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  1. Like
    Kathcairns reacted to Zag zig in Rams vs Reading Matchday Thread   
    Come away from the ground bursting with pride. Son came all the way from Reading with a few mates, he’s staying over a night so we can have a beer and boy will we celebrate and toast Wayne Rooney.
    Rooney is the best thing for us right now, he’s pulling us together and everyone is going the extra mile. So ducking proud we are fighting and not going down with a whimper feeling sorry for ourselves.
    Up the Rams ? 
  2. Like
    Kathcairns reacted to Bald Eagle's Barmy Army in Rams vs Reading Matchday Thread   
    Absolutely love this football club. Slowly but surely we will become great again. 
  3. Like
    Kathcairns reacted to Comrade 86 in Rams vs Reading Matchday Thread   
    Wayne ducking Rooney and all the players, take a bow lads. It's times like this when boys become men and men stand up and are counted. Against all odds, we're showing huge pride in the shirt and a steely will to win and doing it with a certain amount of style and panache too. 
    So ducking proud of them all tonight, each and every one.
  4. Like
    Kathcairns reacted to Rammy03 in Rams vs Reading Matchday Thread   
  5. Like
    Kathcairns reacted to IslandExile in Rams vs Reading Matchday Thread   
    Subject to additional deductions ? 
    (Which will be applied next season if we don't look like making up the gap)
  6. Clap
    Kathcairns reacted to IslandExile in Rams vs Reading Matchday Thread   
    Great credit due to Stearman and Allsop.
    Well played ?
  7. Haha
    Kathcairns reacted to Alph in Rams vs Reading Matchday Thread   
    I think those boys at the EFL might have to up their game. That ref was decent opposition but I think they could send better
    The poor guy at their HQ that has to explain what went wrong to Gibson. Oof
  8. Haha
    Kathcairns reacted to Yani P in Rams vs Reading Matchday Thread   
    The ref was superb ....
    As a defensive mid breaking up our counter right at the end.. 
  9. Clap
    Kathcairns reacted to hintonsboots in Rams vs Reading Matchday Thread   
    Cracking win and superb team performance against an in form 12 man team. How was that not a penalty ? A typical small man referee in the mould of Captain Mainwaring, Macron , I hope he’s embarrassed later when he sees the replay.
    UTR Knight outstanding.
  10. Like
    Kathcairns reacted to DerbyRam! in Rams vs Reading Matchday Thread   
    Absolute masterclass tonight, especially Shinnie, won every ball, put his heart on the line. Still a beautiful footballer to have at the heart of every team.
  11. Like
    Kathcairns reacted to Bald Eagle's Barmy Army in Rams vs Reading Matchday Thread   
    I loved hearing him say in his interview after the game that he intends to bring those made redundant back to the club when the new owners are here. 
  12. Clap
    Kathcairns reacted to FlyBritishMidland in Wayne Rooney   
    I’ve been critical of Rooney in the past on here so in the interest of balance I have to say he’s winning me over.  10 games in and you can see a style and pattern of play taking shape.  He’s trying to get us to play decent football, build from the back but with pace on the counter attack.
    The last couple of weeks have also shown how tough his job has really been and highlighted some of the difficulties and problems he’s had that we haven’t always seen.  To find out about administration on TV must be tough but he’s handled himself well.  I also admire his honesty such as saying if he knew how bad it really was he wouldn’t have taken the job but following it with what sort of person would I be if I walked away.  It would be so easy to trot out the usual lines of it’s a big club, honoured to be here, etc.
    He’s clearly building a great team spirit too.  The players clearly want to work for him.  We’re in for some tough weeks and months ahead but I’m starting to think he can bring us out of this in better shape.  Whatever happens this season, he deserves a chance to manage us in “normal” circumstances.
  13. Like
    Kathcairns reacted to Brammie Steve in Wayne Rooney   
    If he could pass on 10% of the skills he had to our team we might survive even a 21 point robbery!
  14. Like
    Kathcairns reacted to Zag zig in Allsop/ Marshall   
    Several good saves and never looked anything but assured coming for crosses. Tonight’s performance ensures great competition for the shirt. Expect Roos will get the nod again, but worthy of starting anytime in the future should Roos falter.
  15. Like
    Kathcairns reacted to Day in Allsop/ Marshall   
    Fair play to Allsop tonight, had a great game, came up big when we needed him ??
  16. COYR
    Kathcairns got a reaction from Bob The Badger in We are a seriously disliked team, and it bugs me   
    Forget all this, what a team tonight.
  17. Like
    Kathcairns got a reaction from Alph in We are a seriously disliked team, and it bugs me   
    Forget all this, what a team tonight.
  18. Like
    Kathcairns reacted to Bob The Badger in We are a seriously disliked team, and it bugs me   
    I wish you had too and I wouldn't have to bother writing this post.

    I don't give a damn if you're Derby fan, if you think it's ok to abuse other people and mock them over the death of a 2-day-old baby then I seriously do not like you as a person. And I am not saying you do think that, I'm merely saying I don't care about people like that. I'd rather have a Forest fan who was a decent person.

    Just because you decided by luck or birth to support the same football team as me means nothing more about you as a person than if you prefer the Beatles to the Stones. 

    And fwiw, I agree that we're no better or no worse. I had that conversation with a Sheff Utd fan yesterday when I told him I got sucker punched leaving a Derby game at Bramall Lane.

    This isn't just about Billy Sharp, other Derby fans are getting upset and stressed at away games. @angieram mentioned this. So to take your all sticking together vibe, well we should be doing that with everybody and not letting some people dictate things.
    A friend of mine got thrown out of a Derby game because the guy in front wouldn't sit down at an away game even though there were two OAPs behind him who couldn't stand and couldn't see and a fight broke out.

  19. Cheers
    Kathcairns got a reaction from Seaside Ram in We are a seriously disliked team, and it bugs me   
    You could have been referring to me, sorry if you wasnt.
  20. Like
    Kathcairns reacted to cosmic in We are a seriously disliked team, and it bugs me   
    Don't care about everyone loving us, but surely we have a bit of self respect to not want the whole football community hating us? Like it or not, these doorknobs chanting vile crap and giving it the big one on social media are representing the fan base, and I don't like how we're coming across.
  21. Like
    Kathcairns got a reaction from Reggie Greenwood in We are a seriously disliked team, and it bugs me   
    Very funny, i dont mind most songs but not 6 innocent children dying
  22. Like
    Kathcairns reacted to Macintosh in We are a seriously disliked team, and it bugs me   
    Shaun Lowry summed this up best when talking about the abuse his wife received at the Ryder Cup last weekend:
    "Nobody turns into a genius with drinking and taking drugs."
  23. Like
    Kathcairns reacted to Duracell in We are a seriously disliked team, and it bugs me   
    We're no different really from anyone else. That's not an excuse, but I think a lot of other clubs are understandably searching for extra reasons to dislike us. No surprise - we've completely alienated the rest of the league by bragging about spending loads of money, so no wonder many fans are reveling in the schadenfreude. 
    Completely agree with the sentiment though. Why trouble ourselves with Billy Sharp when our house is on fire? 
    Only thing I do find particularly strange is the flirting some of our fans have had with Rangers ever since we played them a few years back. Absolutely desperate for their attention and approval. Why were we signing sectarian Scottish football chants at Brentford away??? As bizarre as it is rotten.
  24. Haha
    Kathcairns reacted to Sparkle in We are a seriously disliked team, and it bugs me   
    I was there at Sheffield and the ones making those remarks were in groups of 6 and with a combined age of less than a pair of Derby county centre half’s - I don’t even think they know what they were chanting actually means!
  25. Like
    Kathcairns reacted to Sidd10 in We are a seriously disliked team, and it bugs me   
    You don't have to be born perfect to know you shouldn't be chanting what was about Billy Sharp ?
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