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  1. Clap
    Kathcairns reacted to angieram in Derby County vs Notts Forest   
    It's a shame people can only form their opinions on players based on what Sky pundits (who are paid to create talking points) and slow motion replays tell them.
    If you look at Fozzy's "stamp" in real time, he is just trying to extricate himself from the tangle. Not looking, no intent but they insist on making a meal of it.
    Similarly the Forest equaliser in real time - appalling marking, crisp shot. Roos did well to nearly get down to it and many keepers (Marshall included) wouldn't have got anywhere near. But play it in slo-mo, it's suddenly an "error". 
  2. Clap
    Kathcairns reacted to Barney1991 in Derby County vs Notts Forest   
    In all fairness to Rooney and I’ve criticised him a lot but who does hi bring on to change the game off that bench have you seen it. Add a baldock ckr or bielik and it’s a whole different bench with options 
  3. Clap
    Kathcairns reacted to Ramarena in Derby County vs Notts Forest   
    Yeah I’d agree with that, Lawrence was always likely to fall away from the 50th min onwards and Stretton gave us the mobility and a focal point needed to drag players around/hold on to the ball better.
    I really like the look of Stretton actually, he needs a few seasons to develop fully, but there’s a good striker in there who we can rely on as decent backup now.
  4. Like
    Kathcairns reacted to kevinhectoring in Points deduction incoming?   
    Yes that’s probably a factor, as well as Gibson trying to hit Mel where it hurts, in the pocket . If the EFl IS overplaying its hand there must be a point where Mel says: oK I won’t sell, I won’t agree a deal with you, I’ll take you on again in a disciplinary process and in the meantime hope Rooney can work wonders on the pitch. 
  5. Clap
    Kathcairns reacted to angieram in Embargo.   
    Written by John Percy, Forest fan. Are you surprised?
  6. Clap
    Kathcairns reacted to MackworthRamIsGod in Points deduction incoming?   
    Let them give us a 5 point deduction, 10 points, 30 points, I dont care anymore.
    Infact I care about as much as Mel or Rick Parry cares about us honest hard working fans that spend too much time thinking about our club.
    You see this is the thing, rich people have ruined football. We have rich people arguing and fighting publicly whilst the actual football club goes to the wall and the fans suffer.
    The only way Mel redeems himself for me is if he sticks his middle finger up to the EFL and fights them in the trenches. Take them all the way knowing how much money it will cost the EFL. We may end up with a 21 point deduction, but make sure Parry comes out of it with a bloody nose.
    Dont let the baaaaaaastards win!!!
  7. Clap
    Kathcairns reacted to Mckram in Points deduction incoming?   
    I’d be telling the EFL where to go and let them take us all the way.
    Couldn’t care less whether we end up in league 1 anymore, I’ll still support us and Derby will continue.
    What I don’t want is the EFL and that prat in Boro thinking they’ve won and then picking on their next victim. 
  8. Clap
    Kathcairns reacted to Ellafella in Points deduction incoming?   
    Spot on. The EFL has zero integrity. They’re bullying us. The messages I got were that the Club will not be bullied and will stand firm. And so they should.
  9. Like
    Kathcairns reacted to DCFC1388 in Points deduction incoming?   
    If we havent breached P&S for any of the 3 year cycles from 2015 to 2020 then Derby wont accept any point deduction, why would they?!
    If we do accept a point deduction it will surely be because we have breached P&S somewhere along the lines but only because we have had to change the accounts. So we would then appeal a point deduction if the EFL chose the max punishment they can issue, the EFL probably know that we would appeal it so it makes sense to try & agree the punishment to get it over & done with asap
  10. Clap
    Kathcairns reacted to jono in Points deduction incoming?   
    My bet is this is all about face saving negotiations for the EFL.. The voices against us have to get some change for their efforts. The voices with us will be saying accept something just to close it. 
    3 points I am guessing .. not because we did anything wrong but because they have to give us something to justify their existence, 
    push it too far and their own integrity and motives will be questioned by those outside DCFC. 
    It stinks. Partisan, rules made up as they go along. Expressing disappointment when the can’t appeal a decision made by their own independent committee ? Thats not a governing body. 
    I am appalled 
  11. Clap
    Kathcairns reacted to 24Charlie in Points deduction incoming?   
    Isn’t it incredible that other fans are reacting to Percy as though what he’s reporting is fact. Other fans are up in arms over us negotiating with the EFL when no one knows if that’s happening. It’s been like this all the way through with other fans just believing the speculation and condemning us out of hand.
    You’re right it’s tedious.
  12. Like
    Kathcairns reacted to Gringo in Points deduction incoming?   
    The EFL really want Mel out of the football league, he is the stone in their shoe, the fly in their soup, constantly telling them how they screwed up the TV deal and reminding them that they could not organise a pishup in a brewery. My opinion is that they are leaking this crxp whilst negotiating a punishment beating for such a dissident, it is in the EFL's best interests to keep the Rams in the championship we are by a country mile one of the biggest clubs in the division and generate great interest in the league, I surmise therefore that they will not screw up an incoming change of ownership if it gets rid of Mel.
    So my own personal view is that as long as I was able I would keep on fighting; and so I am reminded of the words of the greatest living Englishman of my lifetime; 
      "We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender,"  
  13. Like
    Kathcairns reacted to Rampage in Points deduction incoming?   
    Take three points and do a runner.if 6-9 points then appeal get it down to three with another three suspended until we get promotion.
  14. Clap
    Kathcairns reacted to MikeS in Points deduction incoming?   
    Seems to me that a lot of the stuff put out by Percy is a load of tosh, just trying to keep the pot simmering. Most of his "stories" are  wide of the truth, but nobody notices because by the time the actual information comes out, we have all moved on....and forgotten. 
    His background summaries are often erroneous too. Let's wait for the real facts.
  15. Like
    Kathcairns reacted to Pearl Ram in Points deduction incoming?   
    You know that and I know that, so does the rest of this forum but it bugs me that halfwit from OTIB for one is making a life’s work out of making us out to be the bad guys in all this. And he will not be the only one.
    I can’t believe a decent journalist from a national newspaper has not tried to get to the bottom of this and put their findings out for fans of other clubs to understand the EFL are on nothing more than the face saving exercise you mention. Their incompetence really should be laid bare for all to see. 
  16. Like
    Kathcairns reacted to Archie in Points deduction incoming?   
    If the facts stand as you say then no we should not be in a position to negotiate. Why should we for breaking the rules? We can appeal but that is a different matter. 
    I was only commenting on those willing to accept a punishment without knowing what the punishment should be. Madness. Bonkers. Insane. 
    I do not believe this is just solely about the accounts now but we wait and see. 
    I don't think the club is wholly innocent but the debate should be whether a punishment is justified based on the facts. Like I said,I don't think this is just about the accounts now and the EFL are under pressure for as large a punishment as possible regardless. An appeal based on retrospective spending could be made absolutely and the EFL know this.
    No I don't think any of us want the EFL to issue any punishment they want. We should appeal as sternly as we can if we have a case. It doesn't benefit anyone but it sets a precedent that says clubs should not be bullied into submission by an organisation that is actually there to protect all its members including us. 
  17. Like
    Kathcairns reacted to JfR in Points deduction incoming?   
    Reminds me a bit of what I was told if I ever got arrested: if they start wanting to interrogate you or they start offering plea deals, it's because they don't have enough evidence and they're not confident they'll convict, so keep your mouth shut and you'll probably be fine. Feels similar here.
  18. Clap
    Kathcairns reacted to Day in Points deduction incoming?   
    Fans from other clubs are replying questioning why the EFL are even discussing/negotiating with us on the punishment.
    It's a valid point, why are they?
    The answer is pretty obvious at this point, they haven't got a leg to stand on and all this is a face saving exercise to please some fella up in the North East that's beyond tedious now.
  19. Clap
    Kathcairns reacted to ossieram in Points deduction incoming?   
    I don't believe anyone. 
  20. Clap
    Kathcairns reacted to Ambitious in Points deduction incoming?   
    Exactly, if it stated that we had breached P&S with our new accounts and we were in discussion over a punishment then it would make sense. This is dancing on the graves of old news - which makes me think that Percy is just looking to get something out there before the Derby and Forest game to give his side a sporting advantage.
  21. Clap
    Kathcairns reacted to Archie in Points deduction incoming?   
    Exactly this. There's a lot on here saying, 'I'd take 6 points' or 'I'd take 3 points' etc. Tragic that a large percentage of the fanbase would simply allow this to happen without knowing the facts of the case because they don't want to think about it anymore. Boo Hoo. This is and should be a non negotiable punishment based on facts and not something open to subjective negotiation on any part. Until we know exactly what has been breached (if anything) we shouldn't accept any 'punishment' from this shitshower of an organisation and fight on/back relentlessly. 
  22. Like
    Kathcairns reacted to r_wilcockson in Points deduction incoming?   
    Anything more than 3 and we'll keep fighting I think. It all relates to the EFL originally signing off the accounts and us signing players based on the previously approved accounts. If they'd challenged it first time around, we wouldn't have signed furthering players leading to an FFP breach. 
  23. Clap
    Kathcairns reacted to Rammy03 in Points deduction incoming?   
    Exactly, we need to weigh it up and think what would be best.
    If we were to take 3 points but be able to end the saga and sign players, we'd definitely fancy our chances of staying in the division.
    If we were to take a 9 point penalty, I think it would be a difficult task to stay up even if we could sign more players. 
  24. Clap
    Kathcairns reacted to Ramarena in Points deduction incoming?   
    If we are to accept a points deduction to get things moving ahead again, then 3 points is the most i’d begrudgingly accept.
    It should be none, but if the alternative is dragging this out then the small hit might be worth it to bring an end to this shambles.
  25. Clap
    Kathcairns reacted to RoyMac5 in Points deduction incoming?   
    I don't get to what it relates?
    This quote mentions agreeing a punishment but for what and why?! No mention of what the P&S might be. 
    "Under pressure from rival Championship clubs, the EFL is pushing for Derby to be punished and it is understood that a deduction of 12 points – nine points plus a suspended three points – and an imposed business plan has been discussed, but is yet to be agreed."
    "The question now is whether Mel Morris, the Derby owner, reluctantly accepts the EFL’s proposed punishment or, as expected, challenges it. Derby have always maintained they did not seek any competitive advantage with their amortisation policy."
    It's talking about the amortisation - they cannot do us for that again surely. They could only do us for the restated P&S being over limits?
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