15. Like
    Kathcairns reacted to superdave in Is Joey Greener a Ram?   
    Well hes doing YNOT this year so you never know what the future holds 
  16. Haha
    Kathcairns reacted to Inverurie Ram in Is Joey Greener a Ram?   
    Funnily enough, those on the street said, and all the other surrounding streets, something very similar about you.
    ......"Bloody glad that @RoyMac5doesn't live here! ".............is what they said!
  17. Like
    Kathcairns reacted to Foreveram in 100 days to Save Our Soul   
    Are you seriously advocating buying a ticket for the match and then moaning all through the match, if the answer is yes then seriously just stay away 
  18. Like
    Kathcairns reacted to Sparkle in 100 days to Save Our Soul   
    It will certainly be a very important period in our history 
    What can we sell - not much it seems and the administrators may well be saying that soon enough 
    Portsmouth we’re allowed to sell players outside of the transfer window so that is a worry on the pitch and it wouldn’t surprise me to see the EFL allow it to happen because they won’t want us taking points of any more sides 
    if the EFL want to subtract more points then just do it now for the whole world to see - if for some sadistic reason they wanted to carry that on into next season well that just shows you what we have been dealing with in a lot of regards.
    We obviously need someone to come in exceptionally quickly to save any semblance of a side on a pitch 
    we better enjoy the home and away games until January because after that it looks exceptionally grim.
    This should be be a disaster for the EFL - A major club relegated in September! we actually had the biggest attendance in the championship on Saturday possibly even the whole EFL if Sunderland weren’t at home and yes I know when Sheffield United are at home they will have more but the point being we are one of the biggest most high profile clubs they have and as they have openly stated they want us relegated and now they have their way - do they want us destroyed - I am sure some of them might. 
  19. Like
    Kathcairns reacted to Alph in 100 days to Save Our Soul   
    Think I'll get a couple of tickets for the Swansea game. Not been for ages but I think Derby need even the half fans now, eh @Eddie
  20. Like
    Kathcairns reacted to sage in 100 days to Save Our Soul   
    Fans need to buy tickets and fill the ground. 
    The players get support
    The additional income will pay staff
    We are more likely to get a buyer quickly
    For all those who sniping from the sidelines, support your club. The money will no longer go to Mel, but will keep us alive.  
  21. Like
    Kathcairns reacted to Donnyram in 100 days to Save Our Soul   
    One way the fans can help is to get as many bums on seats as possible for all home games…….. and bring with them the same positive support that we’ve seen so far this season ?
  22. Clap
    Kathcairns reacted to ossieram in 100 days to Save Our Soul   
    Come back and back the team like the fans are doing now, they're welcome. 
    Come back and destroy the players confidence with moaning and booing, they can stay away. 
    The players will have enough on their minds right now without having to worry about pleasing fans that expect to see them play like the champions from the 70's.
  23. Like
    Kathcairns reacted to brady1993 in Wayne Rooney   
    In a weird way the harder the job has become the better he seems to have done. The way he's gone about his business is truly commendable and he deserves a hell of a lot of respect for it.
  24. Like
    Kathcairns reacted to RoyMac5 in Wayne Rooney   
    We need him.
    "He also revealed a touch of man-management before the game when he put up the date Saturday, September 18, at the end of the pre-match team meeting.
    "This club has had great moments in the past, in the history of the club, but I said to the players, 'Today could be a big day in the club’s history. It’s on you to decide how the fans look back on this day'," Rooney said.
    "I think the fans will look back and realise what a huge effort the players gave.
    "For them to give that performance, they do deserve a lot of credit, a lot of praise, and I know the fans will be proud of the team."
  25. Like
    Kathcairns reacted to Carnero in Wayne Rooney   
    Asked what it would take for him to walk away, Rooney said:
    "I've said before, I care. The football side of it I'm enjoying. I enjoy trying to improve players. If you look at the difference in some of the players to maybe a year ago, it's massive. Even some of the older players, Curtis [Davies] and Jags [Phil Jagielka], the performances they're putting in. And then seeing the likes of Max Bird developing. Louie Sibley, who's had tough moments. He's come into the team the last few weeks and we've seen a steady rise in his performances.
    "I'm enjoying that side of it and I wouldn’t forgive myself if I walked out on them players because I'm asking them to sacrifice a lot, and give everything. So for me to leave them in the lurch and walk out, that's just not in my nature."
    What a man ?
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