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  1. Clap
    Ram-Alf reacted to Bianoic in Embargo.   
    If true, I would make job number one to extend Jag and Balds contracts pronto !
  2. Haha
    Ram-Alf got a reaction from GB SPORTS in Missing Supporters   
    This is one moaner, Derby 0 Sunderland 4...Lionel Pickering said "All those Derby fans that moan go and support those down the A52", Lionel you should never have said that to Derby fans, When the 4th goal went in I was pissed off, So I walked onto the pitch threw my Season ticket away and was aiming for the West Stand Directors Seats, Unfortunately as you see I was pulled up before I could finish what I started.
    25 years ago

  3. Clap
    Ram-Alf reacted to Tyler Durden in Missing Supporters   
    The only thing that's been twisted is your attempts to extricate yourself from the statements you've made. 
  4. Haha
    Ram-Alf reacted to AndyinLiverpool in Missing Supporters   
    I think the moaners and true supporters are out of phase. When they are in the stadium together they cancel each other out and the result is silence. Now all the moaners have stopped going, the super fans can at last be heard.
  5. Sad
    Ram-Alf got a reaction from GB SPORTS in Missing Supporters   
    2 STs missing from me and my Brother, Me just not too fussed any more after 18 months away from PP, My Brother...well he passed away in April...the big C got him.
    I'll be in a boozer in town on Saturday for THE game, 1st time i've been in our City since March 2020.
  6. Like
    Ram-Alf got a reaction from i-Ram in Missing Supporters   
    I have a 50inch TV screen at home with Sky TV too boot, But i'll be in a boozer in town next Saturday watching the game on a 40inch TV screen...Now how impresive is that for my support ?
  7. Clap
    Ram-Alf got a reaction from Angry Ram in Missing Supporters   
    This is one moaner, Derby 0 Sunderland 4...Lionel Pickering said "All those Derby fans that moan go and support those down the A52", Lionel you should never have said that to Derby fans, When the 4th goal went in I was pissed off, So I walked onto the pitch threw my Season ticket away and was aiming for the West Stand Directors Seats, Unfortunately as you see I was pulled up before I could finish what I started.
    25 years ago

  8. Haha
    Ram-Alf got a reaction from i-Ram in Missing Supporters   
    This is one moaner, Derby 0 Sunderland 4...Lionel Pickering said "All those Derby fans that moan go and support those down the A52", Lionel you should never have said that to Derby fans, When the 4th goal went in I was pissed off, So I walked onto the pitch threw my Season ticket away and was aiming for the West Stand Directors Seats, Unfortunately as you see I was pulled up before I could finish what I started.
    25 years ago

  9. Haha
    Ram-Alf got a reaction from Comrade 86 in Missing Supporters   
    This is one moaner, Derby 0 Sunderland 4...Lionel Pickering said "All those Derby fans that moan go and support those down the A52", Lionel you should never have said that to Derby fans, When the 4th goal went in I was pissed off, So I walked onto the pitch threw my Season ticket away and was aiming for the West Stand Directors Seats, Unfortunately as you see I was pulled up before I could finish what I started.
    25 years ago

  10. Haha
    Ram-Alf got a reaction from Mick Brolly in Missing Supporters   
  11. Haha
    Ram-Alf got a reaction from jimtastic56 in Missing Supporters   
    This is one moaner, Derby 0 Sunderland 4...Lionel Pickering said "All those Derby fans that moan go and support those down the A52", Lionel you should never have said that to Derby fans, When the 4th goal went in I was pissed off, So I walked onto the pitch threw my Season ticket away and was aiming for the West Stand Directors Seats, Unfortunately as you see I was pulled up before I could finish what I started.
    25 years ago

  12. Haha
    Ram-Alf got a reaction from RoyMac5 in Missing Supporters   
  13. Clap
    Ram-Alf reacted to Barney1991 in Missing Supporters   
    Very impressive I have to say don’t let some on here see your not attending the game though as your only half a fan and I’m guessing as you won’t be attending your a moan and groaner ??
  14. Clap
    Ram-Alf got a reaction from Barney1991 in Missing Supporters   
    I have a 50inch TV screen at home with Sky TV too boot, But i'll be in a boozer in town next Saturday watching the game on a 40inch TV screen...Now how impresive is that for my support ?
  15. Cheers
    Ram-Alf got a reaction from KBB in Missing Supporters   
    I wasn't at the next 7 games, I was banned, They had my ST, I received a letter saying I was banned, I could have my ticket back after we'd played Man Untd.
  16. Clap
    Ram-Alf reacted to Barney1991 in Missing Supporters   
    want a spade to dig yourself out of that hole man. Suggesting the ones who can’t attend are all the moaners and groaners when people behind me were moaning today. Maybe the 10 thousand less support is the fact we’ve been through a pandemic in which 1000s of people have lost jobs and not much income. People are still a bit weary of COVID and also the way in which the club has been and is being the run at the moment by a guy who isn’t interested. Maybe when he sells the club and we get a fresh start of being run properly and the economy starts to turn again and we see more households gaining income and people start to see the vaccine working to its full potential and become less scared the attendances will start to rise back to where it was. Some loyal fans will be in the job attendees so give them some slack 
  17. Clap
    Ram-Alf reacted to Tyler Durden in Missing Supporters   
    No I wasn't there today - I was at the Salford and Notts County friendlies and the Huddersfield game.
    To preempt the next question I'm struggling to function on a day to day level, you may get a flavour of this if you read some of my posts in the Anxiety and Depression thread on the Jim Smith forum but anyhows didn't feel upto going today for that reason. 
  18. Haha
    Ram-Alf got a reaction from DarkFruitsRam7 in Missing Supporters   
    This is one moaner, Derby 0 Sunderland 4...Lionel Pickering said "All those Derby fans that moan go and support those down the A52", Lionel you should never have said that to Derby fans, When the 4th goal went in I was pissed off, So I walked onto the pitch threw my Season ticket away and was aiming for the West Stand Directors Seats, Unfortunately as you see I was pulled up before I could finish what I started.
    25 years ago

  19. Haha
    Ram-Alf got a reaction from RoyMac5 in Derby County vs Middlesbrough   
  20. Clap
    Ram-Alf reacted to G STAR RAM in Missing Supporters   
    Who knew Stone Cold Steve Austin was a Ram!
  21. Sad
    Ram-Alf got a reaction from richinspain in Missing Supporters   
    2 STs missing from me and my Brother, Me just not too fussed any more after 18 months away from PP, My Brother...well he passed away in April...the big C got him.
    I'll be in a boozer in town on Saturday for THE game, 1st time i've been in our City since March 2020.
  22. Clap
    Ram-Alf reacted to Kinder in Missing Supporters   
    Sorry to hear about your brother mate.
  23. Sad
    Ram-Alf got a reaction from Day in Missing Supporters   
    2 STs missing from me and my Brother, Me just not too fussed any more after 18 months away from PP, My Brother...well he passed away in April...the big C got him.
    I'll be in a boozer in town on Saturday for THE game, 1st time i've been in our City since March 2020.
  24. Clap
    Ram-Alf reacted to Boycie in Missing Supporters   
    We need to spread them about a bit more so it looks fuller.
  25. Haha
    Ram-Alf got a reaction from RadioactiveWaste in Derby County vs Middlesbrough   
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