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  1. Clap
    Ram-Alf reacted to Anag Ram in Time wasting   
    I just can't 
  2. Clap
    Ram-Alf reacted to Crewton in Time wasting   
    Howe's teams are the absolute worst for that kind of thing. Proper 's' housing.
  3. Clap
    Ram-Alf reacted to Steve Buckley’s Dog in Time wasting   
    I remember that game well for exactly that reason- it was a pathetic performance from Burnley that day. I would be embarrassed doing it. Blackburn’s big number 9, who had a decent game, was an embarrassment and he wasn’t alone. Going down looking like you have had a serious injury when there is chuff all wrong with you should result in some sort of retribution after the game, where someone will give you the type of injury you were pretending to have so you can tell the difference next time. I think Blackburn will struggle to put a team out this week with the 4 or 5 career ending injuries they picked up in the last few minutes. Best team still won though, making it even more unnecessary. 
  4. Like
    Ram-Alf got a reaction from The Key Club King in Time wasting   
    For those who can remember, Derby Vs Burnley, Eddie Howe was the manager, This is probly the 1st time I really noticed timewasting gamesmanship as a tactic to slow the game down, I think we lost 0-1, The tactic was to break play up, For us to lose control of the game and to see the players lose a little heart.
    It's another tactic that has infiltrated physical sports, Predominantly in football, Player loses the ball, Ball moves forward, He goes down holding his head, A couple of passes later the opposition kick the ball out of play, 2 Physios come on one holding the players head the other giving instructions on how to combat the opposition.
    It's a no win situation, The Ref is stuck between a rock and a hard place, There's so much within the game with dare I say "compensation culture" that just in case this is a genuine case the game has to stop, Eriksen of Denmark being a genuine case.
    Rugby Union and Rugby league the Ref will signal "stop the clock" for an injured player, While their treatment continues, We have all the techknowledgy in todays world to do as other sports do...it's time we did it.
    Anyone watch the England Vs New Zealand Womens Rugby Union game at the weekend, Blood and snot all over the place, Even going face to face as no backing down...these Women put the mens football game to shame, And if Hannah Botterman told me Saturday was Tuesday...I'd agree with her
  5. Clap
    Ram-Alf reacted to Malty in Derby finally accept 21 point deduction.   
    In fairness I didn’t get it until The second time around at which point I thought it was brilliant.
    I mean understanding 80s song lyrics puns … it wasn’t really my era. If I do understand them first time round well .. I should be so lucky.
  6. Clap
    Ram-Alf reacted to Stive Pesley in Time wasting   
    Blackburn were obviously well-schooled in the art of poor gamesmanship. They also had their 3 subs stood literally on the touchline (with them deliberately wandering into the field of play at times) - a psychological ploy to flood peripheral vision of the attacking team with extra defenders to affect split-second decision making and preventing them from attacking the flank.
    no need for it - and the ref/linesman did nothing. 
  7. Clap
    Ram-Alf reacted to The Key Club King in Time wasting   
    I can see why grassroots football is struggling to recruit refs. Players feigning injury is almost impossible to prove with 100% certainty and clubs know this and instruct their players to go down to break the rythmn of the game when holding out for a win. Derby County do the same and we tolerate it when we are winning. This is not the referee's fault, it is the players who are cheating and given what happened to Christian Eriksson in the summer anybody feigning injury should be utterly ashamed of themselves. Boy who cried wolf and all that.
  8. Clap
    Ram-Alf reacted to ilkleyram in Time wasting   
    Weak, scared referees accurately describe most of the officials we see - the referee on Saturday escorted a Blackburn player being substituted when he should have been pointing him towards the nearest touchline 10 yards away to speed things up; they’ve completely given up on foul throws or taking the throw from where the ball goes out; I’ve seen one indirect free kick for obstruction in 10 seasons; and the worst thing they ignore is the sly kicking the ball away or interference to stop the opposition taking a quick free kick or to slow the game down
    Referees today are fitter, better looked after, better trained and equipped, have less to do and are twice as incompetent as the well meaning amateur of yesteryear (apart from the crook in Madrid) - nothing to do with them making individual errors because they're human and largely honest but everything to do with their inability to do their job properly ie run the match according to all the laws of the game not just some of them.
  9. Clap
    Ram-Alf reacted to Phoenix in Time wasting   
    Many years ago one of the National papers, possibly the Express, did an analysis of how much time the ball was actually in play, so pratting about, deciding which opposition player to throw the ball to,etc, was excluded. They'd just pick one game a week and do the timings. I think it averaged about 60 minutes.
    And that was before the modern trend of feigning injuries etc.
  10. Haha
    Ram-Alf got a reaction from Grimbeard in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
    I'm glad you're not taking over with that posh accent.
  11. Cheers
    Ram-Alf reacted to Tyler Durden in Derby finally accept 21 point deduction.   
  12. Cheers
    Ram-Alf got a reaction from Tyler Durden in Derby finally accept 21 point deduction.   
    The DET reported the EFLs dissapointment...below
  13. Clap
    Ram-Alf reacted to Yani P in RamsTrust   
    Dark days those were..
  14. Clap
    Ram-Alf reacted to GB SPORTS in Derby finally accept 21 point deduction.   
    Think it might be this:

  15. Clap
    Ram-Alf reacted to Sparkle in Derby finally accept 21 point deduction.   
    A rich individual who used to be involved in a football club could probably find a few good reasons to take the EFL to a real court with a real judge if you know what I mean 
  16. Clap
    Ram-Alf got a reaction from jono in Derby finally accept 21 point deduction.   
    Thou shall not upset the apple cart
    ie, We(EFL)negotiated the TV rights with Sky and got what we THOUGHT was a good deal for all.
    A few clubs including us(DCFC)knew we had a good product but the EFL under sold that product according to those who wanted a better deal for all.
    The EFL have never forgotten or will they forgive, The EFL don't like to be told they're wrong, And some other Chairman are piling in for their own vanity.
  17. Like
    Ram-Alf got a reaction from ossieram in RamsTrust   
    Some would say it was the RPG who exposed the "3 amigos" and RT clung onto thier coat tails looking to claim the spoils.
  18. Like
    Ram-Alf got a reaction from Crewton in RamsTrust   
    JW will get all the credit he deserves, There's no axe to grind with this fella.
  19. Haha
    Ram-Alf got a reaction from Comrade 86 in Derby finally accept 21 point deduction.   
    Just seen why the kid turned and bailed.

  20. Clap
    Ram-Alf got a reaction from RoyMac5 in Derby finally accept 21 point deduction.   
    Thou shall not upset the apple cart
    ie, We(EFL)negotiated the TV rights with Sky and got what we THOUGHT was a good deal for all.
    A few clubs including us(DCFC)knew we had a good product but the EFL under sold that product according to those who wanted a better deal for all.
    The EFL have never forgotten or will they forgive, The EFL don't like to be told they're wrong, And some other Chairman are piling in for their own vanity.
  21. Like
    Ram-Alf got a reaction from Mick Harford in RamsTrust   
    I had the good fortune to see Jeremy Keith on the subway in London not long after his release, I was on the same carriage, I shouted to him you "theiving Bas***d" I'm DCFC, The Ex Wife told me to be quiet, A good job for him that she was there.
  22. Clap
    Ram-Alf reacted to Yani P in RamsTrust   
    They did a  superb job organising the protests..
  23. Clap
    Ram-Alf got a reaction from Yani P in RamsTrust   
  24. Cheers
    Ram-Alf got a reaction from angieram in RamsTrust   
    Rams Protest Group...Red Card out board, Harangued the 3 amigos ect ect.
  25. Clap
    Ram-Alf reacted to Mick Harford in RamsTrust   
    I know how that started, with Lionel employing an ex-DCI from Derbyshire Police who had previously worked for the FA on the Chesterfield fraud, his company did all the pre-investigation and compiling evidence that enabled the Police to actually take it as a job.
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