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Posts posted by rammieib

  1. 2 minutes ago, Rammy03 said:

    So basically we're screwed for this transfer window

    No - I think we are good to release the accounts - what they show is a different thing.

    This magical £30 Million that Pearce has found also won't help us much. It is in the year ending 2018 but the two previous 3-year cycles before that are still a concern to me.

    The three year cycles of 16/17/18, 17/18/19 and 18/19/20 will be perfectly clear. The only thinkg I'm not sure on is whether they extended P&S into a 4th year due to Covid. So actually it may well be 18/19/20/21 may be a P&S period of which the year ending 18 could show us having made a LOT of money.

    However, and this is a big thing - just because the P&S shows a lot of money, doesn't mean we actually have the cash to go and start spending money on transfers. It's all paper money, it isn't cash in the bank and when you buy players, you need cash in the bank. Its fairly well documented that has been a big issue for us.

    Cash is king.

  2. 1 hour ago, Alpha said:

    Yeah, I can't ever remember being less optimistic about a season. 

    Even under Clough after a couple of years I thought eventually he might let the players off the leash. 

    Even first season back down I thought we might bounce back with a point to prove since we accepted relegation so early. Jewell even said something about being ready for the Championship and players playing for their places. 


    Two genuine aims without a takeover:

    1) Stay up

    2) Stay up by more than 12 points.



  3. 21 minutes ago, ramsbottom said:

    i feel very conflicted when it comes to JHB.  Like Katy "Horse Faced ****" Hopkins, 90% of the reactionary crap she spouts is done for shock value and clicks/listens as she tries to stay relevant and employed.  But unlike Hopkins, she's got a definite MILF thing going on.  Definitely confuses both my heads...

    JHB should have more people on who don't agree with her viewpoint but I think she got to the point of bullying them so much none of them dared come onto her show.

  4. 4 minutes ago, i-Ram said:

    CBT I think would help too. Planning a morning run route where you know there are facilities every 15 minutes might be a good idea too ?. Or alternatively go early enough, or remote enough, where it might not matter where/when you go ? I am sorry to read that you are experiencing such inhibiting anxiety. I hope things get better for you soon, but please, don’t have any hang up taking prescribed drugs. I am sure, based on my personal experiences, that they can help you get back on an even keel.

    Thanks I-ram. I tried that plan but turned around before I left the village lol. Just do exercise in the evenings now. Mornings seem to be the real problem.

  5. I think if the covid cases go down in the medium term, which i expect they will because that's what a virus does, then over time the maskers will slowly demask. They will start going out, forgetting their mask and just going sod it.

    Only got to look at the test events to realize that people are not concerned now. Fair enough a few still will and I won't think one bit differently about them and respect their wishes completely but I full expect on July 19th to see 60-70 % without a mask and this to continue up towards 98% after a couple of months.


  6. 6 hours ago, i-Ram said:

    You really shouldn’t be so hesitant to take the drug. What is holding you back? It might take a little while to feel the benefits and a tweak or two of the dosage or type might perhaps be necessary, but taken in a controlled way with the the other things you are doing will be of great benefit to you.  If you had heart or kidney problems, etc., I am sure you would taking the pills your doctor recommended.  The brain is just an organ too - it sometimes just s needs a bit of help too to make sure it is functioning to the best of its abilities.

    I made the stupid mistake of reading the side effects instead of just taking the drug and that subsequently put me off it. I know I should take it, if only to see if it helps or not. 

    I think one of the biggest things the last six months have done is really shown how easily people can become affected by literally anything. I can really appreciate it a lot more now what people can go through and the symptoms from mental health/anxiety.

    A good example for me, I can't go on a run in the morning at the moment. When I leave the house, my anxiety kicks in, I think its because I'm about to run for an hour and there may be no facility to use on the run, and my bodys automatic trigger (symptom) is the need to go to the loo, even if I went before the run! Its so annoying.

    A friend has suggested trying a CBT therapist as well which may well help.

  7. 18 hours ago, Ramslad1992 said:

    The wife is currently on fluoxetine due to being incredibly anxious whilst pregnant with our son due to our daughter being so poorly (see new parents thread).

    It has helped her massively, the only side effect being drowsiness so she takes it just before bed. 

    she also has weekly face to face sessions where somebody comes to our house to talk her through her anxiety and that helps her massively too. 

    luckily our son was born 3 weeks ago and he is absolutely fine so that’s helping her a bit too. 

    I hope it’s working for you and if not don’t be scared to tell them it’s not, there’s no right answer and it’s trial and error until you find the ideal solution... all the best ??

    Thanks buddy - I haven't taken it yet, trying to work through the anxiety in other ways including counselling. I don't really think that's been for me though - I'm not scared to talk about the issue or opening up. I've probably mentally felt better (not sure if it was the councilling or just a bit of everything) but my symptoms are still there.

    Taking each day as it comes - My issues are mild compared to others, but its bloody frustrating. Every time I feel anxious I need to go to the toilet!

    The drug remains an option for me if other things don't work though. I actually don't mind the feeling anxious, its the symptom of needing the loo which bothers me!

  8. 14 hours ago, jimbo jones said:

    Batting line up just looks a bit weak, Hudson-Prentice batting at 6 shows that. We struggle with the bat outside the power play overs, just ticking over at a run a ball with the odd boundary would probably do, but we get bogged down going 3/4/5 an over. Disappointing really, we could easily have had 5 more points and be in the mix, instead the competition is over for us.

    But it’s the intent in the middle overs. I don’t even see a plan of any type.

  9. 1 hour ago, jimbo jones said:

    3 wickets for Dernbach on debut, Worcestershire get 167.

    in other news Du Plooy is going off to play for Welsh Fire in that 100 rubbish. Didn’t know they could still steal your players at this point ?

    What another shocking display. Reece does brilliantly but our batting afterwards is nothing short of woeful.

    Honestly - Do they think you win 20/20 games scoring 4/5/6 an over? What instruction are they given?

    I am glad I haven’t wasted money going to any games this season.

  10. 57 minutes ago, Van der MoodHoover said:

    They (the fa) set out the rules for homegrown players in squads. 

    Work permits are granted by HM gov and they don't delegate that. 

    As a critical step of any application, the UK gov will not grant a work permit unless it is sponsored by the governing body, in this case the FA, which is what I think you meant. 

    In the EU, the ruling was that no work permits were required. But the fa can still make rules about how many "homegrown" players can be in your squad. Just as uefa do. But that is not the same legally, the fa denying a "work permit". 

    Yes - This is what I meant. The FA set out the rules for which they would provide a GBE to the Government. The EFL accepted these rules which I'm really surprised at as they really did for me limit the talent pool which EFL clubs would be fishing in.

    There are a few strange ones, I'd be intrigued to look at the Dutch player recently signed by Swansea for instance and see how he passed the GBE endorsement.

  11. 1 hour ago, Ambitious said:

    I would say if we were within P&S with the new amortisation policy (which I suspect we will be) then the EFL are more likely to fight the first charge much more vigorously and ultimately that could see the independent panel bending to their will. Ultimately, until that first charge is completely written off, I would imagine that we will be under a transfer embargo anyway. I think we will do everything to try and minimise any opportunity the EFL have to really kill us. 

    I'm probably wrong, but I'd guess that the EFL will appeal the first charge anyway - we will get a bigger fine, but no retrospective points deduction. The new accounts will have us within P&S and we will go into the new season without any point deduction, however we will significantly under-prepared. It will take some effort to remain a Championship club. 

    I look at this completely the opposite way. If we are not within it, there will be more vigour to punish us now instead of this coming season (which is when the points penalty for the P&S would apply). If we are perfectly in line with P&S then it makes the EFL a little pathetic for continuing to go after us. 

    Mel and Pearce will 100% have the drafted numbers done and would have done them months, if not years ago. they will know if right now we are or are not compliant. So my point is, if we are compliant, then every day which passes, we are restricting the ability for Rooney to go and do his job in recruiting players, even if many of his targets are free transfers.

    If we are not compliant, then we wait until the last possible moment. Rooney brings in 3 or 4 new players, who will no doubt be of lower quality and we cannot pay more than £11k as week. (Hard life on £11k a week isn't it).

    I imagine we don't need to retrospectively change the accounts into companies house but for the years we have not yet submitted, I assume we are going back to the old amortization process. Someone in the finance world would need to tell me how you change an amortization process mid-flow though?

  12. 44 minutes ago, jimbo jones said:

    Surrey have sent us Jade Dernbach on loan. He’s played some of Surreys games in the T20 this year, but not the recent ones.

    Obviously played for England a few years back, 35 now.

    Feeder club - I love it.

  13. 1 hour ago, Ambitious said:

    I guess we will get the report within the next week which takes us to 9th July. The EFL (and ourselves) then have 14 days to appeal the decision which takes us to 23rd July. We don't have to publish our new accounts until the 18th August. 

    I would say should we be within P&S that we would put in our accounts almost immediately after the EFL take a decision on whether to appeal the £100k fine. I think that would get the transfer embargo off our back.

    Nevertheless, I would also advise if we are going to fall foul that we will wait until the very last day to put in our accounts, at least until after the first game or two have been played. It would mean that we keep our Championship position, but will have had to battle with a transfer embargo on top of having next to no players whatsoever. It would just mean that Mel won't lose £10m in income for this next season. It would definitely mean almost certain relegation, but Mel will be hoping to be long gone by then. 

    Modern day football, eh? Don't you just love it! 

    But why not put them in now? If we are in within P&S, put them in, show we comply and get the transfer embargo lifted.

  14. 1 hour ago, RoyMac5 said:

    Yeah. But they were in the area when it happened weren't they - which is how come they 'had words'? As I said, I thought it sounded appalling when it was reported, but when you saw the video it was just a 'pair of idiots' being twits. I think a couple of coppers 'having words' should have scared them enough, but nowadays things are different. But still what good does it do the bloke losing his job? Anyway it sounds like I'm 'on their side', I'm not.

    Well it might make the lad grow up.

    As for the Estate Agency who sacked him...fair play, I wouldn't want a idiot like that working for me.

  15. 57 minutes ago, Van der MoodHoover said:

    Brexit would only impact transfers from the EU surely? 

    Africa and South America to go, with maybe a smattering of Asia? 

    Nope, any player from outside the UK, plus any foreigner from within the UK but if you buy a foreigner from a Champ club, almost certain they get a permit.

  16. So Derby are in embargo until the accounts are submitted.... so submit the accounts Derby. 

    They will have done all this work a long time ago so actually, what is stopping us from submitting the accounts and removing the transfer embargo???

    So I have a sneaky suspicion that we will actually fail P&S and they will wait as long as possible. If they release the updated accounts now, we fail P&S, its going to create a real poo show with regards to the amortisation and potential EFL appeal. The two should be separate, but the pressure will build and one could indirectly affect the other.

    I think financially, we're in a worse position than many suspect. I hope I am wrong.


  17. Going to be a fun few days when we release our accounts.

    Either we A) Release them and DCFC already show we've broken P&S


    B) We release them, we show we are perfectly in for P&S and then Kieran Maguire gets a hard on spending three days fine tooth combing through every line to find an error.

  18. On 29/06/2021 at 09:54, jimtastic56 said:

    I was talking to Cocu in B n Q last night. He was in his joggers , he said  He would have got us in the play-offs if Mel had not have brought Wazza in to undermine him and he is not leaving Derby till he gets his £8 mill payoff. Then I woke up.

    You woke up in B & Q? Impressive.

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