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Posts posted by rammieib

  1. 1 hour ago, BucksRam said:

    True - but then that's been the issue with everything to do with COVID - what data makes up the decisions, where that data came from, its timeliness and how is it interpreted and by whom.  One man's truth is another man's perception.  That's the crux of people's arguments with this rather than the ratings themselves in my view. There is an argument to say do we, as public need to understand all the algorithms or should we "just" accept what we're told and do our best to comply. 

    What I've taken though is that there is a traffic light rating for countries, readily available: 

    https://www.gov.uk/guidance/red-amber-and-green-list-rules-for-entering-england  or : https://www.gov.uk/foreign-travel-advice

    Of course the frustration here is that ratings are fluid and I guess if we don't fully understand the rationale behind it all, then it's natural to challenge and argue why we should listen.  

    I think if they had produced a clear guideline such as 100 cases per 100k people then it’s green and so on but there is no real reason why a number of countries are not green, and that’s the confusing thing for me?

  2. 5 hours ago, BucksRam said:

    I think if anyone wants to go away, go - so long as you accept any risk, and stick to the rules applying to wherever you're going, and also when you return.  What annoys me is people going away to countries that are borderline, then moan like hell when the rules change whilst they're away - travel abroad is very much risk based at the moment so you have to accept whatever happens as part of your decision to go.  Not moan if our, or a foreign Government decides you need a test or now need to quarantine. 

    On a personal level, we've chosen not to go abroad - our choice, but I don't judge others for doing so.  The only thing I do judge is if they then blatantly ignore guidelines, and put others at risk, but that's more general anyway and not confined to travel abroad.  I've just spent a couple of days working in London - first time in 15 months.  Was weird, but great to see some of my colleagues face to face however, in consideration of my family, and others, I've done a flow test just to make sure I'm still negative, in acknowledgement I had increased my risk of exposure by a commute into London. 

    Except they haven't published a clear guideline on what makes a country green, amber or red. They've told us the factors but never broken it down into detail.

    That kind of major point aside, I agree with your post.

  3. Come and join us and fade away into obscurity like every other foreigner we've signed at 16/17/18 years old.

    But he's foreign, we've never heard of him, so it sounds super cool.

    Oh and probably won't even get a permit anyway but lets not worry about that.

  4. 1 hour ago, B4ev6is said:

    I just wish I could face efl and who ever else on that panel see them dare dock us points I am telling you I would give them peace of my mind and tell them how much I hate them and rest city Derby do as well.

    You do know the panel and the EFL are separate bodies. What would you tell the panel B4?

  5. If we have to re-submit three years of accounts for P&S, ultimately, doesn't that mean we have to submit the following:

    15/16 - P&S for the three years until this date so 13/14, 14/15 and 15/16.

    16/17 - P&S for the three years until this date so 14/15, 15/16 and 16/17.

    17/18 - P&S for the three years until this date so 15/16, 16/17 and 17/18.

    Surely we will also need to submit 18/19 and very soon 19/20 as well?

    So question for the boffins:


    1) If we have to re-submit the three account years for P&S, do we also need to submit new accounts into Companies House for these years or can we have two different sets of accounts? One for the legal entity and one for the P&S rules?

    2) If we can now submit 18/19 onwards, I assume from this point we have used the amortisation policy that the EFL want us to use and we have then changed our legal identity accounts back to this policy. I'd be interested to know how you suddenly use a different principle and make all the accounts match up - but again. I'll leave that for smarter people than me!


  6. 2 hours ago, Simmo’s left foot said:

    This whole FFP thing could be made very simple:

    1. Scrap parachute payments.

    2. If relegated, all players in relegated team switch to championship contract and pay, this written into all premier league contracts.

    3. Limit wages to no more than 75% of forecast trading turnover (Transfer receipts not included) Agreed in advance for each season.

    4. Apply wage cap to any individual player wages.

    If only it was that simple....

    Most clubs already have number 2 applied anyway. 

    Number three would become so complicated - what if you unexpectedly sell a player? Does this count the following season or this season? Do you need to consider cash flow as well as P&L? 

    A wage cap would be challenged legally and would lose in court unless all teams in the league signed up to it.... and then clubs would automatically start finding ways around it. This happens everywhere.

    I've got an even more simple solution - just forget P&S completely. 

  7. 2 minutes ago, David said:

    For an organisation to approve and sign off on accounts for 3 seasons, to then turn round and say hold up, you know how we approved those accounts? Yeah, we don’t anymore and decided we want to retrospectively punish you by relegating you. 

    Whatever your thoughts on Mel, the signings, appointments the colour of his shoes, this is just insanity, it honestly is and it’s vindictive insanity even taking club bias out.

    This case should worry every single owner, manager and fan of clubs under the shambolic EFL pyramid.

    Including that Championship club where the owner owns another club over in Greece, transferring players between each other to circumvent FFP restrictions without even trying to hide it and the EFL are blind to it.

    Our real crime here let’s be honest is being better than Middlesbrough one season, that’s the big issue here. 

    We’ve upset this little bloke up North sat in his half empty stadium so much he’s had his lawyers out to shake the EFL suits up.

    Then you have that Karen Maguire over on Twitter sticking his great big spoon into the mix as it gives him a hard on and appearances on rogue radio stations and podcasts.

    Absolute joke.

    Nobody from the EFL will read this, but if somehow you do, fine yourself, fine yourself for being an inept organisation and if you’re serious about looking out for the best interests of the member clubs, sell up, hand the leagues over as you have shown time after time you are incapable of running them, you’re an embarrassment.


    Don't often 100% agree with David, but this is spot on.

    Imagine you as a consumer, having a mortgage on a house, you pay the bank what was agreed for the last three years, then another bank comes along and says it isn't fair and then you as an end consumer get a £10k fine. That wouldn't be fair would it?

  8. 35 minutes ago, Gritstone Ram said:

    What a mess to get in. The club has only its self to blame.

    I really am fed up with all this. 

    Sorry - for what? Using an amortisation process the EFL and the auditors agreed to? That's harsh.

  9. 1 hour ago, jimbo jones said:

    Correct decision. Really hope Critchley does well, and he’s being groomed to take over in all formats. Leading to us hopefully keeping him a bit longer ?


    Just a pity its three games too late to rescue anything.

  10. Godleman has been the catalyst tonight for a collapse.

    We didn’t score in 9 consecutive balls. Started with a pathetic run out caused by Godleman on Reece. 

    It’s simply embarrassing - Cork and Hughton actually need firing for constantly selecting him.

  11. 1 hour ago, B4ev6is said:

    Not neccisley mate if the owner or owners got meger money behind them it could compete with these clubs but at the moment mend and make do.

    Most mega rich people don't get rich by throwing money away.

    Come and buy Derby County - of you do this is what you face:

    - £10-£15 Million annual loss at the moment
    - Massive Cash Flow Issues
    - Legal bill to pay out to a former employee of £2.3 Million
    - EFL Legal proceeding has been lost - awaiting punishment, worst case but unlikely relegation, realistically - a fine, A harsh punishment - points deduction for this coming season
    - A possible future punishment if newly presented accounts show us not to be in line with P&S
    - A business that is two years late publishing accounts
    - A playing squad in need of serious investment, investment that you cannot make because of P&S
    - A Playing squad that's actually just short of man power generally
    - an impending season where 15,000 ST's have already been sold for last season - the cash flow taken last year but the sales probably pushed into this season
    - Reduced Crowd Numbers before a Pandemic hit
    - A Global Pandemic with uncertainty on crowd attendances
    - A stadium that due to the Pandemic is probably 80% down on commercial revenue
    - You have a CEO in place but no COO (As Morris would leave) or CFO

    But on the plus side, if you can fix all of the above, without throwing money at it, you could in a few years reach the promised land where one season can 'fix' you financially. Own a stadium asset which in the longer run, with the correct decisions could become a massively important asset to the city of Derby.

    Anyway, I don't think I'm going to get a sales job selling the club with the above.


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